Turgid Member
Verified User
There seems to be an oversampling of open racists here on this forum.
There seems to be an oversampling of open racists here on this forum.
You being one of the thread's biggest bigots.
You keep lying, bigot. I never trust lying bigots like you.Yet you are wearing a bandanna of the racist insurrection. you are wearing a confederate battle flag bandanna. yes, I don't like people who sport racist imagery.
maybe you and your friend "Text Drivers Kill" should have a come to Jesus moment over your celebration of racism.
You keep lying, bigot. GFY.
Let those that have eyes see. I am not sure why you are obsessing with me here over this, I stated my opinion on your racist bandanna. If you don't want to be viewed as a racist don't dress like one. es tu vida.
Dude, you're the bigot. You're the one who prejudged me based solely on a bandana. You're the bigoted asshole.
I'm more of a Skinnerian than a Freudian but you make a good point.![]()
I'm more of a Skinnerian than a Freudian but you make a good point.![]()
Amigo, you are wearing a confederate battle flag bandanna as a racist fashion accessory and you are calling me a "bigot"?
At least you finally got the bandanna part right, bigot.
It's always problematic on forums to know if a person is a liar or just fucked in the head. I'm still trying to figure out which one you are.
I always counter-attack against bigots and liars like yourself.I am not sure why you must be so pugnacious and aggressive...
I always counter-attack against bigots and liars like yourself.
All your posts have done is prove you judge people by their skin tone and their "colors". You are no different than any other racist asshole.
Clothing. The uniform of Hispanic gangs is standard and easily recognizable. Most gang members adopt a basic style that includes white T-shirts, thin belts, baggy pants with split cuffs, a black or blue knit cap (beanie) or a bandana tied around the forehead similar to a sweat band.
Black gang members are individualistic in their dress. Black gangs tend to identify themselves by adopting certain colors. The "Crips" identify themselves with the colors of blue or black or a combination of the two. "Blood" gangs generally use red accessories, such as caps or bandanas, to identify themselves.
While clothing alone cannot positively determine membership in a street gang, color and style serve to identify each gang. Green can either mean the gang member is declaring neutrality for the moment or is a drug dealer. Black is worn by some Hispanic gangs and Heavy Metal Anglo gangs. Other common gang colors include brown or purple.
Note: Some gangs are starting to change their clothing style by no longer wearing their colors in an effort to deceive law enforcement and conceal their gang affiliation.
Gang clothing styles can be easily detected because of the specific way gang members wear their clothing. Examples are preferences for wearing baggy or "sagging" pants or having baseball caps turned at an angle. Gang members often prefer particular brands of shoes, pants or shirts. For example, some gangs like to wear plaid shirts in either blue, brown, black or red. These shirts are worn loosely and untucked. Gang graffiti, symbols, messages or gang names can be written or embroidered on jackets, pants and baseball caps. Other identifying items include belt buckles with the gangs initials, key chains, starter jackets (team jackets), and red or blue bandannas commonly called "rags".
Excessive amounts of dark clothing or a predominance of one-color outfits, white T-shirts and levis with upturned cuffs are also indicators of possible gang involvement.
it's interesting to note that you know I am from costa rica and have been laying thick on the Hispanic angle. do you have something against brown people? seems you think we are all gang bangers and such.
I assure you you are mistaking, but seems to go with the image your bandanna represents.
Dude, all I know is that you are a lying bigot. There's no evidence where you are from. I suspect you're just another sock for the asshat legion.
this is a strange conversation that I don't really want to continue, Pura Vida!
That figures Christiefanny, Skinner's whole behavrioralist theory was basically a Loopy Dummyocrat theory that reduced people to Zombies with no minds/brains who just reacted like the "Living Dead" to stimuli from their environments. Skinner didn't take into acoounct the fact that animals and human beings have CONSCIOUS MINDS which contain perceptions, emotions, thoughts, moods reasoning power and a capacity for free will, and so on. Skinner's whole theory of behaviouralism officially DIED IN 1959 when Noam Chomsky killed it in a literature criticism he published.
If someone suddenly stuck a carrot up your ass, do you think that there would be some cognitions (thoughts), emotions, reasonings, etc going on in your head just after the event? Do you think they might affect your behaviour/s after whoever it was rammed a carrot up your butt ? For Skinner, none of this is a part of the equation - your mindand the mental states, events and processes that take place within it ,are simply not a factor in his theory of behaviourism. Which is crazy.
That figures Christiefanny, Skinner's whole behavrioralist theory was basically a Loopy Dummyocrat theory that reduced people to Zombies with no minds/brains who just reacted like the "Living Dead" to stimuli from their environments. Skinner didn't take into acoounct the fact that animals and human beings have CONSCIOUS MINDS which contain perceptions, emotions, thoughts, moods reasoning power and a capacity for free will, and so on. Skinner's whole theory of behaviouralism officially DIED IN 1959 when Noam Chomsky killed it in a literature criticism he published.
If someone suddenly stuck a carrot up your ass, do you think that there would be some cognitions (thoughts), emotions, reasonings, etc going on in your head just after the event? Do you think they might affect your behaviour/s after whoever it was rammed a carrot up your butt ? For Skinner, none of this is a part of the equation - your mindand the mental states, events and processes that take place within it ,are simply not a factor in his theory of behaviourism. Which is crazy.
Mexico just slammed the biden administration saying his policies have been a disaster. Yet the media is very reluctant to report it.
Imagine had they said that about trumps policy.
There seems to be an oversampling of open racists here on this forum.