I already told you Skinner was laid to rest in 1959 when his whole thesis was smashed by Noam Chomsky. Shinner didn't take into account the contents of the MIND/ Consciousness like thoughts, ideas, reasoning (intelligent, rational thought provesses emotions, moods, sense perceptions, and the operation of free will ,etc. He was solely focussed on the BODY. But lots of animals including human beings are not just bodies. They are bodies AND minds. He is saying that we have in knee-jerk type ways: Pavlovian responses, operant conditioning etc. There are some aspects of human behaviour that are consistent with Skinner's behaviourism, but lots of others that are not. His was a flawed theory, there was some "partial truth" in his work, but also lots of big holes.
And what about the issue of behaviour during the experience of Dream consciousness. I have seen my pet Dachshund dispay a number of behaviours when he is dreaming, like giving of high-pitched little bards, spinning his front paws as through he were running, wagging his tail gently. There was nothing no external enviroment stimulus causing any of this. So what would skinner say about this behaviour, which was caused by dream consciousness ? What are dreams made of ? Dream stuff ? Whatever it is dreams ARE real, they EXIST and they are immaterial.
Anyway, Skinner and Watson were cruel bastards who tortured and killed laboratory animals (mammals). I could never do that, because I think mammals experience and understand much more than many humans think they do. They have thoughts and emotions, they are capable of giving/receiving love, trust, etc.
Later ChristieFANNY, later