Are Trumpsters Evil?

Yeah, you are a Trumpy, with that as logic. I hate nobody, not even Daffy. I feel sorry for you, so small and angry, seeing enemies everywhere you look. Such a hater. One of your worst posts was saying you home schooled your kids. How bad must they be, with you teaching them?

I bet your kids are big losers .... That's the liberal way !
I have tried to work my way around this issue

People I used to respect ended up swallowing fox lies.

there is just no way for me to respect them anymore

to fall for lies that see racist ideas as normal means you had some of that in you already

most people are mostly good

these people are not

they are mostly bad

they will NEVER admit how wrong they were on the facts

they will always harbor racism

I just cant respect that

its evil

Nope. Most of them are just gullible fools, desperate for something to believe in and conditioned by decades of right wing lies. Easy marks for Trump's con game.
I have tried to work my way around this issue

People I used to respect ended up swallowing fox lies.

there is just no way for me to respect them anymore

to fall for lies that see racist ideas as normal means you had some of that in you already

most people are mostly good

these people are not

they are mostly bad

they will NEVER admit how wrong they were on the facts

they will always harbor racism

I just cant respect that

its evil

You're very bigoted for someone that claims to hate bigots. Btw, why do you have to take up half the page with your one-line phrase bullshit? How big of a self-important attention whore are you?
Do you ever look at yourself ? You think you are NOT a bigot ?

You hate white people .... Because they are white !

We are white people. We don't like pretentious bigoted whites, that whine about unamerican things, while holding phony historic statues, and enemy symbols in high regard.
To judge by the ones on here, and by trumpf himself, the trumpers are just ignorant and uneducated, brought up to believe only in money, 'race' and bang-bangs but, above all, competition, for which they are very ill prepared. They are used, like everyone else, by an evil system, and their inadequacy fills them with rage and spite. Sad.
I don't really care for either democrats, or republicans. Liberal, and conservative in different manners, but Trump's too much of a megalomaniacal twit. Basically driving nails into conservatism's coffin.

If you don't care, why are you standing next to the coffin with a shovel and a sappy grin on your face?....
Nope. Most of them are just gullible fools, desperate for something to believe in and conditioned by decades of right wing lies. Easy marks for Trump's con game.

to allow that to be done to your mind involves some evil on your own part by being attracted to those lies over reality
Both parties failed us. We desperately need two new parties that will put the good of the country first and foremost.


The Democratic party represents the people who are in it

you want a better party than start one instead of proclaiming my party and its people are BAD people

walk the walk you are talking instead of calling me evil because the Republican party is evil