Worst gambler ever
from your post I assume you are unaware that the "method" referred to in Methodist is a method of evangelism....Methodists ARE evangelists.....
Okay, then his daughter is an athiest.
Hopefully, you get the picture.
from your post I assume you are unaware that the "method" referred to in Methodist is a method of evangelism....Methodists ARE evangelists.....
Okay, then his daughter is an athiest.
Hopefully, you get the picture.
Methodists are far more open-minded than you think.or she had an abortion, or gambled ( a sin for methodists), etc
You do not have to be an atheist to go to hell just break a few rules.
Methodists are far more open-minded than you think.
One of the main questions I had for the pastor of the church I grew up in was why anybody would want to go to heaven, the brief descriptions seem to be torture for me. The choice between two different types of torture didn't seem like much of a choice at all.
or she had an abortion, or gambled ( a sin for methodists), etc
You do not have to be an atheist to go to hell just break a few rules.
Okay, then his daughter is an athiest.
Hopefully, you get the picture.
Yet the lake of fire is mentioned in Revelations and it even speaks of the heat in Hell in the Old testament. In Luke the flames of "Hades" are spoken of, and the rich man is spoken of being in "torment" in those flames. (Luke 16:19-31).Apparently God gives you soul-drugs to keep you happy.
Hey, it's better than burning. Except the bible never really explicitly states that hell is a place that's burning.
what a fucked up example.....which is heaven and which is hell, the raping or the dying?......
my analogy was more accurate.....there's an amusement park, admission is free, all you need to do to get in is talk to the manager and ask.....instead, you stand outside the gate and whine about how neither the park or the manager exist....but, he's evil for not letting you's one of the reasons I consider atheists irrational....
Not quite accurate. In order to get into the amusement park you must believe. Its not as if you just talk to the manager and ask. And you cannot pretend to believe, because God can see into your heart.
As for you saying people "choose" to go to hell, I disagree. They may choose not to follow your religion, but they do nolt choose to go to hell.
And of those who do believe in God in order to avoid hell, are they actual believers or just cowards? If someone follows God because they are afraid of being punished if the don't, is that true belief?
Yet the lake of fire is mentioned in Revelations and it even speaks of the heat in Hell in the Old testament. In Luke the flames of "Hades" are spoken of, and the rich man is spoken of being in "torment" in those flames. (Luke 16:19-31).
Not quite accurate. In order to get into the amusement park you must believe. Its not as if you just talk to the manager and ask.
You are wrong, the lake is where those who rejected God are thrown. And the Saints feel no sorrow for they "know" it was their choices that brought them there. As well Gehenna and Hades are mentioned often in the Old Testament. Geez you are just making crap up now in the hopes that nobody will know enough to shut off this inanity.In revelation the lake of fire is spoken of as something that Satan is thrown into... not necessarily the same thing as hell.
Jews don't believe in hell; the hell with flames everywhere seems to be a massive, liberal expansion of the lake of fire concept.
As for you saying people "choose" to go to hell, I disagree. They may choose not to follow your religion, but they do nolt choose to go to hell.
If someone follows God because they are afraid of being punished if the don't, is that true belief?
you don't end up in hell for breaking end up in hell for refusing to believe in God.....the scriptures are quite clear on that.....
You are wrong, the lake is where those who rejected God are thrown. And the Saints feel no sorrow for they "know" it was their choices that brought them there. As well Gehenna and Hades are mentioned often in the Old Testament. Geez you are just making crap up now in the hopes that nobody will know enough to shut off this inanity.
The rich man in Luke is a reference to an Old Testament scripture where the man is in hell and can see Abraham, begging God to allow Abraham to know his fate, to touch even the water of Hell, God says NO.
Satan isn't Lucifer
God according to a Bronze Age document, I don't think she expects me to believe such mythology.
the word Lucifer appears only in the King James version and there only once, in Isaiah 14....who do you believe Isaiah was talking about?
12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
the NIV actually translates it as "O morning star, son of the dawn!"