Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

No, not much. There ARE fewer Reichtard insurrectionists posting, and that's good. When it comes to the anti-Biden stuff it's not very political. It boils down to he's either got dementia or he's a pedophile. You know, the usual.

Meanwhile, America rejoices because an actual adult is in charge -- along with hundreds of other adults we refer to as Democrats. No golf, no Twitter rampages, no assaults on the Fourth Estate, no lies, no Nuremberg-love-me-so-hard rallies, no golf, no scandals.

Just people doing what the actual fuck we elected them to do.

Refreshing as hell!

Imagine that. Joe Biden is "refreshing". I agree with you 100%, but one of the last things I would have called Biden five years ago is "refreshing".
Imagine that. Joe Biden is "refreshing". I agree with you 100%, but one of the last things I would have called Biden five years ago is "refreshing".

I know, right? But at least we've traded one ancient codger for another who isn't as nasty, evil, hateful, racist, and so lazyass that he doesn't give a shit about his citizens croaking.
While I'm happy you feel free to speak for all African-Americans, our nation wasn't "borne of racism". It was borne out of an idea of freedom. That freedom just took longer for women, the Irish, the Italians, and the aforementioned African-Americans.

Nothing wrong if you want to be a hyphenated-American, but where does it end? Have you done a DNA test of ancestry? I'm an American, no hyphen, but if I wanted to be one, then I'd be an English-Irish-Spanish-German-Italian-North African-American. That's rather cumbersome so, like Meghan, I'll just stick with being me, an American.

Native American culture is interesting, but, as you pointed out, very tribal. Little different than stone age level tribes in Europe, Africa, Australia or South America.

Disagreed the US is a "land of hate". OTHO, as JPP and other forums prove, there are certainly a lot of haters. Consider that even if there were 20,000 protesters at Trump's insurrection, all "bonding", that the number is a mere fraction of our nation's 330M. 0.06% to be exact. Who is dumb enough to let 0.06% of the population do their thinking for them?

Indeed I feel completely free to speak for many black people, especially given there are so few of us here, unless of course you think you can do a better job of it. If I ever say something that you think is contrary to what you think about black people, please feel free to speak right up.

And, feel free to identify yourself with as many hyphens you like, or none at all. I would never question how or why anyone identifies themselves. I consider that none of my business, but that’s just me.

On the question whether this nation is borne of racism or not .. the pilgrims were racist, and if you know history beyond his-story, I shouldn’t have to explain that comment, but I can. Look no further than the second voyage of Columbus to the Americas. Guns, attack dogs, and rape, lots of it. Columbus was fond of it. There were actually 4 voyages of Columbus. Ever study them? Perhaps you should. Additionally, The history of Native people is fascinating, as is the history between Native (original) people and runaway slaves is a historians wet dream. Totally mind blowing. But his-story won tell you that. History does.

The racist traitors at the hillbilly insurrection didn’t create racism in this country, they were a glaring reflection of it. All of planet earth could and did easily see that.

Finally, surely, surely you don’t believe we interpret our history through the lens of white men. I can appreciate your perspective of American his-story. I have no issue with your perspective, but we have our own that your version never tells. Black Wall Street, and the history between Native people and runaway slaves among them. Thus the hyphen, thus the need to take time to reflect on Black History.

No disrespect intended brother.
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I know, right? But at least we've traded one ancient codger for another who isn't as nasty, evil, hateful, racist, and so lazyass that he doesn't give a shit about his citizens croaking.

I don't think Biden has made any mistakes yet. We'll see what happens at the southern border, but in fact, I think he's doing a pretty good job so far.
I don't think Biden has made any mistakes yet. We'll see what happens at the southern border, but in fact, I think he's doing a pretty good job so far.


Are you staying well? We got our first (Moderna) vax on Feb. 26; second one March 26.
No, not much. There ARE fewer Reichtard insurrectionists posting, and that's good. When it comes to the anti-Biden stuff it's not very political. It boils down to he's either got dementia or he's a pedophile. You know, the usual.

Meanwhile, America rejoices because an actual adult is in charge -- along with hundreds of other adults we refer to as Democrats. No golf, no Twitter rampages, no assaults on the Fourth Estate, no lies, no Nuremberg-love-me-so-hard rallies, no golf, no scandals.

Just people doing what the actual fuck we elected them to do.

Refreshing as hell!

Just to wake up every morning and not get that sick feeling before reading the news... peace, quiet and boredom never seemed so wonderful!
I don't think Biden has made any mistakes yet. We'll see what happens at the southern border, but in fact, I think he's doing a pretty good job so far.

I haven't keeping up with the border but cons are already saying there's a crisis... you know, the usual fear-mongering.


Indeed I feel completely free to speak for many black people, especially given there are so few of us here, unless of course you think you can do a better job of it. If I ever say something that you think is contrary to what you think about black people, please feel free to speak right up.

And, feel free to identify yourself with as many hyphens you like, or none at all. I would never question how or why anyone identifies themselves. I consider that none of my business, but that’s just me.

On the question whether this nation is borne of racism or not .. the pilgrims were racist, and if you know history beyond his-story, I shouldn’t have to explain that comment, but I can. Look no further than the second voyage of Columbus to the Americas. Guns, attack dogs, and rape, lots of it. Columbus was fond of it. There were actually 4 voyages of Columbus. Ever study them? Perhaps you should. Additionally, The history of Native people is fascinating, as is the history between Native (original) people and runaway slaves is a historians wet dream. Totally mind blowing. But his-story won tell you that. History does.

The racist traitors at the hillbilly insurrection didn’t create racism in this country, they were a glaring reflection of it. All of planet earth could and did easily see that.

Finally, surely, surely you don’t believe we interpret our history through the lens of white men. I can appreciate your perspective of American his-story. I have no issue with your perspective, but we have our own that your version never tells. Black Wall Street, and the history between Native people and runaway slaves among them. Thus the hyphen, thus the need to take time to reflect on Black History.

No disrespect intended brother.
We can agree to disagree on the ideology of one person claiming to speak for whatever group they choose to categorize themselves into.

Agreed on hyphens. Americans are free to call themselves whatever they like. There are the fucking lawyer issues, but it's good for people to know who they are spiritually first, legally second.

Your choice to focus on relatively recent history. My historical interests were more military oriented.

There's an old saying that "Times of peace are the blank pages in the history books". History happens, but we should approach "making history" with caution. Yes, push. Keep pushing. Like stopping the bleeding from a gunshot wound, put enough pressure to stop the bleeding without killing the person you are seeking to save.

Do this immediately since it's a matter of life and death. After that, consider what can be done from preventing another gunshot wound.

I do not claim to understand what it was like to grow up in shitty neighborhoods where families slept on their floors to avoid random gunshots. All I've done is read histories of similar circumstances and resolutions. What worked and what didn't.

FWIW, we, the Human Race, seem to fumble around a lot. Two steps forward, one step back. IMHO, as long as a person can honestly look themselves in the mirror and say what they are doing is for the betterment of all, then that's all they can do.

Most obvious thing in the world. She's another rachel dolezal who has claimed blackness all her life to get affirmative action special treatment on everything. Millions of americans employ this scam.

The black thing who says she is the mother is obviously not the birth mother

She IS half-black. She uses cosmetics to lighten her complexion for press photo- shoots, etc. She's got a huge, nasty chip on ber shoulder about being bi-racial and living in the West - exactly same as other coloured (esp Blacks) who live here.

She's a major scam-artist and a devious liar. Totally self-obsessed.


Most obvious thing in the world. She's another rachel dolezal who has claimed blackness all her life to get affirmative action special treatment on everything. Millions of americans employ this scam.

The black thing who says she is the mother is obviously not the birth mother

It's retards like you who insisted that one drop of blood could make a man black.
I haven't keeping up with the border but cons are already saying there's a crisis... you know, the usual fear-mongering.

You think that the cartels and people smugglers are not a concern, yet they are making squillions from it! These people aren’t coming by accident, there’s massive amounts of money changing hands and the Dems are profiting off of it big time. It must be bad because even the Guardian has woken up and seen the truth.
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Just to wake up every morning and not get that sick feeling before reading the news... peace, quiet and boredom never seemed so wonderful!

Let's hope you don't wake up soon and find that there's a war in the South China Sea. The Chicoms will not rest until they have taken back the South and East China Seas and Taiwan. They have their man in the White House and will be calling in the favours granted them soon enough.
You think that the cartels and people smugglers are not a concern, yet they are making squillions from it! These people aren’t coming by accident, there’s massive amounts of money changing hands and the Dems are profiting off of it big time.

And a farang in Thailand knows this :laugh:
Is Jennifer Beals a white woman?

Is the Rock a white man?

How about Vin Diesel, is he a white man?

How about Mariah Carey, a white woman?

Derek Jeter, white?

I could go on and on for days but the TDAK shitstain only. posts here for attention. Everyone of his lobotomized threads are met with WTF :palm:

Thanks for proving my point. Millions of white americans claim to be black so they get affirmative action.