Bad News

Maybe he'll give in if I point out the incontrovertible fact that everyone who opposes affirmative action is not only a white-supremacist bigot but also a whiney loser?

Nah. Probably not.

Can I start calling him AsshatNazi yet?

I love when they start in with the argument that AA isn't fair because black people will "feel badly" if they think they got into a college, or got a certain job just because they're black. I'm surprised he hasn't pulled that one out yet. I love the big "I'm only concerned about their self-esteem" thing. It never fails to make me break out into hysterical laughter.
Maybe he'll give in if I point out the incontrovertible fact that everyone who opposes affirmative action is not only a white-supremacist bigot but also a whiney loser?

Nah. Probably not.

Can I start calling him AsshatNazi yet?

AsshatNazi ? actually in this case perhaps so, White supremacy and Aryian nation go hand in hand and was part of the Nazi scheme of things...

years ago as a part of making test calls thru circuits I used to call many recordings, white power being one of them, it was horrible.
Such as "do you want the n......s stealing you childs lunch money" and such fear and hate mongering as that.

It is a horrible hate and fear mongering organization.
The recording was good for a few laughs until you thought about it...
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yes it does somewhat Damo, but skin colored discrimination still exists in large numbers. Some method to defuse it is needed, people will not voluntarially be "color blind" for the most part.

Your suggestion to replace AA with what alternative is ?
Economic factors rather than skin color.
I love when they start in with the argument that AA isn't fair because black people will "feel badly" if they think they got into a college, or got a certain job just because they're black. I'm surprised he hasn't pulled that one out yet. I love the big "I'm only concerned about their self-esteem" thing. It never fails to make me break out into hysterical laughter.
Yeah, that's a good one. It's from the "we have to teach the homeless to be more independent" school of comedy.

I'm afraid that I only have two possible modes of dealing with this cr*p. I can either dismiss it as lunatic raving, make jokes and get myself laughing at 'em or else I can get seriously pissed off. I choose the former when I have the opportunity. I am not, as you probably remember, any fun when I'm seriously pissed off. :(

To be sure, there are indeed African Americans who don't like affirmative action. The infamous -- and widely despised -- Ward Connerly comes to mind. Whoopie. You can find almost any particular opinion within a population that large if you go looking for it.

We aren't going to end racist discrimination simply by pretending that ethnicity isn't an issue. Culture has to become colorblind before society can pretend to be. Doing it the other way 'round ain't gonna accomplish anything.
Economic factors rather than skin color.
That works in some cases but not all. It also adds a large and potentially crippling burden of verification: it's all too easy to put on the poor mouth, as the Irish say.

Besides, there is an enormous body of evidence suggesting that skin color is indeed the fundamental issue. Still.
Yeah, that's a good one. It's from the "we have to teach the homeless to be more independent" school of comedy.

I prefer the, "Let's deal with the primary addiction that got most of them there before giving away a house." school of thought.

When dealing with those few that do not have a primary addiction you could directly compensate rather than deal with an addiction first. The main problem is the "But I like it" factor of addiction.
Yeah, that's a good one. It's from the "we have to teach the homeless to be more independent" school of comedy.

I'm afraid that I only have two possible modes of dealing with this cr*p. I can either dismiss it as lunatic raving, make jokes and get myself laughing at 'em or else I can get seriously pissed off. I choose the former when I have the opportunity. I am not, as you probably remember, any fun when I'm seriously pissed off. :(

To be sure, there are indeed African Americans who don't like affirmative action. The infamous -- and widely despised -- Ward Connerly comes to mind. Whoopie. You can find almost any particular opinion within a population that large if you go looking for it.

We aren't going to end racist discrimination simply by pretending that ethnicity isn't an issue. Culture has to become colorblind before society can pretend to be. Doing it the other way 'round ain't gonna accomplish anything.

I agree, except that I actually do find you funny when you get seriously pissed. And I find the reactions to it down right hysterical. I remember when you were going to be "reported to the SS" for something you said about bush. lol

You can find women who believe they should be subservient in all ways to men. So? It's a meaningless red herring they pull out. Oh I know this black guy and he hates AA and he wants to get off the "lib planatation". good for him! Tell to go f himself when he finds out what cons have in store for him.
won't work.
We are not yet mature enough as a culture . and I am not sure we ever will be.
Just as they said when AA was first entered, it was one of those arguments against it. "We are not mature enough as a society" is an excuse. We cannot be mature enough until we see the problem and actually start working toward such a resolution. Otherwise we continue in the status quo with laws that specifically refer to such unscientific properties such as "race".
"We aren't going to end racist discrimination simply by pretending that ethnicity isn't an issue. "

You also will not end racist discrimination by promoting racist discrimination. I have no problem if you have two similarly qualified individuals and you give the edge to a female or minority. Because I agree that racist and sexist discrimination still exist. But at the same time you cannot turn around and give a job to someone who is less qualified simply due to their race or gender. Because then AA becomes a racist or sexist policy and awards a position to someone based on their skin pigmentation or a lack of the ole' twig and berries.
Reality is not an excuse Damo , it is a reason.
"Maturity" is a process not "reality". Excellence is not a state of being it is a practice. If we wish to reach excellence we must begin to practice those qualities that actually aim towards it. Otherwise we just perpetuate mediocrity.
"We aren't going to end racist discrimination simply by pretending that ethnicity isn't an issue. "

You also will not end racist discrimination by promoting racist discrimination. I have no problem if you have two similarly qualified individuals and you give the edge to a female or minority. Because I agree that racist and sexist discrimination still exist. But at the same time you cannot turn around and give a job to someone who is less qualified simply due to their race or gender. Because then AA becomes a racist or sexist policy and awards a position to someone based on their skin pigmentation or a lack of the ole' twig and berries.

Should we stop giving prejudicial hiring benefits to veterans as well ?
"We aren't going to end racist discrimination simply by pretending that ethnicity isn't an issue. "

You also will not end racist discrimination by promoting racist discrimination. I have no problem if you have two similarly qualified individuals and you give the edge to a female or minority. Because I agree that racist and sexist discrimination still exist. But at the same time you cannot turn around and give a job to someone who is less qualified simply due to their race or gender. Because then AA becomes a racist or sexist policy and awards a position to someone based on their skin pigmentation or a lack of the ole' twig and berries.
Absolutely. Quotas went out of affirmative action long ago. HR directors get fired over using quotas: it's lazy and clearly unfair.

Can you find instances of bad affirmative action programs within the past few years? Naturally. I think you'll find, though, that as soon as they're exposed, they're corrected. And the HR Director is usually fired, too. :)
Should we stop giving prejudicial hiring benefits to veterans as well ?
That is a qualification, not a skin color. One can add benefit to serving, make it a plus, without reflecting on skin color as part of the process.

This to me is like saying, "Should we then stop using criteria at all to determine if somebody is qualified?"
That is a qualification, not a skin color. One can add benefit to serving, make it a plus, without reflecting on skin color as part of the process.

This to me is like saying, "Should we then stop using criteria at all to determine if somebody is qualified?"
Qualification? Hmm. Maybe. Depends on the job, though. Don't want no daycare providers with PTSD you know. That could be darned dangerous.

Not quite the same Damo it is an edge they are given points on exams and such.
but I agree that we should give them an edge for serving their country. Just was bringing it up as another form of hiring "discrimination".
Qualification? Hmm. Maybe. Depends on the job, though. Don't want no daycare providers with PTSD you know. That could be darned dangerous.

But once again, it is a quantifiable reason. A qualification, whether positive or negative, is not the same thing as focusing on their pigmentation.
one fear I have is that more "going postal" episodes with vets will start happening. They had pretty much fizzled out....
Not quite the same Damo it is an edge they are given points on exams and such.
but I agree that we should give them an edge for serving their country. Just was bringing it up as another form of hiring "discrimination".
But it is a quantifiable reason, it is something that they have done to either deserve/not deserve a little boost.

Imagine not using such quantifiable reasoning in hiring, as in the above example, a day care provider. People who were convicted of crimes couldn't be rejected regardless of what type of crime it might be because that would be "discriminatory". Using such qualifiers is not the same as focusing on pigmentation.