Bad News

to equate his signing up with having no understanding of politics or being foolish is a bit arrogant, don't you think? Maybe after overhearing all those family discussions he has decided just to go over to the dark (conservative) side.:)

Please. George Bush is clueless hack who embodies the ills of nepotism. His rule is directly caused 1000s of deaths and 1000s of severe injuries and ruined families for a reason that turned out to not exist. Why the fck would you want him as a boss knowing that? Not only is he your boss, but he effectively owns you. This is horrible time to join the military and i wouldn't recommend anyone do it. Especially my little brother.
It is possible. If you brother is capable and can pass the courses he has a good chance of working in intel. I did, and I ain't a super-special extra superific intelligence beyond measure...

I hope your brother is able to do what they gave him a shot to do. Which type of intel was he promised a shot at?

No clue. this just really sucks because my step brother just got back from Iraq & out of the AF last year. :mad:
Good advice. You can support him without agreeing with him.

If he ends up humping it in Anbar Province, the odds are still in his favor. And then you'll have a truly priceless opportunity to say "We TOLD you so!"


I don't want it to get that far.
My brother was drafted during Vietnam.

He went to boot and did everything they asked him to do but refused to carry a gun.
They would hand it to him and he would throw it ot the ground.

Towards the end he would hitch hike home and the first thing he would do was call his boot instructor and tell him where he was and when he would be back.
It was always just a day or two and then he would return.

They eventually gave himk dishonorable dis charge because they realized he was TOO STRONG for them to break.

His dishonorable discharge was years later communted to an honoralbe one but I really dont think I could have been any prouder of him.

Hes a republican by the way.
I don't want it to get that far.
Of course not. I probably shouldn't have been so flip, but the point is still sound. I just mean that, even if he does get sent -- and let's all hope that doesn't happen -- remember that the odds are still good that he'll come home safe and sound.

My nephew joined, he's just got over to Monterey and began lessons in Arabic.

Of my nephews who have been in, two were infantry, two were communication and one was intel. One of the two who were in the infantry is still in and loving it and the other is out and is the boss of a construction crew in Dallas. Both communications nephews are out and in college, working part time (one for a phone company and one installing satellite dishes) on the skills they learned in the Army. The one in intel is out but I don't know what he is currently doing. The last I heard he was in college in OKC.

I'm sorry if I struck a nerve with LadyT and I really can understand her concerns, especially for her brother. It just bothers me immensely when someone equates joining the military with a lack of knowledge or being foolish. But then I come from a military family. Dad was in for 25 years and participated in 2.25 wars.
Get your brother to study Arabic maybe they will see him as more valuble and finish training him in it.

I sure think if nothing else it will help him stay alive by being able to talk to the people there to some degree.
My brother was drafted during Vietnam.

He went to boot and did everything they asked him to do but refused to carry a gun.
They would hand it to him and he would throw it ot the ground.

Towards the end he would hitch hike home and the first thing he would do was call his boot instructor and tell him where he was and when he would be back.
It was always just a day or two and then he would return.

They eventually gave himk dishonorable dis charge because they realized he was TOO STRONG for them to break.

His dishonorable discharge was years later communted to an honoralbe one but I really dont think I could have been any prouder of him.

Hes a republican by the way.

Smart guy. I should have him talk to my brother then.
I don't know. When I see him, I'll grill him on it. I haven't actually talked ot him yet. I just sent him an angry text message.
LOL! My family network is email-based, but I know how that goes. When my nephew announced that he wanted to major in Art I got an angry flurry of "Did you put him up to this?" messages. To which the answer was "no" just for the record.
That's cool that he's getting Arabic lessons.
Yeah, he's following in my footsteps. I'm very proud of the boy. This is the little guy that I raised for his first two and a half years as my sister regained herself.
I'm sorry if I struck a nerve with LadyT and I really can understand her concerns, especially for her brother. It just bothers me immensely when someone equates joining the military with a lack of knowledge or being foolish. But then I come from a military family. Dad was in for 25 years and participated in 2.25 wars.

Yeah. I was an army brat too and now too of my brothers have enlisted. And I still say joining at this point in time is pretty stupid given who our president and how he indiscriminately abuses the military.

Unless your homeless or really desparate it makes no sense to join.
He came up with it all by himself at 18.

He is a very strong person.

They do all sorts of shit to you , he at the time was a high school foot ball player and was VERY physically fitl

Im sure he had to do a million push ups but he was well capable of it.
He is still at mid 50s very physically fit.

I dont think your bro is in the right frame of mind to do this.

Support him in his decision and love him all you can.
Hes in for a great big eye opening adventure and maybe will get lucky and Miss this stupid war entirely do to our eventual pull out.
LOL! My family network is email-based, but I know how that goes. When my nephew announced that he wanted to major in Art I got an angry flurry of "Did you put him up to this?" messages. To which the answer was "no" just for the record.

I'm curious as to what my dad says. He's always been supportive of people joining the military. He was an ROTC instructor in Baltimore at one point. He probably has little to say other than, "its his decision". Its mainly me and my mother that are likely to have a problem with it.
I dont think your bro is in the right frame of mind to do this.

Support him in his decision and love him all you can.
Hes in for a great big eye opening adventure and maybe will get lucky and Miss this stupid war entirely do to our eventual pull out.

So he'll be just in time for the next one?
I fear that one is comeing very soon.

I think the American people will hang Bush when he does this.