Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

Honestly, I can't think of a recent president who did a good job with immigration, but that's more Congress's fault than anyone else's.

No it is not the fault of congress. We have the laws on the books right now to remove the illegal aliens. Presidents just don't enforce the laws. If section 1324 of title 8 of the US code (makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here) was enforced all the illegals would self-deport.
. Have you ever seen the Rock’s father? He’s as dark as Wesley Snipes and no doubt you don’t know how that happens .

HAHAHA. You don't know who was the father of the rock. He may say he has a black father but lots of whites say that to get affirmative action black privilege. THINK
You are not smart enough or educated enough to have grasped this, but to sentient higher life forms the term "black" is generally shorthand for people having substantial subsaharan African ancestry.

This lady unquestionably traces a substantial amount of her DNA to subsaharan Africa in addition to the fact she apparently also culturally identifies as black.

And those are the facts no matter how much a white supremacist tries to make it about measuring the level of melanin pigments in the skin

HAHAHAHA. Another blind liberal. She's not black - not at all. Don't give us that "identifies as black" crap. You are stupid even for a tranny.
Agreed. The Brits are still living in the 19th Century. What a bunch of fucking maroons! Hip! Hip! Cheerio! Go fuck yourself you limey buggers!

american whites started that rule not the brits

One drop of Black blood' Rule. hower, the bits are just as racist as american whites.
american whites started that rule not the brits

One drop of Black blood' Rule. hower, the bits are just as racist as american whites.

Link? I'm interested in why so many Left Wingers think global racism started in 1776 and that global slavery ended in 1865.
Let's hope you don't wake up soon and find that there's a war in the South China Sea. The Chicoms will not rest until they have taken back the South and East China Seas and Taiwan. They have their man in the White House and will be calling in the favours granted them soon enough.

I'll be concerned when there are actual, credible threats. It's not enough to say that "xyz" is going to happen because you hate Biden and think he's weak.
I'll be concerned when there are actual, credible threats. It's not enough to say that "xyz" is going to happen because you hate Biden and think he's weak.

Agreed. This is just a "big boy shoving match". Both sides know a war could be fatal to each. Besides, who benefits if China and the US chew each other up? Besides Trump's business partner and the fucking Euros? Neither China nor the US is stupid. Still, gotta put on a show and play a little "Chicken of the Sea" with the US Navy. We did it with the fucking Soviets for almost 50 years.
Agreed. This is just a "big boy shoving match". Both sides know a war could be fatal to each. Besides, who benefits if China and the US chew each other up? Besides Trump's business partner and the fucking Euros? Neither China nor the US is stupid. Still, gotta put on a show and play a little "Chicken of the Sea" with the US Navy. We did it with the fucking Soviets for almost 50 years.

"Both sides know a war could be fatal to each," truer words have never been spoken. I'd say the doctrine of mutual assured destruction applies here.
"Both sides know a war could be fatal to each," truer words have never been spoken. I'd say the doctrine of mutual assured destruction applies here.

Agreed. Not in just the thermonuclear exchange scenario either. Even a limited war would cripple each in the business world just as all the other global parties are reaching levels of American wealth.

This whole thing is about undersea resources. Each side is staking out a claim for their future growth. Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase for a similar reason. The Mexican-American War was exactly for this reason.....Mexico is still a little pissed. ;)
I'll be concerned when there are actual, credible threats. It's not enough to say that "xyz" is going to happen because you hate Biden and think he's weak.

Bidn IS weak and Biden IS mentally demented, Christiefanny, you "Yankee Doodles" are in deep shit. Hope you're glad you voted Democrat in 2020, YOU NUMB-SKULL !!
