Biden drops out

Wrong wording. Trump was a lifelong Democrat who understood intimately how the DNC works. He knew that if he wanted to run for President, he'd have to do it as a Republican because the DNC candidacies had already been assigned through 2024. Trump also knew, but severely underestimated, the DNC's proclivity to cheat, and he was just letting everyone know.

This is the first time I have seen this question from you. The first time.

Nope. Things aren't supposed to be rigged. Any rigging of US elections is always in favor of the Democrat candidate because the Democrats are the only ones who cheat.

So, the first time you asked, you got an answer. Enjoy!
so you are saying the Dems rigged it so he would win?
that doesn't make any sense .
He said it was rigged weeks before the election was even held, and as I said things are rigged usually in the favor of the winner.
so again why would the dems rig it for a Republican to win.
Have a nice day
Exactly. The Constitution does not give that power to the State Executive.

Any State whose Secretary of State generates the electoral votes is violating the Constitution. All it would take to make that right would be for the State legislature to acknowledge that the electors chosen by the Secretary of State are their chosen electors. However, without that, State Legislatures could be bypassed, as was done in 2020 (and prior).

When members of the House and Senate count votes, they have a Constitutional obligation to reject all votes that did not come from a State legislature. Of course, in 2020, this did not happen, as many fraudulent votes (not originating from the State legislature) were counted.

You do as well.
the state legislature would not have to okay the Secretary of State doing so if they had already gave him the authority to do so.
Have a nice day
so you are saying the Dems rigged it so he would win?
You scored abysmally on the verbal section of the SAT. Ask me how I know.

that doesn't make any sense .
That should have been your first clue that you have reading issues.

He said it was rigged weeks before the election was even held,
Wrong wording. Trump said it was very likely going to be rigged. He understood brilliantly how the DNC operates. It's just that the DNC didn't realize at the time that they needed to steal the 2016 election and not wait until 2020.

Have a wonderful rest of your day.
All the Secretary of State would have to do then is to show that the State legislature abdicated this choice to the Executive Branch. Can you show that?

Please do likewise.
Why do I have to show anything??
I just pointed out that the state legislatures can do any thing they want when it comes to appointing their delegates to the E C
and IF they decide to delegate that power to their SOS then so be it.
it is right there in the Constitution.
Have a nice day
Why do I have to show anything??
TOO FUNNY! You have to show what you assert ... because you are making an argument. Surely you understand how that works.

I just pointed out that ...
Nope. You were arguing that electoral votes can come from the State Executive, and then you pointed out how it would be OK, leading to you needing to show ... drumroll please ... that that was actually the case.

If you aren't very good at formal logic or at developing proofs, go with me on this. Your argument must result in your conclusion or your conclusion is discarded.

Are you going to show that the State legislatures in question abdicated their selection of the electors (to render your argument valid) or are you happy with your argument being summarily discarded?

Have a great rest of your day.
It's your only hope.

On a different topic, how will you celebrate Trump's victory?
No, if we win it will be fair and square like we did in 2020, 2022, and 2023. Question for you: If the Dems are such cheaters, how do you explain the magas winning the House in 22? You don't have to answer. It will be a lie just like the maga election lies in 2020.
TOO FUNNY! You have to show what you assert ... because you are making an argument. Surely you understand how that works.

Nope. You were arguing that electoral votes can come from the State Executive, and then you pointed out how it would be OK, leading to you needing to show ... drumroll please ... that that was actually the case.

If you aren't very good at formal logic or at developing proofs, go with me on this. Your argument must result in your conclusion or your conclusion is discarded.

Are you going to show that the State legislatures in question abdicated their selection of the electors (to render your argument valid) or are you happy with your argument being summarily discarded?

Have a great rest of your day.
Please show me where I said State EXECUTIVE.
it is right in, I believe Article 2 of the Constitution, where it says it is up to the states LEGISLATURE to decide how they want to appoint their delegates to the EC.
Please go back and read what I ACTUALLY said and stop making yourself look like a fool.
Have a nice day
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TOO FUNNY! You have to show what you assert ... because you are making an argument. Surely you understand how that works.

Nope. You were arguing that electoral votes can come from the State Executive, and then you pointed out how it would be OK, leading to you needing to show ... drumroll please ... that that was actually the case.

If you aren't very good at formal logic or at developing proofs, go with me on this. Your argument must result in your conclusion or your conclusion is discarded.

Are you going to show that the State legislatures in question abdicated their selection of the electors (to render your argument valid) or are you happy with your argument being summarily discarded?

Have a great rest of your day.
here read what it says in Article two of the Constitution.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
I hope NOW you will stop making an ASS of yourself.
Have a nice day
TOO FUNNY! You have to show what you assert ... because you are making an argument. Surely you understand how that works.

Nope. You were arguing that electoral votes can come from the State Executive, and then you pointed out how it would be OK, leading to you needing to show ... drumroll please ... that that was actually the case.

If you aren't very good at formal logic or at developing proofs, go with me on this. Your argument must result in your conclusion or your conclusion is discarded.

Are you going to show that the State legislatures in question abdicated their selection of the electors (to render your argument valid) or are you happy with your argument being summarily discarded?

Have a great rest of your day.
well it has been almost 45 min. now and you still can't show me where I said EXECUTIVE yet.
maybe that is because I never did.
it takes a big person to admit they are wrong and I guess you are NOT one
Have a nice day
Please show me where I said State EXECUTIVE.
Sure. Right here:

the state legislature would not have to okay the Secretary of State doing so if they had already gave him the authority to do so.

I believe Article 2 of the Constitution, where it says it is up to the states LEGISLATURE to decide how they want to appoint their delegates to the EC.
Exactly. Not the Secretary of State (Executive branch).

Please go back and read what you ACTUALLY wrote and stop making yourself look like a fool.

Have an awesome day.
No, if we win it will be fair and square like we did in 2020, 2022, and 2023.
Nope. 2020 was an observed stolen election. Your denial after-the-fact doesn't change anything.

Question for you: If the Dems are such cheaters, how do you explain the magas winning the House in 22?
You are pivoting. You are trying to fram this in terms of Democrat vs. Republican instead of the Uniparty vs. Trump.

The answer to your question is that the Uniparty will do whatever is necessary to maintain the false appearance of two parties at each others' throats, while remaining completely united in defeating Trump.

This will change once Trump is elected President and allowed to assume the Presidency. He will weed out the RINOs by getting them unseated. The Republican party will cease to OBEY the DNC oligarchy.

That is the answer to your question.

You don't have to answer.
... but I'm free to answer, and I think I will.
Sure. Right here:
Exactly. Not the Secretary of State (Executive branch).

Please go back and read what you ACTUALLY wrote and stop making yourself look like a fool.

Have an awesome day.
OH so NOW you are going to change it to " EXECUTIVE BRANCH " ?
and yes I did say " the state legislature would not have to okay the Secretary of State doing so if they had already gave him the authority to do so." where did I say EXECUTIVE OR EXECUTIVE BRANCH
I know what I said because I have been pointing out what it says in the CONSTITUTION for several years now.
I said it is UP to the STATE LEGISLATURES to decide how they want to appoint their delegates to the EC as it says in Article TWO .

" Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. "

SO as I said I NEVER said EXECUTIVE OR EXECUTIVE BRANCH IF I did I am sure you would have found it so you lied AGAIN
have a nice day
Sure. Right here:

Exactly. Not the Secretary of State (Executive branch).

Please go back and read what you ACTUALLY wrote and stop making yourself look like a fool.

Have an awesome day.
YOU really need to go back to grade school and learn how to read and get some reading comprehension
if you think I said state executive or Executive branch.
here read your post again
Please show me where I said State EXECUTIVE.
Sure. Right here:

the state legislature would not have to okay the Secretary of State doing so if they had already gave him the authority to do so.
Where did I say Executive or executive branch?

Yes you need to go back to grade school and LEARN TO READ
Have a nice day