Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

Yeah, I know. The devil made me do it. :laugh:

The little devil in his pants.

He's probably tired of trying to chat up the female 'Roos and has moved into the virtual world for female contact.

A lot of human motivation has a basis in sexual drives, even for vienna sausaged limp dicked ex-cons from down under. Freud was on to something there. ;)
The little devil in his pants.

He's probably tired of trying to chat up the female 'Roos and has moved into the virtual world for female contact.
A lot of human motivation has a basis in sexual drives, even for vienna sausaged limp dicked ex-cons from down under. Freud was on to something there. ;)

I'm more of a Skinnerian than a Freudian but you make a good point. :)
No it is not the fault of congress. We have the laws on the books right now to remove the illegal aliens. Presidents just don't enforce the laws. If section 1324 of title 8 of the US code (makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here) was enforced all the illegals would self-deport.

Your problem (among millions of others) is that you don't understand the term "immigration". Illegal aliens are one piece of the pie, but I'm not surprised that you're incapable of linear thought.
What's funny are the people who think Kylie Jenner is a minority.

There was a picture of her without makeup and people said it wasn't her because it was a white girl.

The fact is that she has to go through a lot of work for the look she pulls off but yeah she is actually Casper in real life.

Of course. Millions of whites claim to be non-white to get affirmative action.
If she was part Trump she could be one millionth percent pedo.


What are you going to do when the Blacks and Hispanics in America totally out number the population of White Yankee like you (that's a demographic certainty, BTW) ?. I've got a feeling they're gonna string your White asses up by the testicles and use you for target practice. So I guess you'll have to emulate your idol, "Dementia Joe" and find a good basement to hide in permanently, or you might end up shot to pieces OR maybe working as a slave in a gay, Black brothei, taking big, Black fandingles up the butt on 12 hour shifts !!

HA !! HA !! HA !!

Later, Uncle


What are you going to do when the Blacks and Hispanics in America totally out number the population of White Yankee like you...
Wallaby, you're the fucking dinosaur that needs to be led out to the middle of your shitty country and left there as dingo chow.

I am 19% Irish but I don't claim to be Irish.

Just means someone in my family fucked a leprechaun.

Currently I'm about to answer our Census questions, and I hate to think what may come up. In a lot of such things I'm asked about something called 'ethnic background', which includes silly categories like 'white British, Welsh' and such, I normally ignore this nonsense or fill in 'Other' and explain 'Cymro - sort of pinkish/greyish colour difficult to describe' ('Cymro' is what I'd call myself in our own language: it originally meant something like 'fellow-countryman', whereas 'Welsh' means 'foreigner'). In fact, not one of my ancestors back to the Seventeenth Century was born outside this small country of ours, though we're supposed to have got here originally from the Basque Country as the ice retreated. Isn't all this 'race' stuff unutterable bilge! I suppose I ought to go back to putting 'human' as I used, but when pushed I normally write 'Chinese', since I can speak that language at a push, or could once anyway! :)
The little devil in his pants.

He's probably tired of trying to chat up the female 'Roos and has moved into the virtual world for female contact.

A lot of human motivation has a basis in sexual drives, even for vienna sausaged limp dicked ex-cons from down under. Freud was on to something there. ;)

Yes, there was some "truth" in Freud's "Drive Theory", certain elements of it are still used in psychoanalysis today. (He is still regarded as genius, you know, despite some things he got wrong) I think that you are probably a classic example of an young child who experienced some kind of trauma as a toddler, during what Freud called "anal stage" of psychosexual development. I suspect that one of your siblings - a naughty older brother, say, poked a twig up your ass for fun when you were potty-traing one day? And now as an adult, you are a full-scale, sexual deviant with an anal complex who hangs out every night at Black, gay bars in the local 'hood - jive talkin', diggin' the funky music and "cruising up a storm" (like Al Pacino) looking for a 10- inch salami to bring back to your apartment and then take up the butt -igeig.

Then again, still on the issue of sexual deviancy and Freudian theory, you might, I think, be an individual who displays, - as Freud named the concept: "Polymorphous Perversity". That means getting your sexual kicks using any method that works for you, like: screwing fruit (i.e. slightly warmed fruit that is juicy inside such as watermelons,papayas or Rock Melons), blow-up dolls, butt-holing animals like stray cats or, if you live in a rural region, American beavers and foxes; inserting a squirming gerbil into your rectum, "steamers" (having women/men poop on you) "Golden Showers", BDSM, dressing up as Mary Poppins then having a burly truck driver slip you a length up the ass, while you sing "Doh -Ray-Me." Screwing pre-op, female trannies that look like Maxine Waters with a three-day-growth, and hairy legs, is anther possibilty, etc.

Some combination of these sexual perversions like these is very common in Democrats (LIKE YOU) who voted for Joe Biden, who is, BTW, as we all know, sexually deviant himself: an inveterate trichophiliac (hair- sniffer) with inappropriately "wandering" fingers (one of which is, I think, permanently inserted up his own ass -hole. I'm sure this is the case, judging from the strangely " vacant" and "distrait" non compos mentis" expression that is on his face, whenever he ventures out of his basement "hidey-hole" into the light of day and the land of the living." Perhaps the venerable DOCTOR Jill could treat him ? Judging from the content her PhD thesis, she's definitely one "smart cookie."All those high-powered US academics who said it was a "crock of shit" were just jealous, because they knew they could never come up with such high-class work !

PS: Poor DOCTOR Jill !! Can you imagine the existential horror of being sniffed all over, then having penetrative sex with "Blow Hole Joe" ( in the days when he didn't have erectile dysfunction) - it really doesnt bear thinking about does it !!! (EUUUW !!!!) Any womans who's demonstrated that kind of moral courage and self-sacrifice is a worthy candidate for The Presidential Medal of Freedom", IMHO !

Currently I'm about to answer our Census questions, and I hate to think what may come up. In a lot of such things I'm asked about something called 'ethnic background', which includes silly categories like 'white British, Welsh' and such, I normally ignore this nonsense or fill in 'Other' and explain 'Cymro - sort of pinkish/greyish colour difficult to describe' ('Cymro' is what I'd call myself in our own language: it originally meant something like 'fellow-countryman', whereas 'Welsh' means 'foreigner'). In fact, not one of my ancestors back to the Seventeenth Century was born outside this small country of ours, though we're supposed to have got here originally from the Basque Country as the ice retreated. Isn't all this 'race' stuff unutterable bilge! I suppose I ought to go back to putting 'human' as I used, but when pushed I normally write 'Chinese', since I can speak that language at a push, or could once anyway! :)

You should do Ancestry because it shows you on a map what percent of your DNA comes from certain regions without using ethnicity.

Like mine is all eastern Europe and a big circle around Ireland.