Are Trumpsters Evil?

I don't really care for either democrats, or republicans. Liberal, and conservative in different manners, but Trump's too much of a megalomaniacal twit. Basically driving nails into conservatism's coffin.

you mean all those idiot ideas that NEVER work in practice?

that is the one good thing about him
Conservatism isn't what it used to be. Ever since Reagan, it's seemed like one big phony Christian fundie group.

Try since Nixon

they have cheated in elections since Nixon


because the American people have been rejecting the failed ideas of the party that crashed the world wide economy in 1929
And they got their pick of colleges ......

You're cracking me up here. Your bragging in anonymity to political opponents, doesn't equate shit. Thinking it equates anything, is what makes it fail the sniff test. You're laying it on too much, and using it as spur of the moment defense.
Racism has become a vicious circle in America. The more the blacks act out against their rotten lot in life, the more the white racists act out their racist hate against them, then the circle repeats.

Then there's Trump who encourages the racism for the purpose of using it to his advantage. And the lowlife Trump supporters just love it. After Trump is gone, the evil won't be easy to erase and that's the reason why Trump has to be stopped soon.
Those who call themselves 'conservatives' today seem similar in lack of common sense and width of brain waves to people with imaginary dragons for friends.
Clinton won by nearly three million living breathing Americans votes

you guys cheated to win

No matter how many times you say it, it won’t be true

You guys can’t make up your minds. One day it is Russia. The next it is Comey

It will be better for your mental health if you just accept the loss and that she was a horrible candidate