AZ senator rogers calls to decertify election

you are an idiot- good god. you have no idea how the electoral college system works-
You again deny the Constitution, which defines exactly how the electoral college system works.
The 2020 presidential election is coming in November and the Electoral College plays an important role in the process.
Apparently you don't know what day it is either. It's 2021, dummy.
Through our Q&AZ project, a listener asked: How electors are chosen in Arizona, and what are precinct committee people?
That listener should read the Constitution as well. It describes exactly how electors are chosen. A precinct committee is not the Constitution. False authority fallacy.
The 11 electors will come from the same political party as the presidential candidate who wins the majority vote in the state in November. Those electors will come together in December to cast their votes. (Biden won, 11 democratic electors voted. stupid fuck)

The electors of a State can only be chosen by that State's legislature. See the Constitution of the United States.
They’re chosen in advance by state party leaders and are typically current or former public officials or individuals who are active in presidential campaigns and their communities.
Party leaders do not have authority to choose the electors. See the Constitution of the United States.
Bruce Ash is a national committeeman from the Arizona Republican Party and also served as an elector in the 2012 and 2016 elections.

“You’re recognized for your contribution, the work that you do to help your political party and the work that you do to support the candidate," he said. "I think we are all really serving our country and our fellow citizens in our participation in the political process."

Felecia Rotellini is the Arizona Democratic Party chairwoman. She said the last time Arizona's electors came from her party was during former President Bill Clinton's election. She also serves as a precinct committee person. It's a grassroot position responsible for getting their neighbors engaged in politics.

“It’s the most important person in the party because they have the opportunity to increase the network that the Democrats can reach out to and help people do the most important thing that I believe they can do and that is to vote," she said.
Party leaders do not have authority to choose electors. See the Constitution of the United States.
...deleted Holy Link...
KJZZ is not the Constitution of the United States. False authority fallacy. The ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States is the Constitution of the United States.
The Arizona TWILIGHT ZONA audit by the Cyber Ninjas will draft up a report saying they found no credible evidence of widespread voting fraud in the 2020 election!

The report could be out as early as next week.

Of course Trump will accuse the Cyber Ninjas of being closet Democrats and cheating!


You can't make the evidence go away by wishing.
any time, necromonger.

Having a bad day, are ya?

You again deny the Constitution, which defines exactly how the electoral college system works.

Apparently you don't know what day it is either. It's 2021, dummy.

That listener should read the Constitution as well. It describes exactly how electors are chosen. A precinct committee is not the Constitution. False authority fallacy.

The electors of a State can only be chosen by that State's legislature. See the Constitution of the United States.

Party leaders do not have authority to choose the electors. See the Constitution of the United States.

Party leaders do not have authority to choose electors. See the Constitution of the United States.

KJZZ is not the Constitution of the United States. False authority fallacy. The ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States is the Constitution of the United States.

you are such a dickhead!! you do not understand words!!

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, ...

Article II Section 1 | Constitution Annotated | ...

Electoral College Fast Facts | US House of Representatives ... › Institution › Electoral-College
Electors. Most states require that all electoral votes go to the candidate who receives the most votes in that state. After state election officials certify the ...

Electoral College :: Article II. Executive Department :: US ... › constitution › article-2 › 03-elec...
Clause 2. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and ...(in Arizona the state legislature says the party of the candidate who has the most votes get to pick the 11 electors, stupid shit)

Read this complete Arizona Revised Statutes Title 16. Elections and Electors § 16-212. Election of presidential electors;  electoral college votes;  vacancy;  replacement on Westlaw

A. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1956, and quadrennially thereafter, there shall be elected a number of presidential electors equal to the number of United States senators and representatives in Congress from this state.

B. After the secretary of state issues the statewide canvass containing the results of a presidential election, the presidential electors of this state shall cast their electoral college votes for the candidate for president and the candidate for vice president who jointly received the highest number of votes in this state as prescribed in the canvass.

C. A presidential elector who knowingly refuses to cast that elector's electoral college vote as prescribed in subsection B of this section is no longer eligible to hold the office of presidential elector and that office is deemed and declared vacant by operation of law.  The chairperson of the state committee of the political party represented by that elector shall appoint a person who is otherwise qualified to be a presidential elector.  The replacement presidential elector shall cast the elector's electoral college vote as prescribed by this section.  Notwithstanding § 16-344 and any other statute, the nomination paper and affidavit of qualification of the replacement presidential elector may be completed and filed with the secretary of state as soon as is practicable after the presidential elector's appointment.
you are such a dickhead!! you do not understand words!!

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, ...

Article II Section 1 | Constitution Annotated | ...

Electoral College Fast Facts | US House of Representatives ... › Institution › Electoral-College
Electors. Most states require that all electoral votes go to the candidate who receives the most votes in that state. After state election officials certify the ...

Electoral College :: Article II. Executive Department :: US ... › constitution › article-2 › 03-elec...
Clause 2. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and ...(in Arizona the state legislature says the party of the candidate who has the most votes get to pick the 11 electors, stupid shit)

and under the audit, it appears the republicans got more. so....