Beautiful portrait of Arpaio

/shrugs...all you need to do is choose not that too complicated for you?....if simply believing in God is the only fee for admittance, don't complain about not getting to ride the roller coaster when you choose not to pay it....

I guess it's like public health want it "free", because you don't want to acknowledge that someone else has paid for it.....

Gawd: "My way or the hellway becuase I love you".
I would have made no choice. Then god makes the choice for me, while you pretend that failing to reply to his threat to send me to hell is the same thing as me choosing to go to hell. I did not walk to hell. I did not choose to go to hell. God SENT me to hell. It was his deliberate action. He took away my free will by artificially limiting me to two choices, and then choosing hell for me if I fail to choose. It's not like staying outside of the amusement park and just pretending not to see it.
you aren't limited to two have thousands of's just that only one of them involves have all the free will you could ever can even choose to create your own god and your own heaven....of course, you're stuck with your own success at achieving have to admit though, if you choose to create your own, it's rather petty to complain that somebody you refuse to believe in won't give you his.....
How is god different than any sadistic dictator then?

My way or merciless mind-numbing torture.

I don't really like that god.
Heaven is apparently not too good of a place. Didn't about 1/3 of the angels revolt against Gawd?

the way I heard it they didn't leave because of substandard housing....they left because they made the same mistake you did....thinking they were better than He was.....
the way I heard it they didn't leave because of substandard housing....they left because they made the same mistake you did....thinking they were better than He was.....

I do feel that I am better than something that does not exist.
per da book thay knew he existed and did rebel?
Maybe heaven taxes were too high. After all god needs lots of money on earth, so why not the same in heaven?

But how can the Angels revolt if heaven is perfect and harmonious?
I do feel that I am better than something that does not exist.
per da book thay knew he existed and did rebel?
Maybe heaven taxes were too high. After all god needs lots of money on earth, so why not the same in heaven?

But how can the Angels revolt if heaven is perfect and harmonious?

Not everyone considers such a reality and relationship to be ideal. Just look at people, who always seem to be looking for a raw deal. Look at how the children rejected postwar prosperity and material comfort in exchange for drugs, depravity, death, misery, and VD.
Not everyone considers such a reality and relationship to be ideal. Just look at people, who always seem to be looking for a raw deal. Look at how the children rejected postwar prosperity and material comfort in exchange for drugs, depravity, death, misery, and VD.

One of the main questions I had for the pastor of the church I grew up in was why anybody would want to go to heaven, the brief descriptions seem to be torture for me. The choice between two different types of torture didn't seem like much of a choice at all.
Another thing. What it the father is an evangelical and his daughter is a methodist. He goes to eternal paradise, she goes to the torture chamber. How can he enjoy paradise knowing his kid is having her tongue and fingernails pulled out all the time by goblins?
Another thing. What it the father is an evangelical and his daughter is a methodist. He goes to eternal paradise, she goes to the torture chamber. How can he enjoy paradise knowing his kid is having her tongue and fingernails pulled out all the time by goblins?

from your post I assume you are unaware that the "method" referred to in Methodist is a method of evangelism....Methodists ARE evangelists.....