Into the Night
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"GEOL-G 483 - Isotope Geochemistry
Credits: 3Description: Spring. Introduction to the theory and application of radiogenic and stable isotopes to a variety of subdisciplines in the earth sciences. Topics include geochronology, tracers, mass balance and mixing, hydrology and environmental applications, water-rock interaction, and biogeochemical cycles.Prerequisite: CHEM-C106 with a minimum grade of C- or consent of instructor."
GEOL 583 - Isotope Geochemistry
Covers principles of isotope geochemistry and applications to studies of geological processes such as hydrologic cycling, volcanic petrogenesis, and climate change. Three hours lecture per week and required laboratory work and field trips. GEOL 483 and GEOL 583 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both. Offered in alternate years.
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Spring 2018: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays | 12:00PM - 12:50PM
A survey of the chemical, physical and biological mechanisms and fundamental concepts of stable isotope fractionation. The course will focus on applications of H, O, C, S, N and trace metal (i.e., Fe and Mo) isotopes to geologic problems with an emphasis on climate change and ancient ocean chemistries.
So do you want to just admit you lie all the time or are you just that ignorant?
I do not consider religion a college class in science.