AZ senator rogers calls to decertify election

It comes from the National Archives which means it was accepted as valid by Congress per U. S. Constitution and these electors were included in the total electoral vote.
The Constitution does NOT give Congress the authority to choose electors for any State.
And: there is a variant D of Covid
Not possible. You can't have a variant of a variant.
There was a valid election that Biden won
There was no valid election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
The U. S. went to the moon
That it did.
Obama was born in Hawaii
Unknown. Who cares?
Trump is no longer president
you are insane. seriously. a sick ass moron. I gave a link to the archives of Congress. that is the ultimate source- you are a fucking idiot.

The Electoral College
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2020 Electoral College Results
President Joseph R. Biden Jr. [D]
Main Opponent Donald J. Trump [R]
Electoral Vote Winner: 306 Main Opponent: 232 Total/Majority: 538/270
Vice President Kamala D. Harris [D]
V.P. Opponent: Michael R. Pence [R]
For the first time since adopting their respective systems, both Maine and Nebraska split their electoral votes:

Maine distributes its electoral votes proportionally, with two at-large electors representing the statewide winning presidential and vice presidential candidates and one elector each representing the winners from its two Congressional districts. For only the second time since adopting this system, Maine's four electoral votes were split between the two major party tickets.

Nebraska distributes its electoral votes proportionally, with two at-large electors representing the statewide winning presidential and vice presidential candidates and one elector each representing the winners from its three Congressional districts. For only the second time since adopting this system, Nebraska's five electoral votes were split between the two major party tickets.
During the electoral vote count, objections were filed with respect to the Arizona and Pennsylvania electoral votes, but neither House sustained the objection, so all votes were counted.

Congress does not have authority to choose the electors for any State.
You are describing yourself again.

The Democrat party does not have authority to choose electors for any State.

Only the legislature of a State has the authority to choose the electors for that State.

They don't have authority to choose electors either.

Congress does not have authority to choose the electors for any State.

Nope. At least seven States never chose the electors. CNN is fake news and does not count any votes. You can't use it as a reference.

you are an idiot- good god. you have no idea how the electoral college system works-

The 2020 presidential election is coming in November and the Electoral College plays an important role in the process. Through our Q&AZ project, a listener asked: How electors are chosen in Arizona, and what are precinct committee people?

The 11 electors will come from the same political party as the presidential candidate who wins the majority vote in the state in November. Those electors will come together in December to cast their votes. (Biden won, 11 democratic electors voted. stupid fuck)

They’re chosen in advance by state party leaders and are typically current or former public officials or individuals who are active in presidential campaigns and their communities.

Bruce Ash is a national committeeman from the Arizona Republican Party and also served as an elector in the 2012 and 2016 elections.

“You’re recognized for your contribution, the work that you do to help your political party and the work that you do to support the candidate," he said. "I think we are all really serving our country and our fellow citizens in our participation in the political process."

Felecia Rotellini is the Arizona Democratic Party chairwoman. She said the last time Arizona's electors came from her party was during former President Bill Clinton's election. She also serves as a precinct committee person. It's a grassroot position responsible for getting their neighbors engaged in politics.

“It’s the most important person in the party because they have the opportunity to increase the network that the Democrats can reach out to and help people do the most important thing that I believe they can do and that is to vote," she said.
Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R) recently laid out her ideas on how to move forward in the state’s forensic audit. The Republican said this effort “is absolutely imperative” and she “will be fighting, fighting, fighting.”

During an interview on Tuesday, she stated there is enough evidence of fraud to begin decertifying 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County. The audit found massive discrepancies, including over 74,000 mail-in ballots that appear to have never been sent.

Rogers confirmed the state legislature could decertify the results with a joint resolution, but would need a Senate majority vote. The Republican lawmaker said she’s confident that Senate President Karen Fann will follow through on enforcement.

“We have to finish the audit, we have to hold the Maricopa County supervisors accountable to include possibly sending them to jail,” stated the state senator. “There is already enough information to justify this.”

ARIZ. STATE SEN. ROGERS is off his rocker
The Arizona TWILIGHT ZONA audit by the Cyber Ninjas will draft up a report saying they found no credible evidence of widespread voting fraud in the 2020 election!

The report could be out as early as next week.

Of course Trump will accuse the Cyber Ninjas of being closet Democrats and cheating!

The Constitution does NOT give Congress the authority to choose electors for any State.

They don't. The states choose the electors and certify the election and Congress counts those votes and declares the winner. Congress did not choose the electors.

You keep stating a fact nobody has challenged.
you are insane. seriously. a sick ass moron. I gave a link to the archives of Congress. that is the ultimate source- you are a fucking idiot.

The Electoral College
About the Electoral College
About the Electors
Roles and Responsibilities
Legal Provisions
Distribution of Electoral Votes
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For State Officials

Contact OFR
2020 Electoral College Results
President Joseph R. Biden Jr. [D]
Main Opponent Donald J. Trump [R]
Electoral Vote Winner: 306 Main Opponent: 232 Total/Majority: 538/270
Vice President Kamala D. Harris [D]
V.P. Opponent: Michael R. Pence [R]
For the first time since adopting their respective systems, both Maine and Nebraska split their electoral votes:

Maine distributes its electoral votes proportionally, with two at-large electors representing the statewide winning presidential and vice presidential candidates and one elector each representing the winners from its two Congressional districts. For only the second time since adopting this system, Maine's four electoral votes were split between the two major party tickets.

Nebraska distributes its electoral votes proportionally, with two at-large electors representing the statewide winning presidential and vice presidential candidates and one elector each representing the winners from its three Congressional districts. For only the second time since adopting this system, Nebraska's five electoral votes were split between the two major party tickets.
During the electoral vote count, objections were filed with respect to the Arizona and Pennsylvania electoral votes, but neither House sustained the objection, so all votes were counted.

Do you recognize ITN in this video?
