Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

Certainly the pedophiles Trump and Epstein. ;)

Meh, not really my point. Look, Yes there are rich, and even poor, white men that get away with crap. My point is that not all white men are those that judge based on an insanely stupid thing such as skin color. I am as White as they come, I have Never judged Anyone based on color, it all comes down to a persons Character, and I have found through personal experience that skin color has Zero to do with anything. Deeds and how you conduct your life means far more than Words, anyone can utter nice or even bad words.
A case in point is I knew a Man (he has passed) owned a farm/ranch and he had Blacks and Mexican/Americans working for him, among the Good Old Boys he was the Biggest Racist you could meet, what few knew was he paid nearly twice what others paid, his workers Shacks were better than most Apartments you could rent, he regularly had food brought out for lunches and dinners and had more than a few Bar-B-Q's with everyone's family invited and games and such for the kids and adults. Those that worked for him Loved him and when he passed he left part of his land to those that had been his regular hands, 5 plus acres as a minimum and good land. The guy came off as one the biggest racists you could meet in certain settings but in reality was the complete opposite. I asked him why he did that, and his reply was that it worked out business wise and when he did good everyone else also benefited so he had to play the Game. When he passed his funeral had Hundreds of people attend, way more brown and black people than white. The moral of the story is to never judge the Character of someone based on the cover, read the book first.
And her father is an ass.

That's an understatement. A grotesquely obese white slob feels the need to comment on the psychological state and race of a daughter he abandoned more than three decades ago so he can be on TV for a few minutes every few months. The man is a pig.

She knows who her mother is.

Tell me, you half dead racist piece of shit: When is the last time you told a stranger that her mother is not her mother? What color was she?

To be clear, YOUR claim is that Meghan's mother is not her mother. Prove it, fuckhead.

Everyone knows what you're doing. You should be executed in a bonfire.
Thank you! Nice to "see" you. I took some trips and was slammed when I went back to work. Doesn't look like I missed too much around here. :laugh:

No, not much. There ARE fewer Reichtard insurrectionists posting, and that's good. When it comes to the anti-Biden stuff it's not very political. It boils down to he's either got dementia or he's a pedophile. You know, the usual.

Meanwhile, America rejoices because an actual adult is in charge -- along with hundreds of other adults we refer to as Democrats. No golf, no Twitter rampages, no assaults on the Fourth Estate, no lies, no Nuremberg-love-me-so-hard rallies, no golf, no scandals.

Just people doing what the actual fuck we elected them to do.

Refreshing as hell!