APP - Hypothetical Scenario for Thinkers

Yes, biological systems do not HAVE to be designed. We've gone over evolution a million times. You lose that debate.

That's NOT what you asked me the first time. I assume since you're changing your question you're admitting you were dishonest.

Can you prove evolution is not a product of design?

...thanks for the new signature quote, btw! :cof1:
Can you prove evolution is not a product of design?

...thanks for the new signature quote, btw! :cof1:

I don't need to to prove it wasn't the product of design. That's the fallacy of special allowances. It may have been designed, but it's not necessary. Evolution works as a theory perfectly fine without divine intervention. You've seen the evidence.
Fortunately, the people in charge know you're not really offended.

Yes, I am really offended. I posted on this forum to avoid such insults, and I expect the administrators to do their job and ban you for a month for violating the rules. They are clearly posted, and clearly understood, and I asked politely for you to refrain, which only caused you to insult me further. Either this board is here for the reason stated, or it's just a big joke, we are about to see which one is the case.
I don't need to to prove it wasn't the product of design. That's the fallacy of special allowances. It may have been designed, but it's not necessary. Evolution works as a theory perfectly fine without divine intervention. You've seen the evidence.

So you can't support your statement. Thanks!
Yes, I am really offended. I posted on this forum to avoid such insults, and I expect the administrators to do their job and ban you for a month for violating the rules. They are clearly posted, and clearly understood, and I asked politely for you to refrain, which only caused you to insult me further. Either this board is here for the reason stated, or it's just a big joke, we are about to see which one is the case.

Boo frikkin hooo.
petty insults are not a bannable offense. Bannable offenses are personal information, racial etc slurs, and extreme harassment. being called a retard is not extreme harassment.

Dixie, it would be nice if you would just man up. I think you have thicker skin than this and that you are trying to exploit something that is in place to protect those (and there are some members on this forum) that for whatever reason get offended over petty things. It's actually a compliment I am giving you. So take that for what it's worth.

Nevertheless, I can only take you at your word right now that you are indeed bothered by what others are saying to you. For that, ib1 if you could go a little easier on dixie, that would be swell.

And as a general notice to everyone else, this board is a two way street. It would be nice if, even if someone is bothering you, for you guys to try and not play gotcha games, if it can be avoided. (dixie not saying this applies to you).
petty insults are not a bannable offense. Bannable offenses are personal information, racial etc slurs, and extreme harassment. being called a retard is not extreme harassment.

Dixie, it would be nice if you would just man up. I think you have thicker skin than this and that you are trying to exploit something that is in place to protect those (and there are some members on this forum) that for whatever reason get offended over petty things. It's actually a compliment I am giving you. So take that for what it's worth.

Nevertheless, I can only take you at your word right now that you are indeed bothered by what others are saying to you. For that, ib1 if you could go a little easier on dixie, that would be swell.

And as a general notice to everyone else, this board is a two way street. It would be nice if, even if someone is bothering you, for you guys to try and not play gotcha games, if it can be avoided. (dixie not saying this applies to you).

Either enforce your damn rules or take down this stupid farce of a board. This is ridiculous. The purpose, spirit, and intent, as I derived from Damo's introduction, was this board would be free of this kind of crap. If this board isn't any different than the other board, why did you bother? I asked politely not to be called names here, and that should be all that is required of me. I can't believe you are going to allow this to slide, after going to all the trouble to repeatedly post your stupid rules and guidelines and make such a big deal about this NEW AND IMPROVED forum! You and Damo are both a JOKE if that is that case.
Either enforce your damn rules or take down this stupid farce of a board. This is ridiculous. The purpose, spirit, and intent, as I derived from Damo's introduction, was this board would be free of this kind of crap. If this board isn't any different than the other board, why did you bother? I asked politely not to be called names here, and that should be all that is required of me. I can't believe you are going to allow this to slide, after going to all the trouble to repeatedly post your stupid rules and guidelines and make such a big deal about this NEW AND IMPROVED forum! You and Damo are both a JOKE if that is that case.
[badword O_O]
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Either enforce your damn rules or take down this stupid farce of a board. This is ridiculous. The purpose, spirit, and intent, as I derived from Damo's introduction, was this board would be free of this kind of crap. If this board isn't any different than the other board, why did you bother? I asked politely not to be called names here, and that should be all that is required of me. I can't believe you are going to allow this to slide, after going to all the trouble to repeatedly post your stupid rules and guidelines and make such a big deal about this NEW AND IMPROVED forum! You and Damo are both a JOKE if that is that case.

petty name calling is allowed. there were only 3 listed bannable offenses. Being called a retard is not one of them. It's actually very clear in the rules. This forum is meant to cut down on some of the more vile language, and also we hope to ENCOURAGE a better environment. That said, watermark and ib1, if you could refrain from insulting dixie it would be appreciated.
How did we get so off topic?

Anyway, does everyone agree that if silicon evolved, it would eventually produce the hottest women, EVER?!!?
petty name calling is allowed. there were only 3 listed bannable offenses. Being called a retard is not one of them. It's actually very clear in the rules. This forum is meant to cut down on some of the more vile language, and also we hope to ENCOURAGE a better environment. That said, watermark and ib1, if you could refrain from insulting dixie it would be appreciated.

Basically, what you are saying is, this forum is exactly like the other forum, except you can arbitrarily ban people for a month when you feel like it. I've read the "rules" for both forums, and personal information hasn't been allowed here since Day 1! That's nothing new! The only thing I see different is the "racial insults" thing, which could technically be a violation of the regular forum, if you wanted to make it that.

Beneath the APP forum title, it says "Above the fray discussions" So what exactly does that mean, Grind? I posted a civil topic, I have not called anyone names, I have not insulted anyone, and all I've gotten is one insult after another hurled at me, just like in the other forum. So what is the fucking BIG difference here?

It's like I said, this forum is a fucking JOKE... YOU are a fucking JOKE! Damo is a fucking JOKE! You have ZERO credibility, and this place is about to go down the tubes like SR's site did when he pulled this same kind of 'authoritarian' bullshit! First it was the stupid rep points and letting you get away with acting like a 7th grader with your authority, then it was making Lady T a moderator, and now it's this stupid shit. This place just gets more bizarre and ridiculous every day!
Basically, what you are saying is, this forum is exactly like the other forum, except you can arbitrarily ban people for a month when you feel like it. I've read the "rules" for both forums, and personal information hasn't been allowed here since Day 1! That's nothing new! The only thing I see different is the "racial insults" thing, which could technically be a violation of the regular forum, if you wanted to make it that.

Beneath the APP forum title, it says "Above the fray discussions" So what exactly does that mean, Grind? I posted a civil topic, I have not called anyone names, I have not insulted anyone, and all I've gotten is one insult after another hurled at me, just like in the other forum. So what is the fucking BIG difference here?

It's like I said, this forum is a fucking JOKE... YOU are a fucking JOKE! Damo is a fucking JOKE! You have ZERO credibility, and this place is about to go down the tubes like SR's site did when he pulled this same kind of 'authoritarian' bullshit! First it was the stupid rep points and letting you get away with acting like a 7th grader with your authority, then it was making Lady T a moderator, and now it's this stupid shit. This place just gets more bizarre and ridiculous every day!
[badword O_O]
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How did we get so off topic?

Anyway, does everyone agree that if silicon evolved, it would eventually produce the hottest women, EVER?!!?

I think it would produce something that looks like this:

dixie, it's up to you and the rest to have above the fray discussions. The rules clearly outlined what a bannable offense is. what ib1 and watermark did was not it. I'm not going to hold everyone's hand and make sure they play nice in the sandbox. That's up to you guys. If you don't like it, you can ignore the forum and everything is the same as it was yesterday.

Also ladyt was never a moderator, you are just too easily fooled by status titles. have a good night dixie

dixie, it's up to you and the rest to have above the fray discussions. The rules clearly outlined what a bannable offense is. what ib1 and watermark did was not it. I'm not going to hold everyone's hand and make sure they play nice in the sandbox. That's up to you guys. If you don't like it, you can ignore the forum and everything is the same as it was yesterday.

Also ladyt was never a moderator, you are just too easily fooled by status titles. have a good night dixie


No, I can do a helluva lot more than ignore the forum if I don't like it. What ib1 did was OFFENSIVE to me, and the rules are clear about that not being allowed and being a bannable offense, you just don't want to enforce the rules on your friends. I understand! That's why I am making such a big stink about it. You have about as much business being a moderator or admin as AssClown!

I'm not going to hold everyone's hand and make sure they play nice in the sandbox. That's up to you guys.

Then why are you here? Why do we have rules here? What you are basically telling everyone is, you will enforce the rules when you want to and you will interpret them how you wish, and just like the rep points, we are totally at your mercy. That must make you feel like a big man! YOU ARE A JOKE! THIS WHOLE PLACE IS A JOKE! You've just lost any credibility you may have had.