Are Biblical Laws About Homosexuality Eternal? Op-Ed by R.E.Friedman and S. Dolansky


THE HOLY SPIRIT Used a bit too much beak, though.
Not only do I not believe that, I find that notion morally reprehensible though I'm sure every psycho mass murderer on death row would like to believe that. Accepting Christ as ones savior does not absolve one from their actions. To believe that is moral sophistry and is repugnant.

It does not absolve you of the earthly crimes you have committed, but it does earn you forgiveness from God. Now, before any other jump in, "accepting Christ as savior" is not just mouthing words and taking communion. It is a pledge to serve Him, a sincere repentence for the sins you have committed, and a "rebirth" to a new life in Christ. It is a radical change for someone who has committed serious crimes.
Christianity is kind of dumb since it's moral philosophy isn't based on proportional reward/punishment and instead either rewards or punishes someone infinitely after crossing an arbitrary moral threshold. It needs something like universalism, a system in which hell is almost impossible to get into (since most just go to purgatory), or hell being very easy to avoid (salvation by faith) just to escape the moral quandaries they've created.

All men have sinned- nothing arbitrary about that. All men willingly reject God- again nothing arbitrary there. All men, therefore choose hell, which is the destination of all men apart from salvation. The will of man is free only in as much as it chooses to do that which its nature dictates-being God haters by nature, men hate God freely and love those things that stir their passions and desires-whether wicked or good. This is the underpinning in understanding grace and its undeserved possession by those to whom it is given. God created man to possess heaven- in Adam's failing to follow God's instruction he fell-and all his progeny after him fell as well. God could have ended Adam's physical life right then and there- He chose instead to offer salvation.

That you reject Christianity is your prerogative and I will submit a natural position- misrepresenting what you reject however, is worthy, of response.
I always love these arguments. They are so fruitful.


Seriously though, there is a difference between the purity laws (changed by the New Covenant) and something considered "abomination" in the Bible. However, as far as I understand it, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and all can be forgiven with belief. (I think it is Romans 1:27 in the New Testament that repeats the "abomination" thing).

Of course in my religious philosophy (I am a Buddhist) it takes a bit more work to gather that kind of "forgiveness", and it isn't quite the same thing and the "washing away" of sins just by stating something about believing in somebody. (It also wouldn't be a "sin" in Buddhism unless you did it to harm another, which I would doubt you do). As far as I understand it, all sins are forgiven when one is "born again"...

Now, one might respond that the law here is different because it concerns an offensive thing to God -- and is therefore not subject to the relativity of human values. But that is actually not the case here. The Bible specifically identifies such laws about things that are divine offenses with the phrase "an offensive thing to the LORD" (to'ebat yhwh). That phrase is not used here in the law about male homosexual acts. It is not one of the laws that are identified as a to'ebah to God!

If this is right, then it is an amazing irony. Calling male homosexual acts a to'ebah was precisely what made the biblical text seem so absolutely anti-homosexual and without the possibility of change. But it is precisely the fact of to'ebah that opens the possibility of the law's change. So, (1) whatever position one takes on this matter, left or right, conservative or liberal, one should acknowledge that the law really does forbid homosexual sex between males but not between females. And (2) one should recognize that the biblical prohibition is not one that is eternal and unchanging. The prohibition in the Bible applies only so long as male homosexual acts are perceived to be offensive. This could involve arguments and evidence from specialists in biology, psychology and culture. They are beyond our range of expertise as Bible scholars. Our task here has been to make the biblical evidence known.

The fact that it was considered an abomination then, has no bearing on present consideration. Contradictions abound.
Your beliefs are not entitled to the respect of others. If I think what you believe is stupid, I'm going to tell you. I'm sorry if that offends you.
No that was your bug against his windshield. Has the definition of "abomination" changed recently?

Evidently. Leviticus has been rendered "a moot point", and irrelevant. Eating shellfish and pork was considered an abomination. Both are consumed in mass quantities today.
One would have to subscribe to or buy into your argument. I don't. And you don't get it. Not my problem.
Poet, are you a christian? I'm not trying to start shit, just asking a simple question.
Poet, please continue adding people to your ignore list. Then you won't be able to respond to anyone and we won't have to read your drivel.
You may believe this is truth, but how many people truly accept Jesus? There is a lot of false pageantry, but those that truly walk the walk, well, I could count them on my right hand.

And those are as lost as any.
Poet, please continue adding people to your ignore list. Then you won't be able to respond to anyone and we won't have to read your drivel.

LOL. And your illusions of grandeur, by the mere suggestion of your ID, is directly corrolated to your penile envy. The loftier the delusion, the smaller the member.