Bad News

Well now not a trekie, but I like Star Trek and most all scifi.
Never been to one of the trekie conventions or anything like that though. I don't even own a toy Phaser :)
Well now not a trekie, but I like Star Trek and most all scifi.
Never been to one of the trekie conventions or anything like that though. I don't even own a toy Phaser :)

lol... ya me too, its actuly one of the most well tought out TV seires i can think of. IMO
All he has to do is show up to the first day of boot camp, wearing a dress, carrying a parasol, and speaking with a lisp using words like "fabulous", and they'll put him on the first Bus out of there.

Didn't work for Klinger.

I just found out my little brother joined the military. He's going to be in the national guard reserve. Absolutely ridiculous.

He signed up a few weeks ago and didn't tell my mother before hand. They told him he could do intel (like they tell everyone) and that he probably wouldn't be deployed.

"Troops who led 2003 invasion deploy for third tour"

You should try giving him the respect he deserves, instead of treating him like a child in front of strangers by questioning his decision. You're a shitty sister.
No, but sometimes I feel sorry for him though. As if, well, maybe I should talk to him so he doesn't get lonely on here. But then I get hold of my senses.

Technically I'm nicer than you since I actually respond to his bullshit. Granted its usually an insult, but nonetheless, its a response. I wonder if I can deduct it on my taxes as charity somehow.
Technically I'm nicer than you since I actually respond to his bullshit. Granted its usually an insult, but nonetheless, its a response. I wonder if I can deduct it on my taxes as charity somehow.

"Technically I'm nicer than you" Well, there's nothing like icing your own cake. ;)

I might start answering him again, only because there really is nobody here to get up a good argument with. The only time I ever get worked up on here is when Damo misreads me, which is pretty much daily, but it's not really enough.
"Technically I'm nicer than you" Well, there's nothing like icing your own cake. ;)

I might start answering him again, only because there really is nobody here to get up a good argument with. The only time I ever get worked up on here is when Damo misreads me, which is pretty much daily, but it's not really enough.

I'm actually really hunky. We could have been if you had a better attitude towards white power.
"Technically I'm nicer than you" Well, there's nothing like icing your own cake. ;)

I might start answering him again, only because there really is nobody here to get up a good argument with. The only time I ever get worked up on here is when Damo misreads me, which is pretty much daily, but it's not really enough.

Hey! I thought we had a nice go with the illegal immigration thing. Its kind of nice disagreeing on something though. The usual pats on the back I give you aren't nearly as fun.