Ayn Rand Christmas Cards

This is the type of thing selfish people who like being selfish say about Rand, she justifies being selfish and says it is good, Rand makes them feel better about their selfishness.

From the government ho, classic
What's ignorant and half-witted is your idiotic view that doing nothing about criminals with guns while keeping them away from everyone else makes the situation better

You sober? What on earth is that codswallop meant to mean?
What is it about Russian writers? They seem to have a penchant for "Why say in three words what can be said in three hundred?".

I'm not just picking on Rand either. All the Russian writers I've read are like that. Excepting maybe Dostoyevsky but Tolstoy, Solzhenitsyn, Rand and Nabokov were all gas bags. I mean don't get me wrong. They are obviously great writers. Solzhenitsyn did more than any writer to undermine the Soviet Empire and expose it for what it was and though he wasn't nearly as god awful bad as Rand at belaboring a point to death he was also a seriously long winded gas bag too.

There is a new War and Peace adaption starting on the Beeb, the advance reviews are very favourable for the most part.

Right, like you're going to give your own money, I must be a congenital idiot to think you are. Actually, chickie poo, my point was you're not going to

You've been here 10 minutes or so you say, and pretend you know personal info about my charitable donations. That's why I called you a congenital idiot. It's people like you who don't give. You sound like one of these guys who says if people fall on hard times it's their own fault.