Beautiful portrait of Arpaio

Purgatory means you go to Heaven. Its just there because you can't go straight to Heaven. To use a dumb analogy, you can't walk into someone's house with muddy shoes, so you wipe off on the doormat.

You will find all sorts of differing opinions among today's Catholics, but this one says yes, you are going to hell, Watermark. Sorry.

It is going to be one interesting place and all the autobots will be in Heaven, all acting the same, believing the same, doing the same, BORING!
Purgatory means you go to Heaven. Its just there because you can't go straight to Heaven. To use a dumb analogy, you can't walk into someone's house with muddy shoes, so you wipe off on the doormat.

You will find all sorts of differing opinions among today's Catholics, but this one says yes, you are going to hell, Watermark. Sorry.

I'm so proud of myself.
Catholics just invented purgatory out of thin air because of how unfair it would make god seem otherwise. Protestants just don't care and look the other way when you mention how stupid god is under their belief system.
There's an amusement park. It's invisible, emits no radiation, is undectable, and there's no way to touch it. All you have to do to gain admission is spend your entire life in dedication to the manager (whom there's no way to detect) and then die. If you don't do this, the manager will put you in hell in retaliation for your clear foolishness.

Perfectly reasonable.

/shrugs....your force....
Let's take this thought experiment even further. For this alternative analogy I will make the representative elements ASSUME that god exists and that it takes nothing to reach heaven.

If a man came up to you and offered you a trillion dollars, and said that if you didn't take it he'd shoot you in the head, and you refused (let's assume your Ghandi), would the murder be any more justified?

A failure to yield to his threat is not consent.

again, false reality, the guy walking down the street is going to die at the same time whether he accepts the offer or not....nobody murders him, but he either gets the trillion dollars or he doesn't, depending on the choice he made....
Catholics just invented purgatory out of thin air because of how unfair it would make god seem otherwise. Protestants just don't care and look the other way when you mention how stupid god is under their belief system.

actually catholics invented purgatory so the corrupt priests could guilt the living into paying money to the church, in return the theiving priests and bishops would bump them up on the prayer list. Essentially, they would put in a good word for your dead friend to god, for a price of course
I've always thought, what a tragedy that Jesus had to come here and ruin everything. If he hadn't of told us, we would all just go to heaven without worry. Now he had to come and ruin everything by making us have to believe in him to go there. He is the second most evil person of all time, therefore, after his father.

actually, that isn't Jesus' fault, it's the evangelicals....we fucked it up for you need to make a choice....
again, false reality, the guy walking down the street is going to die at the same time whether he accepts the offer or not....nobody murders him, but he either gets the trillion dollars or he doesn't, depending on the choice he made....

it's a completely apt analogy.

In both scenarios someone is presented with something supposedly great (heaven/money) over a contrasting terrible option. (death/hell)

God has condemned us all to death.

God doesn't have to have us suffer for all eternity. We could go about our merry way, or at the very least we could just be super dead and not be conscious of the everlasting pain and torture. God is a one badass sadistic motherfucker
It is going to be one interesting place and all the autobots will be in Heaven, all acting the same, believing the same, doing the same, BORING!

I don't know....I'm figuring on body surfing a tropical island in the mornings....then, a cabin by a mountain lake when it gets hot in the afternoon....maybe one of those fruit drinks with a little umbrella in it?...
well what will really happen pmp is you'll be dead in the ground and eaten by worms. Never to be conscious or alive again.
it's a completely apt analogy.
it merely appears apt to the inept....

In both scenarios someone is presented with something supposedly great (heaven/money) over a contrasting terrible option. (death/hell)

God has condemned us all to death.
you had some handle on immortality before he came along?.....

God doesn't have to have us suffer for all eternity. We could go about our merry way, or at the very least we could just be super dead and not be conscious of the everlasting pain and torture. God is a one badass sadistic motherfucker
but as we said at the beginning....God doesn't require you to suffer for all don't have to suffer's simply what you have froggie said, heaven's too boring for isn't that God is sadistic, it's that you are masochistic.....
well what will really happen pmp is you'll be dead in the ground and eaten by worms. Never to be conscious or alive again.

I will go on, energy is neither created nor destroyed!
well what will really happen pmp is you'll be dead in the ground and eaten by worms. Never to be conscious or alive again.

/shrugs...and if that's true, I'll never know it, will I....I will have lost, if I am right, and you're not....well, that sort of sucks for you, but had the same options I had.....
again, false reality, the guy walking down the street is going to die at the same time whether he accepts the offer or not....nobody murders him, but he either gets the trillion dollars or he doesn't, depending on the choice he made....

Did you read what I wrote? This is not a response to what I wrote.
but as we said at the beginning....God doesn't require you to suffer for all don't have to suffer's simply what you have froggie said, heaven's too boring for isn't that God is sadistic, it's that you are masochistic.....

I would have made no choice. Then god makes the choice for me, while you pretend that failing to reply to his threat to send me to hell is the same thing as me choosing to go to hell. I did not walk to hell. I did not choose to go to hell. God SENT me to hell. It was his deliberate action. He took away my free will by artificially limiting me to two choices, and then choosing hell for me if I fail to choose. It's not like staying outside of the amusement park and just pretending not to see it.

It's like the magic invisible amusement park becoming visible at some point in time for no reason; and as soon as that happens, the manage walks outside and starts torturing me for the rest of my life. He could let me free. He could kill me. But instead, he just decides to sit there and torture him. He has no responsibility to do this. He gives me no choice in the matter. I would be perfectly happy to walk away, but he forces to keep me in his dungeon simply because I rationally didn't believe his magic invisible amusement park was there. In this way, he's sort of like Fritzl as well.
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