Bad News

Here's our slogan:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Maybe someday you'll have a child you love.

If I do, he or she might be half black.

And I'm worried about securing the future for human beings, not for any one race. That's just stupid.
If I do, he or she might be half black.

And I'm worried about securing the future for human beings, not for any one race. That's just stupid.

But you agree with racial discriminatory practices if you support affirmative action. Why do you support that if you support all human beings?
I'm going to check in for one on Saturday. Sometimes I go for them even if I'm not defintely pregnant. Just in case, and because of you know, the fun.

Well, the quarterly uterus scraping is a must.
Damo, is he serious about this stuff he spews? I'm asking because you said you know him from another board.
Damo, is he serious about this stuff he spews? I'm asking because you said you know him from another board.

Damo knows I used to be a standard neocon globalist. That's why I could destroy dixie. I used to be him, and I know where my "slides" used to be.
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Damo knows I used to be a standard neocon globalist. That's why I could destroy dixie. I used to be him, and I know where my "slides" used to be.

Oh, but now you're for the preservation and propagation of the white race. Is that right?
I'm totally not up for an AA debate tonight. I have to sign off soon.

But I'll take this up tomorrow.

Sleep well, fair Darla.

Here's our slogan:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Maybe someday you'll have a child you love.

My slogan along those lines would be the same except leave out the word "white".
I fear my grandchildren are going to have a lot harder time than I did.
Well they will have a place to live and grow food, and not be able to sell it :)
My slogan along those lines would be the same except leave out the word "white".
I fear my grandchildren are going to have a lot harder time than I did.
Well they will have a place to live and grow food, and not be able to sell it :)

Why leave out the world white? It doesn't mean you can't also help others, but if you're white, you're children may be white individuals.
Why leave out the world white? It doesn't mean you can't also help others, but if you're white, you're children may be white individuals.

Because to be a white supramecist only continues the strife and friction in the world. We need to just get along instead of fear one another.