Awesome interview by Harris!

What is wrong with each state having their own laws?

Should they have ALL their own laws? There's a value to having a centralized federal government with a reasonable reach over laws across the country. We kind of fought a bloody war over this point. And this point won.

Abortion is a really tough one. It strikes a lot of chords with a lot of people. But at the end of the day if you want to know why a "patchwork" approach to a law that can potentially affect every single woman in this country doesn't work then look no further to the examples we are seeing now of desperate women living in states with ridiculously strict abortion laws trying to get out of their states to a state where they can get one. IF they are lucky and have sufficient funds they can avail themselves to the rights OTHER women enjoy but not HER.

Why tell 20 states worth of women that they don't have the same rights as women in the other 30?

They can put it on the ballot. Let the people decide.

The people were pretty happy for 50 years with Roe. There was a small contingent of religious folks who thought their freedom to NOT get an abortion was insufficient for them and that everyone should live according to their strict moral codes. This contingent of people coalesced into the Religious Right (along with a few other issues) and it took them a solid 50 years to FINALLY get enough presidents elected that they could systematically stack the court with pro-life people until they had enough that they could count on that they brought a test case to SCOTUS.

And that's why we are here. NOT because a majority of Americans are against choice.

Or would you rather they be forced to do something against their religion. You sure as hell don't want to offend the religious (unless they're Christians), now would you?


So what are they being asked to do against their religion?
What is wrong with each state having their own laws? They can put it on the ballot. Let the people decide. Or would you rather they be forced to do something against their religion. You sure as hell don't want to offend the religious (unless they're Christians), now would you? want states to have their own laws with regard to things like slavery.

My guess is that no slave would want that.

Can you figure out why?
Indeed, notes and a baby sitter.

Pathetic...this clown wants to be the leader of the free world, the Command-in-Chief... Putin and the rest of our enemies must be laughing their heads off.
My guess is that Putin and the rest of our (foreign) enemies are NOT laughing at all. They realize that their puppet, Trump, is going to lose. Now it is back to dealing with real American leadership.

As for "enemies"...well, Trump and his MAGA morons have already done more damage to America than all of its foreign enemies combined. They (Trump and his MAGA morons) are the people we have to squelch. They are the danger. want states to have their own laws with regard to things like slavery.

My guess is that no slave would want that.

Can you figure out why?
Who brought up slavery? We've been through that,
except for the cartel's slaves (complements of Biden & Harris's lack of border security).
Every advantage - and she STILL was a complete fucking disaster.

No way your masters are going to let her debate Trump - it would be worse than Biden.

Oh, and remember how you came and claimed "BIDEN WON."

ROFL - you're such a clown.
Noted. The debate will happen, and every same person knows Biden won!
Who brought up slavery? We've been through that,
except for the cartel's slaves (complements of Biden & Harris's lack of border security).
You want states to determine matters of great importance to humans rather than the federal government.

The result of that kind of thing for slaves would have been continued slavery.

Stop with the bullshit, RB. You know I am correct.
According to Fox, all polls spell trouble for Harris.

How quaint
Thanks to the heavy influence of the Evangelistas on the Republican Party over the past 40 years, MAGAts are big fans of the "power of prayer" AKA the Tinkerbell Effect. They believe that, if they believe strong enough, Donald J. Trump will become the supreme leader of a White Christian America and help pave the way for the Second Coming. It's one reason they are so fanatical.

The Tinkerbell effect is an American English expression describing the phenomenon of thinking something exists only because people believe in it. The effect is named after Tinker Bell, the fairy in the play Peter Pan, who is revived from near death by the belief of the audience.
A woman's right to her own body is a woman's right to her own body.

Why should that change at the whim of whatever state she's in? No one is preventing someone from following their own religion. But a religious majority in a state shouldn't have power to take away women's rights just for their religion. That's preposterous.
Agreed. States shouldn't have the right to determine the rights of Americans. Neither should the Federal government.
Thanks to the heavy influence of the Evangelistas on the Republican Party over the past 40 years, MAGAts are big fans of the "power of prayer" AKA the Tinkerbell Effect. They believe that, if they believe strong enough, Donald J. Trump will become the supreme leader of a White Christian America and help pave the way for the Second Coming. It's one reason they are so fanatical.

The Tinkerbell effect is an American English expression describing the phenomenon of thinking something exists only because people believe in it. The effect is named after Tinker Bell, the fairy in the play Peter Pan, who is revived from near death by the belief of the audience.
Fell asleep in front of the t.v. the other night. When I woke up there was the tail end of a segment claiming the religious zealots are about to demand that trump take a firm stance on abortion. He can't play the middle, as he tried last week to lie his way into office again.

This might get interesting
She gave an awesome interview.
There was no interview. It was a one-hour glamour profile edited down to 17 minutes to cut out all the Kamalaisms.

On to the debate!
Good luck getting Kamaloser out from wherever she's hiding. Now she'll also have to answer for why she is so seething with HATRED for the military that she won't even offer condolences to gold star families, she won't even acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice of our deceased military, and won't even mention their names.

I hope Kamalilly-puff thanked Trump for bailing her out.
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You want states to determine matters of great importance to humans rather than the federal government.
Do you want the Federal government determining how you live, and other matters of great importance to humans?

Stop with the bullshit, RB. You know I am correct.
You have never been correct as far as I can recall. Never. You don't even know the difference between religion and science, or the difference between an atheist and an agnostic. Anything you babble that is actually coherent is erroneous.

@RB 60 - Stand your ground.
Fell asleep in front of the t.v. the other night. When I woke up there was the tail end of a segment claiming the religious zealots are about to demand that trump take a firm stance on abortion. He can't play the middle, as he tried last week to lie his way into office again.

This might get interesting
Nope. You should pay attention. Trump has already clarified his position on abortion and its pretty much engraved in stone.
Correct. No notes. She was fine, articulate, responsive, pleasant.
Correct. She memorized little tidbits. More than forty minutes worth that she couldn't quite remember just got edited out. That's why the one-hour "interview" had to be cut down to 17 minutes, and a bunch of that was Dana and Tim talking.

Kamala will be eaten alive in a debate in which she's not allowed to have any notes.
You want states to determine matters of great importance to humans rather than the federal government.

The result of that kind of thing for slaves would have been continued slavery.

Stop with the bullshit, RB. You know I am correct.
Some matters are reserved to the states. Firearm laws, for one are.

There was no reason to bring up slaves. That issue was decided years ago.

Nothing I said is bullshit, Frank. You are incorrect.
What is wrong with each state having their own laws? They can put it on the ballot. Let the people decide. Or would you rather they be forced to do something against their religion. You sure as hell don't want to offend the religious (unless they're Christians), now would you?
And when "the people" try to get abortion rights on the ballot, (R)s try to prevent them so that "the people" cannot decide.

What is wrong with each state having their own laws? Federal govt. exists in part to protect the rights and freedoms of all citizens. What if we left racial discrimination up to the states to decide? Some states would pass legislation making it fine to refuse to rent to, hire, sell to, serve minorities like people of color, LGBTQ people, non-Christians, or whatever group(s) they dislike. Some states might make a total ban on firearms. Some states might make owning an RPG legal -- I'm sure YOU would love that. Just think of all the neighbors' cats you could kill with that!

You and your forced-birther cohort have absolutely no business trying to legislate personal health care decisions. You would be appalled if a state banned erectile dysfunction drugs and treatment, or cardiac caths, or diabetic medications, wouldn't you? Why on Earth you all think that you have the right to stick your nose up into someone's reproductive business is beyond me. But this is why abortion should not be a state's choice to ban or allow. I hope that President Harris and her majority (D) House and Senate will make it so.
If trump wanted to (properly) use his tariffs for that purpose, he had plenty of time to do it. Further, if he wanted to bring jobs back home, he could have encouraged that when he rewrote the tax code.

He did neither. Whereas it's true that people will pay higher prices when jobs come back home, it has to be weighed against the bigger picture. Everyone seems to be complaining about overpaid burger flippers.

trump understands nothing about the economy. His trade wars were just chest thumping
Yep. And his Cult understands even less. They hoot and rant about China, yet they still patronize Walmart where the majority of items are not made in the U.S. but in China and other foreign countries. They *could* buy American-made products, but generally do not because Walmart's stuff is cheaper. IOW the mantra about "bringing back American jobs" is just empty hot air.
Yep. And his Cult understands even less. They hoot and rant about China, yet they still patronize Walmart where the majority of items are not made in the U.S. but in China and other foreign countries. They *could* buy American-made products, but generally do not because Walmart's stuff is cheaper. IOW the mantra about "bringing back American jobs" is just empty hot air.
Walmart doesn't have a choice about where stuff is made. That's on the manufacturers themselves. Much of what Walmart, and Target and Dollar General for that matter, carry is produced in China because it is unprofitable for manufacturers to make it in America due to shit like onerous OSHA, EPA, and other government regulations mostly piled on them by DEMOCRATS!

They can't "buy American-made products" if there is no American manufacturing company willing to make them. On the other hand, those stores do carry some US made products where they are available like Fruit of the Loom clothing.
