Biden drops out

The turnip will soon be having surgery to remove "Dr." Jill's heel from his culo.

You big dummy, do you realize that we are losing our chefs, butlers and maids and I will now have to wipe your butt?
He is a millionaire you dumb shit. Do you think Trump changes his own depends?
Started, yes. Once Trump is in office, it will all end.
You really think that when Trump is in office, that the Democrats are just going to stop their rioting, looting, and crime?

Sorry, I don't see your reasoning.
Yep. It has certainly started. Pay no attention to the oligarchy behind the curtain.
An oligarchy, remember, that is perfectly willing to kill for their goals.
Yep. Two, in particular, were so Democrat that the RNC had to censure them to avoid anti-trust lawsuits. :)


You're right. Those Republicans who are not RINOs should either clean house or should form a new party.

I think that Trump will be reelected and the Republican party's house will be cleaned and RNC 2.0 will be launched.
Perhaps. The interesting tidbit about this is the 100% delegate vote for Trump/Vance. I realize that delegates are not members of Congress (well...not THAT Congress!), and not all representatives are up for vote, but yes, I would like to see the RINOs get voted out.

I noticed that you put an image up about the 2nd amendment. Are you sure there is no risk of Democrat violence when Trump is elected?
You really think that when Trump is in office, that the Democrats are just going to stop their rioting, looting, and crime?
Yes. There will be a few flareups at first, and Trump will resolve each one within a matter of hours and put people in jail. The flareups will dwindle thereafter.

An oligarchy, remember, that is perfectly willing to kill for their goals.
... will become an oligarchy that has to change its plans and change its strategy.

Perhaps. The interesting tidbit about this is the 100% delegate vote for Trump/Vance. I realize that delegates are not members of Congress (well...not THAT Congress!), and not all representatives are up for vote, but yes, I would like to see the RINOs get voted out.
Let's all join in together, atheists included, with a big "Amen, brother!"

I noticed that you put an image up about the 2nd amendment. Are you sure there is no risk of Democrat violence when Trump is elected?
I do not see any risk of violence. I see a guarantee of gnashing of teeth.


Remember, most leftists will be staying home rather than waste their time going to the polls.
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Yes. There will be a few flareups at first, and Trump will resolve each one within a matter of hours and put people in jail. The flareups will dwindle thereafter.

... will become an oligarchy that has to change its plans and change its strategy.

Let's all join in together, atheists included, with a big "Amen, brother!"

I do not see any risk of violence. I see a guarantee of gnashing of teeth.


Remember, most leftists will be staying home rather than waste their time going to the polls.
This is going to be like a repeat of Hillary... If she is the candidate... That group, that Cheers for her.Now is the same one who kept their kids out of school for weeks the night that Hillary lost... They're loud but that's about it...
Yes. There will be a few flareups at first, and Trump will resolve each one within a matter of hours and put people in jail. The flareups will dwindle thereafter.
Time will tell.
... will become an oligarchy that has to change its plans and change its strategy.

Let's all join in together, atheists included, with a big "Amen, brother!"

I do not see any risk of violence. I see a guarantee of gnashing of teeth.
That's a solid guarantee! Not even worth of being in the prediction thread!

Remember, most leftists will be staying home rather than waste their time going to the polls.
A lot depends on how effective the changes in the States will be. It's not the votes, it's the election fraud.
Are you going to cheat again?
No fraud was found. That was your big lie that trump told and you like a moron believed it and rioted at the capitol. That dumbass bitch babbitt even died for that lie. We know you are setting the stage that if you lose that it has to be a stolen election just like last time. Careful tho, look who has control of the military now and won't be afraid to call in the national guard.
Fraud was observed.

Biden's term as installed figurehead will forever carry an asterisk.
Former President Donald Trump acknowledged in a new interview that, despite receiving counsel from multiple people that the 2020 election was not stolen, he pushed ahead anyway with his false claims to try and overturn the results.

The comments to NBC’s “Meet the Press” directly address a central premise of special counsel Jack Smith’s case against Trump over his efforts to subvert the 2020 election results: that Trump knew the election claims he was making were false after being told by several close aides that he had lost.

Trump acknowledges he was told 2020 election lies were false in wide-ranging interview​

No fraud was found. That was your big lie that trump told and you like a moron believed it and rioted at the capitol. That dumbass bitch babbitt even died for that lie. We know you are setting the stage that if you lose that it has to be a stolen election just like last time. Careful tho, look who has control of the military now and won't be afraid to call in the national guard.
what has always got me is Trump started saying the election of 2016 was RIGGED way before it was even held, months before it was held.
I have asked this question many times and have jet to get an answer from somebody on the right.
aren't things usually " rigged" in favor of the winner?
so IF it was rigged like he said it was , he won, just how did he know it was rigged , who rigged it , did HE rig it, and shouldn't the House investigate it, and stop chasing around investigating Dem after Dem after DEM?
Have a nice day
No fraud was found. That was your big lie that trump told and you like a moron believed it and rioted at the capitol. That dumbass bitch babbitt even died for that lie. We know you are setting the stage that if you lose that it has to be a stolen election just like last time. Careful tho, look who has control of the military now and won't be afraid to call in the national guard.
OK you got away with it. Congrats???