APP - Hypothetical Scenario for Thinkers

I think it would produce something that looks like this:


No, I can do a helluva lot more than ignore the forum if I don't like it. What ib1 did was OFFENSIVE to me, and the rules are clear about that not being allowed and being a bannable offense, you just don't want to enforce the rules on your friends.

Actually it says that the mods may edit the post in question,[ bad word O_O ]
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dixie, again, I know things are hard for you to grasp, petty name calling was clearly inferred to be different from harrassment, that's why an entire paragraph was dedicated to it, the paragraph in question, i might add, starts off with "petty insults are allowed"

For those that are bothered, I mentioned they would be pruned, edited, or deleted. This is abundantly clear to everyone but you, because well... we know why.
dixie, again, I know things are hard for you to grasp, petty name calling was clearly inferred to be different from harrassment, that's why an entire paragraph was dedicated to it, the paragraph in question, i might add, starts off with "petty insults are allowed"

For those that are bothered, I mentioned they would be pruned, edited, or deleted. This is abundantly clear to everyone but you, because well... we know why.

And seeking out posters just to take a piss on their threads and posts is what? Something that should not be in this particular forum perhaps?

This forum is worth less than the rest of the forum if there are no more objective rules then what appears to be left up to your less than neutral judgement.
it's clear to all those with an iq over 70.

It clearly lists what a bannable offense is.

everything else gets edited, deleted or pruned.
You didn't edit it when I called Dixie a cockmongler, Grind, only when I called him a retard and a dumbass. Also, you didn't edit the "retard" response to the moron that was posted in IB1's quote.
it's clear to all those with an iq over 70.

It clearly lists what a bannable offense is.

everything else gets edited, deleted or pruned.

Ah... so now the "rules enforcer" is going to violate the rules too?

Petty name calling is still technically allowed, as long as it is not to excess, and is made in jest and it's known to not truly bother the other individual. long as it is not to excess, and is made in jest and it's known to not truly bother the other individual.

...and it's known to not truly bother the other individual.

...not truly bother the other individual.

Ah... so now the "rules enforcer" is going to violate the rules too?

Petty name calling is still technically allowed, as long as it is not to excess, and is made in jest and it's known to not truly bother the other individual. long as it is not to excess, and is made in jest and it's known to not truly bother the other individual.

...and it's known to not truly bother the other individual.

...not truly bother the other individual.


we can safely conclude three things from this thread:

1) Dixie has the
widest pussy in the universe
2) Dixie who has always claimed that insults don't bother him and never thought to mention that such things wounded him so deeply until now and
3) Dixie really needs attention and is being the worlds largest dick while simultaneously having the worlds widest vagina to receive it.
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There are some theoretical systems that allow travel faster than the speed of light, but most physicists doubt that it works, because FTL travel basically = time travel, which would seriously muck the universe up. If it is possible, then wormholes would definitely be one of the greatest engineering feats of all time, and I think it'd take a little bit more than 500 years.

People want FTL travel because it would be so awesome, but it's simply a lot muckier than most people think.

I think Dixie has a good point about the possibility of huge advancements in 500 years.

Read Future Shock by Alvin Toffler (I think that was his name, its been a while).

One of the things that stuck in my mind was his time line idea. That is, if you made a timeline of the technological advances made by humanity, and used the advances as the marker instead of time, the mid-point in thetimeline would be around 1900. (And the book was written in the 1960s)

My grandmother was born in 1906. The world she was born in more closely resembled ancient Rome than it did our modern world.

Virtually everything you use or have contact with was invented or designed in the last 100 years.

500 years is impossible to predict accurately.
Dixie, I'm just curious: why did you stop calling yourself a Christian, after years of lecturing other posters on scripture & the Christian God?

And why is it still so important to you that people accept the presence of a Christian God, and his/her/its influence on evolution?
we can safely conclude three things from this thread:

1) Dixie has the
widest pussy in the universe
2) Dixie who has always claimed that insults don't bother him and never thought to mention that such things wounded him so deeply until now and
3) Dixie really needs attention and is being the worlds largest dick while simultaneously having the worlds widest vagina to receive it.

I would say you calling him a retard every other thread you post was in excess. At that point, it shouldn't matter if he's offended or not, because it's useless and doesn't help towards the theme of this forum.
dixie, it's up to you and the rest to have above the fray discussions. The rules clearly outlined what a bannable offense is. what ib1 and watermark did was not it. I'm not going to hold everyone's hand and make sure they play nice in the sandbox. That's up to you guys. If you don't like it, you can ignore the forum and everything is the same as it was yesterday.

Also ladyt was never a moderator, you are just too easily fooled by status titles. have a good night dixie


Grind, I'm going to have to take issue with this, because we already know you can't ask everyone here to have 'above the fray' discussions without some serious monitoring. There are too many attention seekers. Your rules need to evolve to make this work, otherwise you've already failed at your attempt.
It is 500 years in the future. Man has perfected a way to travel to distant galaxies, and has discovered a planet much like Earth. In fact, it is ecologically just like Earth, with slightly less water and oxygen. However, after our initial explorations, it appears there is very little life on the planet. No advanced life whatsoever, only some simple vegetation in certain areas. We've explored the oceans and find nothing living there either. No signs of any kind of civilization, no intelligent life has been found, in spite of our advanced equipment which is designed to detect any kind of life as we know it. Aside from the rare and sparse vegetation, there is no sign of any life on the planet.

What we have discovered, is puzzling. The planet is full of mechanical devices of all kinds. Machines are running everywhere, producing things, computing things, making other machines. Some machines, we simply don't know what they are for, or what they are doing. There are buildings, but they are very simple structures, seemingly designed to just keep out the elements and protect the running machines. No bathrooms or running water, except where water is needed for the machines to produce. We've scratched our heads over this for a decade, and science is still baffled. Where are the people? Who made the machines? How did they get there? The questions are endless, as we grapple with the details of this new world.

The question posed by this hypothetical scenario... what is your conclusion? Did machines "evolve" into existence? Did some source of intelligence we can't detect or which no longer exist, make the machines? Is this some project erected by another civilization on another planet?

Man, this is an inauspicious start to this forum.

Dixie, if you post a thinly-veiled and disingenuous post, designed in your mind to “cleverly” trap Libtards into proving your point about creation science, you should expect to be mocked.

Now, on your post: Your brain tease really isn’t that impressive.

The most plausible explanation for a planet with a bunch of machines, is that someone (read: biological life) built them and left them there.

Any other explanation stretches the boundaries of credulity, and would be in fact, retarded.
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this forum isn't going to be about nitpicking. It was never intended to be so, or we would not have allowed petty name calling. It's not meant to be uppity or stuffy. It's a place where some more egregious things are not allowed.

additionally my comment was general and not directed to anyone in particular.

However, if you do not enjoy this forum icedancer, you don't have to post here, and everything is the same as it was before.