Atheists are so funny!

I said hybridization can provide evidence that evolution can occur.....I did not say that evolution WAS hybridization......

By asking "can you expand on this" I implied you said evolution was hybridization? Why are such a coward?

Answer the question. Hybridization requires more than one species. How does it explain how all the varieties of felines came from one type of feline.
By asking "can you expand on this" I implied you said evolution was hybridization? Why are such a coward?

Answer the question. Hybridization requires more than one species. How does it explain how all the varieties of felines came from one type of feline.

evolution does not require two species....why are you hung up about hybridization?.......
DNA could as easily "prove" creation as it could "prove evolution..........the fossil record merely proves that other apelike creatures existed, it does not prove that one was the source of another.....

as to felines, by means of hybridization one can duplicate the growth of the feline family......perhaps you have personally tried that with apes.....was it successful?

Bump. How does one duplicate the growth of the feline family with hybridization if you start with one species of feline, numbnuts?
Tekky asked how Noah got 2 of everything onto the ark and he responded with...

there were fewer "everythings" then than there are now......didn't need two lions and two cheetahs and two tigers and two bobcats and two housecats.......just needed two felines....

See, if you don't keep beating the horse you want get these gems of stupidity out of him.

Question for pmp... did Noah bring two from the felidae family or two from the felinoformia suborder?

Also, there is not much genetic variety in humans but your claim that the 5 people contributing genetic variety (8 humans on ark but Noah's sons contribute nothing that is not just their parents) would require quite a bit of mutation to account for it. These mutations all happened in the last 200000 years or how long ago was it?

The mutations required to get all felines from two, roflmao.

Btw, if you are going to argue that Genesis is literally true why aren't you a young earther?

Your idiotic "theories" open a Pandora's box of questions that we can all gain endless amusement from seeing you attempt to answer! You really are DitzyDeuce!
I asked you how the one feline on the ark evolved into the many varieties of felines. You said hybridization.

as I recall the discussion ranged as follows......I said only one strain of feline was necessary.....that is because the rest of the strains could have evolved from that single wanted to know why I believed in evolution at the micro- level but not the macro- level......I believe in evolution at the micro level because of the scientific evidence available....the process is simple and hybridization can demonstrate the existence of species variation.......that is not the same thing as claiming evolution is hybridization.....
Btw, if you are going to argue that Genesis is literally true why aren't you a young earther?

two I pointed out before, I am not a most of the things you argue here, you made up something different and pretend its fact......and, Genesis itself does not claim the earth is young....
Also, there is not much genetic variety in humans but your claim that the 5 people contributing genetic variety (8 humans on ark but Noah's sons contribute nothing that is not just their parents) would require quite a bit of mutation to account for it. These mutations all happened in the last 200000 years or how long ago was it?
yet isn't that precisely what science tells us happened?.....that all the mutations came from a single woman and a single man over the last 200-250k years? much genetic variety is that?.....
as I recall the discussion ranged as follows......I said only one strain of feline was necessary.....that is because the rest of the strains could have evolved from that single wanted to know why I believed in evolution at the micro- level but not the macro- level......I believe in evolution at the micro level because of the scientific evidence available....the process is simple and hybridization can demonstrate the existence of species variation.......that is not the same thing as claiming evolution is hybridization.....

Umm, the idea that tigers, snow leopards and house cats all evolved from one common ancestor is not microevolution, moron. It is macroevolution. You are misusing the language in the same way young earth creationists are known to do.
Umm, the idea that tigers, snow leopards and house cats all evolved from one common ancestor is not microevolution, moron. It is macroevolution. You are misusing the language in the same way young earth creationists are known to do. do you call yourself a professor? apparently weren't even a good student.....

macro evolution is thinking cats and dogs came from the same source.....that mold and sequoia came from the same source.....that humans and snails came from the same source......have you given so little thought to your own beliefs that you don't realize what you previously laughed at as a strawman is the foundation of your faith?.......
two I pointed out before, I am not a most of the things you argue here, you made up something different and pretend its fact......and, Genesis itself does not claim the earth is young....

So then why are you attempting to salvage the literal truth of, at least, parts of the stories of Adam and Eve and Noah and the Ark? do you call yourself a professor? apparently weren't even a good student.....

macro evolution is thinking cats and dogs came from the same source.....that mold and sequoia came from the same source.....that humans and snails came from the same source......have you given so little thought to your own beliefs that you don't realize what you previously laughed at as a strawman is the foundation of your faith?.......

What you describe is macroevolution but it also includes what you are incorrectly labeling as microevolution.

Your strawman was just that.

You are using the jargon of science deniers and young earth creationists either because you are one or you are too stupid to filter out their, obviously, bad ideas.