Bad News

I am just glad that the allowing of religious based groups providing head start services to hire and fire based on religion failed to make it thru congress. In spite of the rebutlikens push to have it in there.
Not quite the same Damo it is an edge they are given points on exams and such.
but I agree that we should give them an edge for serving their country. Just was bringing it up as another form of hiring "discrimination".
Yeah, "discrimination" is another word that's developed bad behavior from years of abuse. It's got two quite different meanings that nonetheless get interchanged freely in discussion and the media.

Main Entry: dis·crim·i·na·tion
Pronunciation: dis-"kri-m&-'nA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently
2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing
3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment <racial discrimination>
synonym see [SIZE=-1]DISCERNMENT[/SIZE]

It's only definition (3), discriminating categorically, that's a negative. And even then, we're only really concerned with unfair discrimination.

It always comes back to our differing ideas of what's "fair" and what isn't. Almost every major social issue does.
I am just glad that the allowing of religious based groups providing head start services to hire and fire based on religion failed to make it thru congress. In spite of the rebutlikens push to have it in there.
I would assume that it didn't pass while Republicans held both houses, correct? Maybe "certain" republicans might have been a better description.
I discrimiate against most all republicans as most all of them voted for bush and therefore cannot be trusted to make good decisions.

some rattlesnakes won't bite me but I am smart to treat all of them as if they will until proven otherwise.
I discrimiate against most all republicans as most all of them voted for bush and therefore cannot be trusted to make good decisions.

some rattlesnakes won't bite me but I am smart to treat all of them as if they will until proven otherwise.

You know what? Excellent point! If you voted for bush your judgement is suspect, and if you voted for him twice, your judgement is destroyed. You don't get the job.
You know what? Excellent point! If you voted for bush your judgement is suspect, and if you voted for him twice, your judgement is destroyed. You don't get the job.

This should be on all employment applications :)

It IS a qualification.
"The whole "reverse discrimination" thing is just a bunch of whiney losers who want to blame everyone else for their being whiney losers."

Yes pretty much so.
Just a fear mongering tactic.

There's no "reverse" about it. It's just basic racial discrimination against white people.
Yeah, "discrimination" is another word that's developed bad behavior from years of abuse. It's got two quite different meanings that nonetheless get interchanged freely in discussion and the media.

Main Entry: dis·crim·i·na·tion
Pronunciation: dis-"kri-m&-'nA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently
2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing
3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment <racial discrimination>
synonym see [SIZE=-1]DISCERNMENT[/SIZE]

It's only definition (3), discriminating categorically, that's a negative. And even then, we're only really concerned with unfair discrimination.

It always comes back to our differing ideas of what's "fair" and what isn't. Almost every major social issue does.

You think racial discrimination is fair, as long as it's against white people. That's why you're a sick twisted nazi.
won't work.
We are not yet mature enough as a culture . and I am not sure we ever will be.

what constitutes "working"? When there are equal numbers of all races in all professions? So do we just keep discriminating against white people until they're cut down to size? Is that it?
Because I know it is not a problem to me or any whites except worthless whiney ones. And it might help a minority get a leg up in life.
Until a better method is found it is the best we have to combat rascism in employment. And many in the good ol land of the free all men are created equal .... well racism will always be present.

I don't worry about looking cool or enlightened either. It just comes naturally to me :D
Because I know it is not a problem to me or any whites except worthless whiney ones. And it might help a minority get a leg up in life.
Until a better method is found it is the best we have to combat rascism in employment. And many in the good ol land of the free all men are created equal .... well racism will always be present.

I don't worry about looking cool or enlightened either. It just comes naturally to me :D

There is a better method, it's called basing it on economic factors.

Many careers have been ruined as more capable whites are passed over for less capable black people. Society loses out as minority incompetence gets a free pass, and free access to ruin society at large.
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You are dealing in the past AHZ, it is now best qualified with no regards to race.
The quota system is dead everywhere I have worked for some time and I have been involved in interviewing and hiring. My ex was an HR manager in a major national corporation.
I have also fired a black union employee and made it stick. I followed the rules.

Keep talkin out your ass AHZ.
You are dealing in the past AHZ, it is now best qualified with no regards to race.
The quota system is dead everywhere I have worked for some time and I have been involved in interviewing and hiring. My ex was an HR manager in a major national corporation.
I have also fired a black union employee and made it stick. I followed the rules.

Keep talkin out your ass AHZ.

It's not dead, it's alive and well. But at least you seem to be admitting it's wrong. Good for you.
AA is happening, but the quota system seems to be dead. Ie hiring an unqualified person because of sex or skin tone over a more qualified one.

I could be wrong, but have not seen it in action for at least 15 years...

Post some examples.
AA is happening, but the quota system seems to be dead. Ie hiring an unqualified person becuase of sex or skin tone over a more qualified one.

I could be wrong, but have not seen it in action for at least 15 years...

Post some examples.

New Haven, Connecticut: Reverse Discrimination Against Firefighters -- New Haven refuses to promote the mostly white top scoring firefighters on the unbiased, race-neutral promotional exams for Captain and Lieutenant. City is being sued for reverse discrimination. (12-11-06)
Case 49 Dayton, Ohio Police Reverse Discrimination -- The City of Dayton learned that a chief cannot fire white officers to achieve forced diversity within its ranks. Barbara Temple (a white officer) was awarded $1.2 million for reverse discrimination by the Dayton PD.
Case 48 Pontiac, Michigan Firefighters -- The City of Pontiac, Michigan has been forced by the U.S. Justice Department to give white firefighters a fair and equal chance for employment within the department.
Case 47 Western States Paving Co. v. Washington State Dept. of Transportation -- Western States Paving Co. successfully sued the Washington State DOT for awarding contracts to higher-cost, minority-owned firms! This decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affects all nine states in the circuit, and may have national implications for ending the use of racial quotas and setasides in government contracting.
Case 46 Reverse Discrimination Against White, Philadephia School Workers! -- On Dec. 20, 2005 a federal jury ruled that four white, male Phila. school workers had been fired because they were white! $3 Million was awarded for their pain and suffering.
Case 45 U.S. Trademark Office Denies "White Pride" Trademark -- Justin J. Moritz, a retired Minnesota police officer, a Christian, and a white guy decided to test "political incorrectness" by registering a trademark for "white pride country wide". The U.S. found his trademark "offensive" and denied his application while approving countless other "black", "African", "gay" and other "pride" trademarks. What is wrong with this picture?
Case 44 Gary Trepanier v. National Amusements! Gary Trepanier is white, male and 46 years old. His former, fellow-employee girlfriend "went off" and began threatening him. National Amusements' feminist investigator fired Gary, but the Court awarded him over $3 Million for wrongful termination!
Case 43 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police -- Black police chief Arthur Jones hired mostly non-whites and non-males for this police department. A federal jury found that Jones had engaged in illegal discrimination. (Posted 06-09-05)
Case 42 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Part 1 -- Retaliation and Reverse Discrimination Case. The water and sewer authority retaliated against an Asian American supervisor, Dr. Stanley Dea, because he refused to promote less-qualified minorities. Dr. Dea won his case posthumously -- he died of liver disease during the eight years of litigation. (Posted 11/04/04)
Case 41 Michael C. Ryan v. Norman Y. Mineta (FAA) -- On October 6, 2004 -- after nine years of litigation and hearings, Federal Judge John W. Bissell found that the FAA had, in fact, illegally discriminated against white employee Ryan via the agency's zealous racial-quota hiring and promotion policies.
Case 40 Washington Surbuban Sanitary Commission, Part 2 -- Stupid Racial Politics. The Washington, DC suburbs almost lost safe drinking water because they could not find a "minority owned" supplier of a critical purification chemical. (Posted 03/18/04)
Case 39 Chicago Contractors -- The Builders Association successfully sued to end Chicago and Cook County's racial quotas in city contracting. Also, Duff family receives 30-count indictment for defrauding the quota program. (Posted 01/15/04)
Case 38 Flint, Michigan Fire Dept. -- Black fire chief referred to white firefighters as "honky" and "white boy". White firefighter John Linker wins discrimination claim. (Posted 11/25/03)
Case 37 Boston Fire Dept. -- White Boston firefighters have won the right to employment without racial quotas! Read this historic legal ruling.
Case 36 United Airlines: the Unfriendly Quota Skies! United Airlines considers race and ethnicity to be MORE important than pilot skill and qualifications. Be VERY afraid when you fly United! (In progress 10/28/03)
Case 35 Kodak Racial Quotas: Kodaquotas! If you are not on Kodak's "Quotamatic" list of preferred minorities then you are out of luck! (Web posted 7/3/03)
Case 34 Philadelphia Fire Dept. -- If you are white then this fire department cannot hire you! Quotas at the Philadelphia Fire Department trump ability.
Case 33 Boeing Reverse Discrimination -- Aerospace giant spends $1.3 billion on minority programs; official policy aggressively favors selected minorities and women.
Case 32 Jessica Haak - Rochester, NY -- 10 yr. old girl denied school transfer because she is white. Jessica's parents sued, Rochester appealed, decision reversed, Jessica's family accepts settlement and moves from area. (Updated 3/15/03)
Case 31 Larry Price (