cancel2 2022
Tom, we're Americans. Tax avoidance is in our blood!
As is polluting the planet and avoiding paying for it.
Tom, we're Americans. Tax avoidance is in our blood!
As is polluting the planet and avoiding paying for it.
BP stands for British Petroleum... greatest polluter on the planet.
You are starting to sound like a Topspin clone!! Are you going to support the Ecuadorian government in their quest to get compensation from Chevron-Toxico? No, of course you won't because you only give a shit about what happens in the US. How much of that oil in the Gulf reached Colorado anyway?
Is he only supposed to care about the people in Colorado? I mean he's a Republican and only cares about himself, but regarding a socially well-adjusted person, is that how we are to conduct our society? To people like you, I'm sure the answer is yes. Keep that on your side of the pond along with your "dentists", thanks.
Doper has like three or four lines of attack and Skank has those and maybe one or two more.My God, Darla has finally got round to teeth jokes!! Obviously Toppy has lent her his jokebook.![]()
we have a local IPA that compares very favorably to Dogfishhead 60 minute IPA.....I hoppy. It's fresh, unfilterd, unpastuerized but just to hoppy for my taste.If you can try one fresh and local, you may find the hop profile more pleasing.
Fresh and local is the secret to enjoying beer!
I'm taking a trip to Waterbury VT tomorrow to grab 4 or 5 cases of "The alchemist, Heady Topper" canned on the day, shared amongst mates for thanksgiving!!
Possibly( DEFINATLY by my estimation) the best beer in the USA, some say the best on earth !
Meh, depends on what you want in a beer. If you like a highly floral, citrusy and bitter flavor and aroma than IPA's are your cup o tea. I prefer medium hopped beers that are refreshing, with a more malty or cereal flavor and aroma that has a very smooth mouthfeel and drinkability. I'm not into overly hopped beers. Butylated Hydroxyanisole just isn't high up there in my list of favorite flavor profiles. Thus many IPA's are highly over rated snob beers.Big E Double Pint IPA
Port Townsend Bitter End IPA
Real men drink IPA's.
I'm certainly glad you think so!Panty Peeler! Fabulous beer
No shit man. Coors light is first on my list of worst macro lagers.Considering your flagship beer is Coors Light, I think we can safely assume where you got your beer legs.
No it's not. We fucking learned it from the French. Christ all mighty! Where did you study history??Tom, we're Americans. Tax avoidance is in our blood!
No it's not. We fucking learned it from the French. Christ all mighty! Where did you study history??
Sure we did. It was the French colonist who were protesting and dodging the taxes!Paul Johnson pointed out in History of the American People that the American colonists were a virtually untaxed people leading up to the 1760s attempts by the British to draw revenues out of them. As you know, the colonists then proceeded to protest and dodge these new taxes as well. We did not learn it from the French, whom most American colonists despised leading up to the War (religious differences played a big part, as well as viewing ourselves as English, still, and having to fight wars against the French and their Indian allies all led to this hatred). Even after the War, and Treaty of Paris, half of Americans continued to hate the French, and this of course led to some of the biggest political divides between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians.
Well if your frame of reference is Budweiser, Blatz and Schlitz you might have a point but you haven't tried the American microbrew scene. 007 is right. Fresh and local is the way to go. Our local micro-brewery is out standing. None of the beers they brew are pasturized or filtered which means they don't have the longest shelf life but they are some outstanding beers.How any self respecting Brit can say that is beyond me.
Why do Euro's insist on bottling beer in those wretched green bottles? I haven't drank a European import in a green bottle that wasn't skunky. Ever! The only one I'll drink is Amstel Light, they import in an amber bottle.Alchemists Heady Topper just declared the worlds best beer!
Fuck that stale European muck!!
American beer!
The best in the world!
I'd put our local IPA up against any of those. best beer is Dog Fish Head 90 Minute IPA. And, no, this is not a matter of opinion. Runner's up include Stone IPA, Sierra Nevada Hoptimum, Dog Fish Head Burton Baton and Firestone Walker Double Jack.