Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate

libertarians can never criticize corporations, even when they're taking over the world.

that;s the point.

libertarians are corporate butt boy shill sell out traitors.

totalitarianism is fine with them as long as its under a corporate logo and not a state seal.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with what's being discussed or with where Obama or McCain were born...
No, neither of them were.

Barack Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961. Hawaii became a US state in 1959.

John McCain was born on the Coco Solo Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936. In 1936, the Panama Canal Zone was an unincorporated US territory.

So, neither of them were foreign born.

Additionally, with regards to McCain, he was born on a US Naval Base to American parents. That means he is 100% American.

Idiot libs tried to play that card when McCain ran for President, and they were quickly shown to be ignorant of facts...

No, the left never questioned McCain heritage, only fucked in the head right wingers questioned Obama's.
No, the left never questioned McCain heritage, only fucked in the head right wingers questioned Obama's.

There's a leftist retard on the political forums here who argued against the use of birth certificates to determine the sex of kids who wanted to play sports in schools because, get this, they could be forged but he was entirely ready to accept Obama bin laden birth certificate without question. Fascinating if not retarded.
There's a leftist retard on the political forums here who argued against the use of birth certificates to determine the sex of kids who wanted to play sports in schools because, get this, they could be forged but he was entirely ready to accept Obama bin laden birth certificate without question. Fascinating if not retarded.

Biden's own half brother said obama bin laden was born in Africa
Why would his own brother lie about something as obvious as obama bin laden's actual birthing locale?

I do not know, I have a half-brother that would say anything about me if he thought it would somehow make him a buck.

(Yes, I know it is WND... )

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa
Posted: August 02, 2009
11:55 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – California attorney
Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.





Last week, a counterfeit document purporting to be Obama's Kenyan birth certificate made the rounds of the Internet, but was quickly determined to be fraudulent. The new document released by Taitz bears none of the obvious traits of a hoax.

Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn't want his name known because "he's afraid for his life."

Taitz's motion, filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, requests the purported evidence of Obama's birth – both the alleged birth certificate and foreign records not yet obtained – be preserved from destruction, asks for permission to legally request documents from Kenya and seeks a subpoena for deposition from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"I filed the motion with the court asking for expedited discovery, which would allow me to start subpoenas and depositions even before Obama and the government responds," Taitz told WND. "I am asking the judge to give me the power to subpoena the documents from the Kenyan embassy and to require a deposition from Hillary Clinton so they will be forced to authenticate [the birth certificate].

More at link...

If this was proven to be true think of the damage that would be done. Every piece of legislation he signed over the 8 years in office would instantly become void. Think of the chaos and misery the American people would be inflicted with. To my way of thinking the possible damage to the US economy is so significant that scoring political points isn't worth the cost. This is nothing more than some idiot trying to make a name for himself.
If this was proven to be true think of the damage that would be done. Every piece of legislation he signed over the 8 years in office would instantly become void. Think of the chaos and misery the American people would be inflicted with. To my way of thinking the possible damage to the US economy is so significant that scoring political points isn't worth the cost. This is nothing more than some idiot trying to make a name for himself.

Pretty sure that’s not true about the legislation he signed.
Every time we come across a JPP thread that seems it would be unsurpassable for stupidity,

some deranged righty miraculously finds a way to top it,

either as the poster or as the author of something being quoted.

I think my morbid curiosity about this phenomenon is what keeps me coming back.
Ok please cite your facts that backup your opinion.

It’s simply the fact he was sworn as president. Once sworn it, the fact he didn’t meet the requirements does not void legislation, he was president regardless.
It’s simply the fact he was sworn as president. Once sworn it, the fact he didn’t meet the requirements does not void legislation, he was president regardless.

Good argument. But the fact is he would be a fraudulent president and by the constitution could not perform the duties of president, thus negating anything he signed as president.