Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

All you ever have is namecalling. I made a good point and you don't have an answer to it. If we would get rid of the brazen anti-white racism of affirmative action we wouldn't have all these rachel dolezals in the world. THINK

No, you lied about Markle's mother.

And White women are the greatest beneficiaries of AA. :palm:

Show me where AA requires YOU to hire Blacks, you faux intellectual, prison cell guru.

Are you staying well? We got our first (Moderna) vax on Feb. 26; second one March 26.

I'm doing great. The Rockies are expecting five feet of snow this weekend, so I came to Colorado for an epic ski trip. How exciting about your vaccines! I'm going to get mine wherever I can get it/them first. I cannot wait. It feels like we're nearing the end of a very, very long nightmare, but I don't want to jinx it. How's school going?
I haven't keeping up with the border but cons are already saying there's a crisis... you know, the usual fear-mongering.

The White House is resisting the word "crisis", but they have admitted that they have more children in custody than they can handle. I think I heard the number 3,400, but I can't quickly find the source. Many of them can't fit in the DHS facilities intended for children and have flowed into CBD adult facilities. It's all made worse by COVID because everyone has to be tested, some have to be quarantined, and the overall capacity of the facilities is reduced by distancing guidelines.

I couldn't care less what conservatives think about the situation (they have no credibility, no standards, and no leg to stand on), but things could go badly for Biden in this area. Honestly, I can't think of a recent president who did a good job with immigration, but that's more Congress's fault than anyone else's.
The White House is resisting the word "crisis", but they have admitted that they have more children in custody than they can handle. I think I heard the number 3,400, but I can't quickly find the source. Many of them can't fit in the DHS facilities intended for children and have flowed into CBD adult facilities. It's all made worse by COVID because everyone has to be tested, some have to be quarantined, and the overall capacity of the facilities is reduced by distancing guidelines.

I couldn't care less what conservatives think about the situation (they have no credibility, no standards, and no leg to stand on), but things could go badly for Biden in this area. Honestly, I can't think of a recent president who did a good job with immigration, but that's more Congress's fault than anyone else's.

No, it's not.
I'm doing great. The Rockies are expecting five feet of snow this weekend, so I came to Colorado for an epic ski trip. How exciting about your vaccines! I'm going to get mine wherever I can get it/them first. I cannot wait. It feels like we're nearing the end of a very, very long nightmare, but I don't want to jinx it. How's school going?

It's going great! Once you get over the whole learning-by-Zoom thing it's fun. The one thing I miss though is the archeology lab. The prof often refers to things in the room but of course you can't see/touch them remotely. He promised to give me a one-person tour before the semester ends.

Enjoy your snow and skiing. I am so envious. Ours is almost gone. We didn't get to ski or snowshoe once this winter; not enough snow. Last night they said on the weather that this was the lowest snow amount since 1979.
The White House is resisting the word "crisis", but they have admitted that they have more children in custody than they can handle. I think I heard the number 3,400, but I can't quickly find the source. Many of them can't fit in the DHS facilities intended for children and have flowed into CBD adult facilities. It's all made worse by COVID because everyone has to be tested, some have to be quarantined, and the overall capacity of the facilities is reduced by distancing guidelines.

I couldn't care less what conservatives think about the situation (they have no credibility, no standards, and no leg to stand on), but things could go badly for Biden in this area. Honestly, I can't think of a recent president who did a good job with immigration, but that's more Congress's fault than anyone else's.

lol if this was trump it would be far more condemned.
Thanks for proving my point. Millions of white americans claim to be black so they get affirmative action.

That doesn’t prove your point you fucking snotrag, it makes a mockery of you and your point that never was. Have you ever seen the Rock’s father? He’s as dark as Wesley Snipes and no doubt you don’t know how that happens ,, because you’re stupid. I’m not going to waste time talking to an eggplant. Just roll the Fock away and kill yourself.

Most obvious thing in the world. She's another rachel dolezal who has claimed blackness all her life to get affirmative action special treatment on everything. Millions of americans employ this scam.

The black thing who says she is the mother is obviously not the birth mother

You are not smart enough or educated enough to have grasped this, but to sentient higher life forms the term "black" is generally shorthand for people having substantial subsaharan African ancestry.

This lady unquestionably traces a substantial amount of her DNA to subsaharan Africa in addition to the fact she apparently also culturally identifies as black.

And those are the facts no matter how much a white supremacist tries to make it about measuring the level of melanin pigments in the skin