Behind the Roar of Political Debates, Whispers of Race Persist

:rolleyes: What a compelling response.

American "Conservatives" today are nothing more than totalitarianists.

Stupid point deserves equally stupid counterpoint.
No, Liberals want to try and transform this country I would not wish my worst enemy to live in. Where big government is on my case 24/7, where the private sector is nonexistent, and where Conservatism is quashed.
No, Liberals want to try and transform this country I would not wish my worst enemy to live in. Where big government is on my case 24/7, where the private sector is nonexistent, and where Conservatism is quashed.
What a loser!
The private sector has never been bigger or better!
I retired at 52, and I only worked 1/2 the time while I was employed
Below are some of the tax breaks that Obama has targeted for closure in the past and the ones that are in the Senate bill.


CARRIED INTEREST. Preferential treatment for private equity, venture capital and other financial managers that lets them pay the 20 percent capital gains rate on much of their income, instead of the higher individual income tax rate on wages.

OIL AND GAS SUBSIDIES. Energy sector tax breaks including the oil and gas well-depletion allowance; the domestic manufacturing deduction on oil and gas, and expensing of intangible drilling costs.

LAST IN, FIRST OUT (LIFO) ACCOUNTING. An accounting technique used in some industries, especially oil and gas. Companies say this change would force them to revalue old inventory to higher prices.

PROFIT DEFERRAL. A deduction for interest expenses on foreign earnings for deferred taxes.

FOREIGN TAX CREDIT POOLING. A loophole that lets companies claim more in tax credits than would be paid in U.S. taxes by altering which of their foreign units pay out dividends.

INTANGIBLE PROPERTY. A tax break that allows U.S. companies to shelter overseas profits derived from intangible property, such as royalties from drug patents.

BUFFETT RULE. Named after billionaire investor Warren Buffett, a new 30 percent minimum tax would be applied on household adjusted gross income, phased in between incomes of $1 million to $5 million.

OIL FROM TAR SANDS. Oil derived from tar sands would be added to a list of petroleum products that pay into a liability trust fund to help clean up after oil spills.
dear fucking racist idiot,

where will you get your new voters from for your party?
Where does this one party fantasy of yours come from? Stalin? Mao? Hitler? Maybe that idiot in north korea? And what about your love of democracy? Have you thought about the consequences of this, say, 10 to 20 years out? Think about everything that you want out of a perpetual one party "progressive" government and what you would have to do to achieve those goals and report back, okay?
Where does this one party fantasy of yours come from? Stalin? Mao? Hitler? Maybe that idiot in north korea? And what about your love of democracy? Have you thought about the consequences of this, say, 10 to 20 years out? Think about everything that you want out of a perpetual one party "progressive" government and what you would have to do to achieve those goals and report back, okay?

Desh is nothing but a crapflooder. I doubt she even reads what people post in reply to her threadbombs.

She posts the same memes repeatedly without regard to the topic being discussed.

She serves a purpose by illustrating the idiocy of the left, but that's about it.
You just cant pretend your not the racist party when you can ONLY win elections when you keep CERTAIN people from voting

While I agree that they do attempt end-runs to prevent women and minorities from voting, if those women and minorities would take responsibility for their voting rights, it wouldnt work.
You bet your ass I do. American "Liberals" today are nothing more than Communists.

So much for your credibility.

I despise even the idea of communism and know it can never work....never seen Dude have such leanings either.

Wow, 2 for 2 in this thread!
So much for your credibility.

I despise even the idea of communism and know it can never work....never seen Dude have such leanings either.

Wow, 2 for 2 in this thread!
Then why espouse even the very notion of big government, the hallmark of Communism??