Atheists are so funny!

Because douchebag, I asked you...

Did Noah bring two from the felidae family or two from the feliformia suborder?

to which you responded that any feline would do.

I followed with a request for clarification with...

So then Noah's feline spawned the hyena, fossa, tiger, house cat and civets, but that is not macroevolution?

To which you responded...

no.....that is micro-evolution.....

You clearly said it was micro evolution. I made no mistake, hyenas are a part of feliformia.

Your argument does not stand at all. You are too much of coward to make a stand with your argument. But fine, I am willing to give you another chance to provide some evidence that you evolved from a common ancestor of the vertebrates.

Did Noah bring two from the felidae family or two from the feliformia suborder?

so I didn't bother to pick your nits.....what I said originally and the other hyenas not withstanding.....
that is, if you believe that an intelligent designer didn't simply cause all forms of felines to evolve from a single pair of felines since the flood, which certainly wouldn't have required even the 250k years that science tells us was all that was necessary for all the various types of humans to have derived from a single woman......

You think the types of humans are more disparate than tigers and house cats (assuming you want to retreat to felidae) or hyenas and house cats (assuming you want to stick with what you originally indicated)? Either way, that is absurd. Besides that, science does not imply we all evolved from a single woman or a single pair of humans.
do you base that conclusion upon the existence of what a million fossils (more likely a few thousand) which would be what one fossil record for every creature of that type that existed for each 42 years, combined with an assumption that fossil A had to be derived from fossil B, instead of being a unique creature.......and from that tiny bit of evidence you believe you know everything there is to know about how a creature alive today emerged.......

that's a bit like a detective who finds a body in San Fransisco, a knife in Toledo and a guy with a bloody handkerchief in Miami and says "I now know who the murderer is!"........

The fossils are the "and then some" part of the evidence. But we can base this on the same evidence that establishes mitochondrial Eve, i.e., DNA.
so I didn't bother to pick your nits.....what I said originally and the other hyenas not withstanding.....

What you said is originally unclear or then stands as feliformia. Why are you so resistant to giving an honest answer? I am merely attempting to understand what it is you are claiming.

Did Noah bring two from the felidae family or two from the feliformia suborder?
did it not conclude that all humans who exist today, in their various variations descend from a single woman?......and from a single man?.....

No. Single means one and only one. It concluded with dates which our most recent common matrilineal ancestor and patrilineal ancestors lived but that they did not exist at the same time which clearly indicates that we have far more than one of each contributing to the gene pool.

You have once again dropped context to cowardly evade a question. Do you think humans "in their various variations" are more disparate than tigers and house cats. We can just stick to the simpler (well simpler in terms of the macroevoution required for their variety... not simpler for Noah in the variety of original species) felidae or do you want to drop down to subfamily?

Shock us all and provide as honest and complete an answer as I did to your question.
no you can't......who's to say that elephants and chickens weren't created with DNA that share some similarities.....

Yes, we can. Who is to say multiple separate matrilineal human ancestors were not created with the same DNA?

Again, you can either accept the evidence and believe the world adheres to repeatable natural laws that can be ascertained using SCIENCE or you can make stuff up and believe the world adheres to magic.
I seem to recall speaking of felines......I am content to continue doing so.....

Wow, what a chickenshit you are.

feline (plural felines)
A cat; member of the cat family Felidae.

Ok, I guess, will just assume felidae since you are too much of a coward to clarify. House cat does not fit the context of your answer to tekky and, after you initially indicated (though with your usual spinelessness) agreement, you later objected to feliformia.
no either of us believe this to be true and choose to argue in favor of it?......

The point is that you cannot use the evidence in one case and reject it in another based solely on your bias. You cannot use mitochondrial Eve to contradict WB or establish your argument for Noah's Wife (or what would be more accurate but you are too stupid to see... one of his daughter-inlaws). You don't get to use science. You have to rely on revelation alone. Your argument is always, "because God says blah blah blah."