Are You A Capitalist Scumbag?

they happen more in corporations

corporate structure lends its self to that

Profit first means anything goes

no profits are designed for people first

Profits first means a sociopath can run it

people first makes it much harder for a sociopathic type to find success in the endeavor

in fact sociopaths can excel in business

they cant excel in our government

the proof is the republican party

they place money over people

it has rendered them a cheating lying party that cant win without cheating and lying to the people

The voters don't like them

the voters vote them out

SOOOOO they began cheating voters our of their rights to vote so they could win

more and more every election

until they even resorted to getting a foreign enemies help cheating

A greedy person likes money whether it is in the form of profit, charitable contributions, or tax dollars. I bet we can find just as many convictions for fraudulent activity in towns, school districts, state and federal legislatures and bureaucracies as we can corporations.

Your example of the Republican Party makes my point--government is just as bad as private industry; yet, there is no "profit" involved, only your tax dollars. You just forgot to include the Democrats.
A greedy person likes money whether it is in the form of profit, charitable contributions, or tax dollars. I bet we can find just as many convictions for fraudulent activity in towns, school districts, state and federal legislatures and bureaucracies as we can corporations.

Your example of the Republican Party makes my point--government is just as bad as private industry; yet, there is no "profit" involved, only your tax dollars. You just forgot to include the Democrats.

you are missing the point

in a system that values only profit

a sociopath can excel

In a Non profit situation its harder for them to succeed as the values is pleasing people.

sociopaths cant excel in that situation

Yes they can steal from anyone

But why try to steal from a place that makes it hard for you to get into a position to steal.

Sociopaths don't do well at thinking about others

so its harder for them to get themselves into a position of power to be able to effect the theft

get it

in a corporation the goal is to forget people and aim for profit

just their gig
I said nothing praising non-profit organizations. I simply said many European nations administer their health care programs through non-profit insurance companies. Greed and wrongful acts occur in private businesses, government institutions, and non-profit and charitable organizations. The type of economic system a nation has (socialism or capitalism) does not eliminate greed, unethical, or criminal behavior. Some posters imply greed is only present in a corporation.

I never said you were praising corporations. I don't think you were. I was just adding my two cents worth. However, I do believe that corporate greed is the most damaging part of greed because it affects the most people and is harmful to the majority of we the people to the public interest.:)
True, but they only wanted bailouts (deserved or not) to keep them afloat. They didn't want government to nationalize their businesses (socialism). I don't think they are the "stauchest freemarketeers." Most large businesses favor regulation which benefits their sector and protects them against competition.

No, actually they lobby constantly against regulation and do all they can to eliminate competition, any and all competition, and they begged for tax payer subsidization.
neither will eliminating immigrants, but I guess your smoke screen is much blacker

You speak the truth. Eliminating immigrants (invaders) will not make students more suicidal. In fact, it would make them less suicidal. Because they will know that all the effort they put into school will be supporting their own kind. Not a bunch of third world lowlife scum. They will also have a greater sense of community and a greater sense of dignity.
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You speak the truth. Eliminating immigrants (invaders) will not make students more suicidal. In fact, it would make them less suicidal. Because they will now that all the effort they put into school will be supporting their own kind. Not a bunch of third world lowlife scum. They will also have a greater sense of community and a greater sense of dignity.

Third world low life scum "settled" North America after they "discovered" it.
The problems we face due to capitalism are because we live in a capitalistic economy. If you look at world data you can see things like unemployment rate, cost of living, etc. in other nations. You don't have to rely on our government although those figures are the most reliable we have.

There is plenty to support the holocaust without depending on government sources.

Could it be that I have driven you insane? What you said doesn't make a lot of sense. Was that your point? To make me waste time responding to you? You start out by basically saying that the problems we face from being wet is because we are wet. Well duh! Then you talk about unemployment, cost of living etc. in other nations. Well what about it. And those things are usually worse in the U.S. Also, how would you know. You would be an idiot to expect our government to tell you the truth about anything.
As for the holocaust, I know you have been programmed to believe the lies. So I can't hate you too much for doing so. I am just extremely disappointed. In suffering the death of a thousand cuts, your cut in that way added to it isn't going to make a lot of difference. Also, I provided a link to a book. I will do so again. If you ever decide you want to know the real truth, download it and give it a look. I don't even care if you read it. Just scroll down the pages. There are only about 100 of them. So it might take you all of twenty seconds. That is if you didn't stop. But I have no doubt you will run across a picture that will make you stop and take a closer look. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf
Yes, there are non-profit insurance companies. They make money like others, it is just not called "profit." It is determined under federal tax laws. In the U. S. they are mutual companies owned by the policy holders and not stock holders. I don't know what the European definition for those whose health care system is run by nonprofit insurance companies (Switzerland, for example).

To make money and not have to call it profit sounds like some pretty high powered bullshit.
I never said you were praising corporations. I don't think you were. I was just adding my two cents worth. However, I do believe that corporate greed is the most damaging part of greed because it affects the most people and is harmful to the majority of we the people to the public interest.:)

Not corporations but non-profit organizations. You made some critical remarks about non-profits and I thought you might have thought I was defending them. I think all they have to do is give 5% to charity and can spend the rest of the money anyway the choose. I don't think corporations affect more people than government (roads, etc.). I don't really have an opinion about which is "worst," but only that greed exists in private businesses, government entities, and non-profits. If a corporation it too greedy don't purchase from them--the control rests with the people.
Cable companies usually include wifi, television, and telephone options. If I wrote the laws I wouldn't make it so easy for subscribers to adopt alternative options and lose 22 million (2017) and 16 million (2016) subscribers with declines projected to continue.

If corporations hold all the cards, are you required to buy cable or satellite services? More and more people choose alternatives. So, they might write the laws (which Congress may or may not pass) but the consumers don't have to conform to their models. You seem to want the products and services they offer but not the cost.

it doesn't matter what cable companies provide. The fact remains that for me to watch the kinds of programs I want, on TV and not my computer, I have two options. The local cable company or satellite. Every cable company should be allowed to operate everywhere. Let them fight it out in getting customers. But as it is, Charter has the monopoly in my area. It's like gangsters dividing up a city for different gangs to hold a monopoly in their areas.
As for those who choose other options, I don't know what they could be. Lastly, what I want is around twenty channels. The cable company can shove the rest up their ass. I don't want to pay for them just because some network pays them to carry their programming. Which in turn carries commercials they are paid to show. And around half of them are in fucking spicknish to begin with. Why would I want to pay for something in a language I don't understand and don't want to understand.
No, actually they lobby constantly against regulation and do all they can to eliminate competition, any and all competition, and they begged for tax payer subsidization.

They lobby against regulation that harms them but for regulation that benefits them. For example, Dodd-Frank has benefited large banks at the expense of small ones. Larger corporations sometimes lobby for tougher regulations because smaller businesses cannot afford expensive regulatory measures; for example, a classic case is the meat packing industry.
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Could it be that I have driven you insane? What you said doesn't make a lot of sense. Was that your point? To make me waste time responding to you? You start out by basically saying that the problems we face from being wet is because we are wet. Well duh! Then you talk about unemployment, cost of living etc. in other nations. Well what about it. And those things are usually worse in the U.S. Also, how would you know. You would be an idiot to expect our government to tell you the truth about anything.
As for the holocaust, I know you have been programmed to believe the lies. So I can't hate you too much for doing so. I am just extremely disappointed. In suffering the death of a thousand cuts, your cut in that way added to it isn't going to make a lot of difference. Also, I provided a link to a book. I will do so again. If you ever decide you want to know the real truth, download it and give it a look. I don't even care if you read it. Just scroll down the pages. There are only about 100 of them. So it might take you all of twenty seconds. That is if you didn't stop. But I have no doubt you will run across a picture that will make you stop and take a closer look. TRUTH, UNFORBIDDEN!.pdf

The first statement was a response to a poster that said capitalism was the cause of many of our problems. I was just pointing out that most of those same problems exist in any economic system. The part about unemployment and other stats was to show common problems across economic systems and to challenge your statement that we can't believe any government data. And, those things are not worse in the U. S. but better than most; thus, the value of the data I listed.

As for being a holocaust denier, I have already looked at some of those claims and found them extremely unreliable. I once saw "The Myth of the Six Million" at a Klan bookstore. I will look at your pictures.
Third world low life scum "settled" North America after they "discovered" it.

Now I think you're being full of shit just to annoy me. It's true that things were often screwed up in Europe at the time. After all, this was way-pre industrial revolution. They also had aristocracies. And of course slavery. One of the zillions of low points was that in England when they needed sailors, they would send press gangs out to capture them. But they did have literature and a little understanding in some scientific fields.
But to be "third world low life scum," you have to be worse than the country you are invading. The injuns were backwards heathen and barbarians. They were most often just as primitive as they were 5000 years earlier. And apart from the bloodthirsty cannibalistic Aztecs, they didn't have a written language. They were just bloodthirsty and sometimes cannibalistic. So you couldn't call the Europeans third world low life scum.
it doesn't matter what cable companies provide. The fact remains that for me to watch the kinds of programs I want, on TV and not my computer, I have two options. The local cable company or satellite. Every cable company should be allowed to operate everywhere. Let them fight it out in getting customers. But as it is, Charter has the monopoly in my area. It's like gangsters dividing up a city for different gangs to hold a monopoly in their areas.
As for those who choose other options, I don't know what they could be. Lastly, what I want is around twenty channels. The cable company can shove the rest up their ass. I don't want to pay for them just because some network pays them to carry their programming. Which in turn carries commercials they are paid to show. And around half of them are in fucking spicknish to begin with. Why would I want to pay for something in a language I don't understand and don't want to understand.

You have a lot more than two options. Do some research and see why 22 million left cable/satellite last year alone. They are getting all the same channels you can get.
The first statement was a response to a poster that said capitalism was the cause of many of our problems. I was just pointing out that most of those same problems exist in any economic system. The part about unemployment and other stats was to show common problems across economic systems and to challenge your statement that we can't believe any government data. And, those things are not worse in the U. S. but better than most; thus, the value of the data I listed.

As for being a holocaust denier, I have already looked at some of those claims and found them extremely unreliable. I once saw "The Myth of the Six Million" at a Klan bookstore. I will look at your pictures.

I see. Next, you can't believe government data. Who provides that data? Government agencies. Who runs those agencies? Political appointees. Part of their job as such is to paint as rosy of a picture as possible. To shine a more favorable light on those who appointed them. Reality has nothing to do with it. As for at least looking at the pictures in the book I gave a link to, you have more guts than anybody else around here. I'll give you that. And just so you know, I have nothing to do wither the Klan or the National Socialist Party.
Oh, really? So, if you followed the Venezuela situation (something socialists should be doing), you will note that Chavez's hand-picked successor was put through an actual kangaroo court spectacle.

Who cares about Venezuela. It's like caring about Vietnam or Libya. To hell with them all. I am a White person and I only care about White people. The problems they have in those other screwed up countries is part of the reason why. As for a kangaroo court, you couldn't do any worse than the Nuremberg Trials. Those scum could have found Mother Teresa guilty.
You have a lot more than two options. Do some research and see why 22 million left cable/satellite last year alone. They are getting all the same channels you can get.

I tried that before. But didn't come up with anything. At least nothing that didn't involve being cooked by radio waves to a greater degree than I already am. It's too bad we don't live in a socialist country. Then everybody would probably have a fiber optic cable running into their house that a large number of cable companies could share. I hear there is at least one city here in the U.S. where everybody has fiber optics. But because of the monopoly thing, there isn't a whole hell of a lot of monitory incentive to make it as wide spread as it needs to be.
Not corporations but non-profit organizations. You made some critical remarks about non-profits and I thought you might have thought I was defending them. I think all they have to do is give 5% to charity and can spend the rest of the money anyway the choose. I don't think corporations affect more people than government (roads, etc.). I don't really have an opinion about which is "worst," but only that greed exists in private businesses, government entities, and non-profits. If a corporation it too greedy don't purchase from them--the control rests with the people.

sure. Just thinking about the veterans charity in virginia. I got a little off track there. Just had my meds (smirk).