Biden Signs Executive Order to Ramp Up Gun Control

I have a problem with the premise of this thread. The President doesn't rule by fiat. There is no "Executive Order" that he can sign to affect gun control except among Federal employees in the course of their duties.

Until I get some more information, this thread seems to be a no-go.

He wants to tweek current laws to include stronger back round checks
Any infringement on the ability to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional. Does the "regulation" of which you speak infringe in any way on keeping and bearing arms? If so, it's clearly unconstitutional.

US Supreme Court has always upheld the right of government to regulate "arms."
You and your dingo-fucking friend, Dachshund, share exactly the same beliefs about race, Underscore. Do you go to the same pub before posting your down-under dumbass BS?

Douche Duck, you're far too stupid to speak on race - or really any issue.

Yes, you're a racist and a pathological liar - but you're dumb as all fuck.

If I want your views on race, I can read Mein Kampf.

As for MY views, I'll lay them out - though you are a pathological liar and will instantly lie about what I post - it's your way.

Uncensored's view on race

There is only one race - the human race. The human genome project proves this beyond any question.

The man who looks for pride in the color of his skin is truly a pathetic creature who has accomplished nothing to be proud of. Racism is a crude form of collectivism. It is the proposition that men are not the product of their minds and their actions, but predestined by genetics. That groups pass attitudes and beliefs through what the morons of the left call "blood," but what would genetics. Racism demands that a man not be judged by his character and actions, but by the character and actions of ancestors he never met - or of strangers who have no relation that died hundreds of years ago based on similar skin tone

Ayn Rand wrote that "the smallest minority on earth is the individual." Those of the new Nazi party, the democrats, claim to support "minority rights," yet seek to strip the smallest minority of all rights.

Skin color determines nothing. Culture determines much. A sick culture perverts young minds and passes destructive ideas. This is why the left wages war to destroy the culture of the greatest nation to ever exist, America. The perversion of our culture allows the racism that has again emerged, prompted by the same party that has always promoted racism, to grow. A healthy culture embraces that which we hold common and promotes value. The left replaces that with envy, hatred, and the desire to destroy others for attaining comfort.

Racism, like all forms of collectivism, is an assault on individualism.
Where does it say you cannot?

Like all of your fellow Nazis, you've never read the Constitution, nor even the Bill of Rights.

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Hence, unless specifically prohibited - all is permitted.

What you Nazis cannot grasp is that government restrain and constrain - they cannot grant any right. Absent government - you have the "right" to do anything you damned well please.
He can until somebody challenges it

He violates the United States Constitution - I don't mean the 2nd, but Article I

Article I
Section 1
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

The fascist democrats have never read the Constitution that they fight to end. Judging by those who post here, they wouldn't understand it if they did.
US Supreme Court has always upheld the right of government to regulate "arms."

Not even close to true.

Prior to the 20th century, the SCOTUS had never upheld a gun regulation. Wyatt Earp was rebuked by the Supreme Court for banning weapons in Dodge City, then pulled the same shit in Tombstone - because Arizona was a territory and not a state.

It's not that you don't know anything - it's that all you know simply isn't so.