Atheists are so funny!

So then why are you attempting to salvage the literal truth of, at least, parts of the stories of Adam and Eve and Noah and the Ark?

believing that there was a created first man and a created first woman does not mean I have to defend the literal interpretation of every text in the Bible.....particularly some one else's literal I said, I believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis 1:1......Genesis 1:2-2:1 starting with the Hebrew word translated as "now" is a classic example of Hebrew poetry....I don't treat Hebrew poetry literally any more than I treat American poetry literally......however, when Carl Sandburg wrote that the fog crept in on little cat feet, it did communicate something to us about fog, even if it didn't have anything to do with paws......
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believing that there was a created first man and a created first woman does not mean I have to defend the literal interpretation of every text in the Bible.....particularly some one else's literal I said, I believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis 1:1......Genesis 1:2-2:1 starting with the Hebrew word translated as "now" is a classic example of Hebrew poetry....I don't treat Hebrew poetry literally any more than I treat American poetry literally......however, when Carl Sandburg wrote that the fog crept in on little cat feet, it did communicate something to us about fog, even if it didn't have anything to do with paws......

Okay, then, you seem to accept as true the claims of fact in Genesis, e.g., Adam and Eve were the first humans and gave birth to Cain and Abel, Noah built an Ark providing safety for the ancestors of all of current life, etc.. Is that an accurate statement? Or are you too cowardly to answer that?
so you would state that the thought that all life stemmed from a single source that climbed out of the primordial ooze is a fallacious and absurd argument?.....

if it's not simply "shit happened" how many different shits do you think occurred?........

It is an absolutely absurd strawman, assuming you are using some sort of common definition of the word climbed, which tends to imply limbs. Certainly humans did not. You clearly tried to short circuit the process and then stupidly implied that speciation theories amount to the idea that two individuals evolved alone, as if a civet gave birth to a pair of lions and house cats.

Over >3.5 billion years of causal relationships many things can happen.
Lol. It is not. A hyena and a house cat don't share the same gene pool. They have been separated for a looooooong time.

But, okay then, we are going to have to back further than 6.8 million years ago. Noah may have had a tail.

Feliformia emerged 42 million years ago, simiiformes or simians about 40 million years ago. So for pmp's theory that Noah carried one type of "feline" on the Ark which spawned the great variety we now see and to allow pmp to hold on to his improperly labeled rejection of macroevolution, Noah would have to possess a tail which may or may not have been useful in building the Ark.
Okay, then, you seem to accept as true the claims of fact in Genesis, e.g., Adam and Eve were the first humans and gave birth to Cain and Abel, Noah built an Ark providing safety for the ancestors of all of current life, etc.. Is that an accurate statement? Or are you too cowardly to answer that?

Genisis isn't even an original myth, it was borrowed!
Okay, then, you seem to accept as true the claims of fact in Genesis, e.g., Adam and Eve were the first humans and gave birth to Cain and Abel, Noah built an Ark providing safety for the ancestors of all of current life, etc.. Is that an accurate statement? Or are you too cowardly to answer that?

cowardly?.....or merely resistant to you assholeism......

yes, I believe those four statements to be true.....
Lol. It is not. A hyena and a house cat don't share the same gene pool. They have been separated for a looooooong time.

But, okay then, we are going to have to back further than 6.8 million years ago. Noah may have had a tail.

I wondered why you were including hyenas, but I didn't realize it was something relevant to your argument, I just assumed you had made a mistake........felines be argument stands where I left it, not where you want to carry it.......
It is an absolutely absurd strawman, assuming you are using some sort of common definition of the word climbed, which tends to imply limbs. Certainly humans did not. You clearly tried to short circuit the process and then stupidly implied that speciation theories amount to the idea that two individuals evolved alone, as if a civet gave birth to a pair of lions and house cats.

Over >3.5 billion years of causal relationships many things can happen.

or with an intelligent designer, in a single lifetime.....
Feliformia emerged 42 million years ago, simiiformes or simians about 40 million years ago. So for pmp's theory that Noah carried one type of "feline" on the Ark which spawned the great variety we now see and to allow pmp to hold on to his improperly labeled rejection of macroevolution, Noah would have to possess a tail which may or may not have been useful in building the Ark.

that is, if you believe that an intelligent designer didn't simply cause all forms of felines to evolve from a single pair of felines since the flood, which certainly wouldn't have required even the 250k years that science tells us was all that was necessary for all the various types of humans to have derived from a single woman......
I repeat, I don't reject anything that science proves....

You do. Your pusillanimous semantic tricks are boring and do not refute my statement. You reject the scientific EVIDENCE that supports the branching of the genus panthera which is the same EVIDENCE (and then some) that is used to support mitochondrial Eve. It is quite dishonest and degrading to your character to use the EVIDENCE in one case when it suits you while rejecting it in another when it does not. You are cherry picking.
Feliformia emerged 42 million years ago

do you base that conclusion upon the existence of what a million fossils (more likely a few thousand) which would be what one fossil record for every creature of that type that existed for each 42 years, combined with an assumption that fossil A had to be derived from fossil B, instead of being a unique creature.......and from that tiny bit of evidence you believe you know everything there is to know about how a creature alive today emerged.......

that's a bit like a detective who finds a body in San Fransisco, a knife in Toledo and a guy with a bloody handkerchief in Miami and says "I now know who the murderer is!"........
You do. Your pusillanimous semantic tricks are boring and do not refute my statement. You reject the scientific EVIDENCE that supports the branching of the genus panthera which is the same EVIDENCE (and then some) that is used to support mitochondrial Eve. It is quite dishonest and degrading to your character to use the EVIDENCE in one case when it suits you while rejecting it in another when it does not. You are cherry picking.

I simply reject your are not science....
I wondered why you were including hyenas, but I didn't realize it was something relevant to your argument, I just assumed you had made a mistake........felines be argument stands where I left it, not where you want to carry it.......

Because douchebag, I asked you...

Did Noah bring two from the felidae family or two from the feliformia suborder?

to which you responded that any feline would do.

I followed with a request for clarification with...

So then Noah's feline spawned the hyena, fossa, tiger, house cat and civets, but that is not macroevolution?

To which you responded...

no.....that is micro-evolution.....

You clearly said it was micro evolution. I made no mistake, hyenas are a part of feliformia.

Your argument does not stand at all. You are too much of coward to make a stand with your argument. But fine, I am willing to give you another chance to provide some evidence that you evolved from a common ancestor of the vertebrates.

Did Noah bring two from the felidae family or two from the feliformia suborder?