Bad News

I'll keep you posted on my brother. I'm so disappointed. It gets me annoyed every time I think about it
His life is the most important thing. I could handle him being mad at me forever if I got him kicked out.
I understand that LT but you can call them and tell them hes gay and it wont work.

All he has to do is say hes not and they will take him.

They are so in need of personel nothing will come of it.

Make him feel you respect him as a man able to make his own decisions even if you disagree with his choice and fear for his life.
Make him feel you respect him as a man able to make his own decisions even if you disagree with his choice and fear for his life.

I suppose I'll eventually come to that. but he's going to hear it from me in the mean time.
You dont want him over there trying to prove anything to you.

I completely understand though LT, I can imagine if my little brother or my son had done this.

Thank God my Son has already said if they draft him hes moving to Canada.

I told him my brothers story and I think he would try it if he had to but finds Canada much easier.
yeah, by now I would even have been saying Ehhh ? and drinking good Canadian ale and getting cheap medicine and medical care ;)

Instead about 1/3 of my life was pretty well ruined by the war in Nam.
Yeah I cant imagine if my brother went what he would have gone through.

I had always feared he would not make it back alive.
Some of us make it back better than others. All people are not suited for the horrors of war....I think everyone left a part of themselves over there....
Yeah I cant imagine if my brother went what he would have gone through.

I had always feared he would not make it back alive.

It sucks because going off to war sucks your youth away. You have to grow up so fast. You're only young once.
It can also destroy your mind Desh. Some handle it better than others.
to grow up in a quiet religious overprotective home and be thrown into the horrors of war in nam....
I am much better now, but still have no use for the military. I actively support the troops, but I do not support the military. I would if it was a WW2 situation or something like that, but we have had no wars worth fighting since then.
Yeah the mind thing is what I would have feared for him too.

He was already such an internal kind of guy who you really have to draw out.
I think it would have made him into a really strange guy.

Im glad he fought it the way he did.
"I would if it was a WW2 situation or something like that, but we have had no wars worth fighting since then."

This is why we haven't one one since. most people think this way, so the long term support isn't there for these kind of things.