Beautiful portrait of Arpaio


and they talk about the right is the nutty and dangerous ones?:rolleyes:

this is the type of stuff they did to Bush throughout his Presidency..
i do believe it needs more blood and possibly a vat of acid dripping down? all people who like arpaio should be executed by having all their limbs cut off, as well as their eyes, ears, and tongue. They should then be sewn back together, cryogenically frozen, and revived in the future, then executed again, the second time by putting honey on their face and placed in the ground near a mound of fire ants, so that they are eaten alive.

Then they should be burned, and then have their ashes pissed on. Then you take the piss ashes and mix it in clay, and you make a ceramic mug, that you then throw off a highway overpass until it shatters into about 1000 pieces. After that, you should nuke the broken ceramics so that it's vaporized into oblivion.

Then you shoot them.
i do believe it needs more blood and possibly a vat of acid dripping down? all people who like arpaio should be executed by having all their limbs cut off, as well as their eyes, ears, and tongue. They should then be sewn back together, cryogenically frozen, and revived in the future, then executed again, the second time by putting honey on their face and placed in the ground near a mound of fire ants, so that they are eaten alive.

Then they should be burned, and then have their ashes pissed on. Then you take the piss ashes and mix it in clay, and you make a ceramic mug, that you then throw off a highway overpass until it shatters into about 1000 pieces. After that, you should nuke the broken ceramics so that it's vaporized into oblivion.

Then you shoot them.


I went to a blog called "heads on pikes", which I thought was a standard right-wing blog until I saw Arpaio's head on a pike. Had to pick it up.
i do believe it needs more blood and possibly a vat of acid dripping down? all people who like arpaio should be executed by having all their limbs cut off, as well as their eyes, ears, and tongue. They should then be sewn back together, cryogenically frozen, and revived in the future, then executed again, the second time by putting honey on their face and placed in the ground near a mound of fire ants, so that they are eaten alive.

Then they should be burned, and then have their ashes pissed on. Then you take the piss ashes and mix it in clay, and you make a ceramic mug, that you then throw off a highway overpass until it shatters into about 1000 pieces. After that, you should nuke the broken ceramics so that it's vaporized into oblivion.

Then you shoot them.

Funny thing is that Jesus would allow far worse to happen to anyone who doesn't worship him, and for all eternity, merciless torture - according to most evangelicals.

They call you nutty and dangerous, they call him the lord.
i do believe it needs more blood and possibly a vat of acid dripping down? all people who like arpaio should be executed by having all their limbs cut off, as well as their eyes, ears, and tongue. They should then be sewn back together, cryogenically frozen, and revived in the future, then executed again, the second time by putting honey on their face and placed in the ground near a mound of fire ants, so that they are eaten alive.

Then they should be burned, and then have their ashes pissed on. Then you take the piss ashes and mix it in clay, and you make a ceramic mug, that you then throw off a highway overpass until it shatters into about 1000 pieces. After that, you should nuke the broken ceramics so that it's vaporized into oblivion.

Then you shoot them.
Don't hold it in Grind, let it out, let us know how you really feel.
no one wants to go to hell. this is another stupid lie that christians have made up for themselves.

/shrugs...all you need to do is choose not that too complicated for you?....if simply believing in God is the only fee for admittance, don't complain about not getting to ride the roller coaster when you choose not to pay it....

I guess it's like public health want it "free", because you don't want to acknowledge that someone else has paid for it.....
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/shrugs...all you need to do is choose not that too complicated for you?....if simply believing in God is the only fee for admittance, don't complain about not getting to ride the roller coaster when you choose not to pay it....

I guess it's like public health want it "free", because you don't want to acknowledge that someone else has paid for it.....

PMP, if a rapist puts a gun to a womans head, and gives her a decision between dying or being raped, and then shoots her when she refuses, do we allow him to say that she chose to die and so he isn't responsible?

Shooting them or raping them is wrong, plain and simle. Putting someone in hell is evil. God is worse than a rapist/murderer; he is the most evil scum of all time, worse than Hitler, if he exists.
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PMP, if a rapist puts a gun to a womans head, and gives her a decision between dying or being raped, and then shoots her when she refuses, do we say she made a free decision to die?

Shooting them or raping them is wrong, plain and simle. Putting someone in hell is evil. God is worse than a rapist/murderer; he is the most evil scum of all time, worse than Hitler, if he exists.

PMP, if a rapist puts a gun to a womans head, and gives her a decision between dying or being raped, and then shoots her when she refuses, do we allow him to say that she chose to die and so he isn't responsible?

Shooting them or raping them is wrong, plain and simle. Putting someone in hell is evil. God is worse than a rapist/murderer; he is the most evil scum of all time, worse than Hitler, if he exists.

what a fucked up example.....which is heaven and which is hell, the raping or the dying?......

my analogy was more accurate.....there's an amusement park, admission is free, all you need to do to get in is talk to the manager and ask.....instead, you stand outside the gate and whine about how neither the park or the manager exist....but, he's evil for not letting you's one of the reasons I consider atheists irrational....
what a fucked up example.....which is heaven and which is hell, the raping or the dying?......

The point was that failure to yield to a threat of force /= consent

my analogy was more accurate.....there's an amusement park, admission is free, all you need to do to get in is talk to the manager and ask.....instead, you stand outside the gate and whine about how neither the park or the manager exist....but, he's evil for not letting you in.....

There's an amusement park. It's invisible, emits no radiation, is undectable, and there's no way to touch it. All you have to do to gain admission is spend your entire life in dedication to the manager (whom there's no way to detect) and then die. If you don't do this, the manager will put you in hell in retaliation for your clear foolishness.

Perfectly reasonable.
no one wants to go to hell. this is another stupid lie that christians have made up for themselves.

Especially when the Big Guy already supposedly knows who is going to make it and who isn't! Some even believe he chooses you and you have no participation in the matter!

And then there is THE FAMILY and "C" Street and they believe that too, but in a very scary way, in the way that they can do immoral things because they are the chosen of god!

WTF is going on in America behind closed doors and who the puck is really running the show, folks?

Does this belong in the conspiracy thread?
Let's take this thought experiment even further. For this alternative analogy I will make the representative elements ASSUME that god exists and that it takes nothing to reach heaven.

If a man came up to you and offered you a trillion dollars, and said that if you didn't take it he'd shoot you in the head, and you refused (let's assume your Ghandi), would the murder be any more justified?

A failure to yield to his threat is not consent.
The point was that failure to yield to a threat of force /= consent

There's an amusement park. It's invisible, emits no radiation, is undectable, and there's no way to touch it. All you have to do to gain admission is spend your entire life in dedication to the manager (whom there's no way to detect) and then die. If you don't do this, the manager will put you in hell in retaliation for your clear foolishness.

Perfectly reasonable.

No, he'll send you to Coney Island.
Probably hell, apostasy against the Holy Spirit is the greatest sin!

You can talk bad about Jesus, but don't you dare deny the HS!
Do catholics think atheists go to hell? Or purgatory?

Purgatory means you go to Heaven. Its just there because you can't go straight to Heaven. To use a dumb analogy, you can't walk into someone's house with muddy shoes, so you wipe off on the doormat.

You will find all sorts of differing opinions among today's Catholics, but this one says yes, you are going to hell, Watermark. Sorry.
You know one thing that has always struck me as odd?

Evangelicals have a doctrine in which those who are complete ignorant of Christianity (like natives on barren islands in polynesia and newborns) go to heavan anyway. This isn't based on the word of god; it is in their, presumably, for no other reason than how unspeakably unfair it would be otherwise (they can at least claim that atheists chose to go to hell because of their refusal to bow down to a threat of force, but they can't claim that for the others).

I've always thought, what a tragedy that Jesus had to come here and ruin everything. If he hadn't of told us, we would all just go to heaven without worry. Now he had to come and ruin everything by making us have to believe in him to go there. He is the second most evil person of all time, therefore, after his father.