Bad News

Is that all ? well there are assholes everywhere. Probably they were mostly republicans :)

there has been more people than that killed by lightening in the same timeframe I would venture to say.

Perhaps in you lifetime your race will become a minority and then you will whine in the other direction. I have seen your type come and go, so much fear based is really sad. Enjoy and embrace life it is too short to waste on hate.
Is that all ? well there are assholes everywhere. Probably they were mostly republicans :)

there has been more people than that killed by lightening in the same timeframe I would venture to say.

Perhaps in you lifetime your race will become a minority and then you will whine in the other direction. I have seen your type come and go, so much fear based is really sad. Enjoy and embrace life it is too short to waste on hate.

"hate" seems to be label you like. Are blacks engaging in "hate" when they "whine" about discrimination?

All you old jew brainwashed white people think decimating your own people is noble. Thanks a lot you old fuckers.
blacks engaging in hate ? yes some do but some just whine about discrimintaion like you do. While not getting up off their butts and making an effort to make their lives better.

You are barking up the wrong tree on the Jew brainwashed item for sure, I am pretty antisemitic. Strange how that only jews have a word describing not agreeing with them... If you were more familiar with a lot of my past posts you would realize this.

Old Fucker ? Yep and proud of it. No viagra needed here :D
I will be glad to get back home to my ladies in a couple of weeks, city life sucks.
blacks engaging in hate ? yes some do but some just whine about discrimintaion like you do. While not getting up off their butts and making an effort to make their lives better.
So why when I'm whining about discrimination do you call it hate?

And I don't complain because Im a loser. I make about 40 bucks an hour as a database programmer, so I'd kindly appreciate you keeping your personal smears to youself, you piece of shit, old, discrimination favorer.
You are barking up the wrong tree on the Jew brainwashed item for sure, I am pretty antisemitic. Strange how that only jews have a word describing not agreeing with them... If you were more familiar with a lot of my past posts you would realize this.

Old Fucker ? Yep and proud of it. No viagra needed here :D
I will be glad to get back home to my ladies in a couple of weeks, city life sucks.

So you should recognize how this whole "anti-white = enlightenment" notion is just another kike construct.
I make a over $40/hour. And am saving over half of that...
But what does that have to do with hatred ?

I hate very few people and no one because of their race or religion.
and the few that I technically hate I avoid and do not dwell upon it so it won't eat me up and ruin my life.

I hate what you appear to represent, but do not hate you. I only wish you would become "enlightened " to the realities of life and not spoil you enjoyment of life with hatred.
We are pretty much all alike regardless of race or religion, there are assholes of all races and religions and good people in all as well.
We are all just trying to make our way thru life and need to realize we don't need to stomp others down to make it thru life.
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I make a over $40/hour. And am saving over half of that...
But what does that have to do with hatred ?

I hate very few people and no one because of their race or religion.
and the few that I technically hate I avoid and do not dwell upon it so it won't eat me up and ruin my life.

It has to do with you continually attributing my concern about discrimination to some imagined loserdom.

You're so centered. Now if we could just get you to stand on principle for one goddamned day in your "go with the flow" sellout life.
I pretty much like you too AHZ, jut think you need to get your priorities in life lined out. I feel that you are fairly young and hope you will learn a more harmonious way of life.

Me I am on the downhill slide and refuse to get too uptight about naything like this. I expect to cvlear about 1 mill on a piece of property I bought last year and retire in modest comfort. Me my farm , firends and my harem of lady friends.
amazing how age even helps competing ladies get along well.

Live a good life AHZ. Me I am going to go to bed and watch an episode of Babylon 5 on DVD.
I pretty much like you too AHZ, jut think you need to get your priorities in life lined out. I feel that you are fairly young and hope you will learn a more harmonious way of life.

Me I am on the downhill slide and refuse to get too uptight about naything like this. I expect to cvlear about 1 mill on a piece of property I bought last year and retire in modest comfort. Me my farm , firends and my harem of lady friends.
amazing how age even helps competing ladies get along well.

Live a good life AHZ. Me I am going to go to bed and watch an episode of Babylon 5 on DVD.

It is certainly more harmonious to go along with the evils of the world, but that's selfish, now isn't it. There was a lot of disharmony through the civil rights movement, but it was the right thing to do, but racial discrimination against white people is not a noble extension of that.

Later gator.
I did not say to kiss ass. There are differences....
I kiss no ass, well depends on how pretty the ladies ass is :)
I do not fear labels. I don't like them, but do not fear them becuase the are pretty much just vapor on the wind and have no real substance or meaning. Stick and stones .....

Speaking of politically motivated labels now.
I make a over $40/hour. And am saving over half of that...
But what does that have to do with hatred ?

I hate very few people and no one because of their race or religion.
and the few that I technically hate I avoid and do not dwell upon it so it won't eat me up and ruin my life.

I hate what you appear to represent, but do not hate you. I only wish you would become "enlightened " to the realities of life and not spoil you enjoyment of life with hatred.
We are pretty much all alike regardless of race or religion, there are assholes of all races and religions and good people in all as well.
We are all just trying to make our way thru life and need to realize we don't need to stomp others down to make it thru life.

Well said usc.
Thanks Darla. From my days of playing with the martial arts I recall one thing from Chinese philosophy that stuck. Hatred is like an acid the consumes that which contains it.
Not an exact quote , but the same meaning.
Thanks Darla. From my days of playing with the martial arts I recall one thing from Chinese philosophy that stuck. Hatred is like an acid the consumes that which contains it.
Not an exact quote , but the same meaning.

Boy that is true. I think that hatred of certain ideas or ideologies can inspire you to passion, which can be a good motivator. But hatred of particular individuals will only eat you up inside and all of a sudden you start becoming more and more like the person you hate. Always best to remove yourself from the situation. I learned that from experience too.
Thanks Darla. From my days of playing with the martial arts I recall one thing from Chinese philosophy that stuck. Hatred is like an acid the consumes that which contains it.
Not an exact quote , but the same meaning.

but you mislabel. It's not hate to not want to be discriminated against due to one's skin color.
but you mislabel. It's not hate to not want to be discriminated against due to one's skin color.
Certainly not. It is, however, hateful to pretend to be unfairly discriminated against when one is not. It is like blaming the victim for her own rape, as it were.

Also, it's being a whiney loser.
There's no pretending. The racial discrimination against white people is unfair.
It would be if there were any, but there isn't. Nor is there any tooth fairy and -- I hate to break this to you, but -- neither was there a gunman on The Grassy Knoll.

No unfair racial discrimination to the detriment of white males, anyway. Naturally there is "discrimination" in the literal sense else, as Damo pointed out, all jobs would have to be filled on a purely first-come, first-served basis.

Now, go find another hobby horse. This one's broken. :rolleyes: