Bill Maher: How Did America Become a Country of "D*ckless Armchair Warriors"?

Here's what I don't get: When a Democrat openly admits his support of draft dodging, you let him off. But the second someone defends the former president, you perceive it as an unforgivable offense.

How does that work?

My husband says in hindsight, he wishes he wouldn't have gone either and wished he had the money or grades for school.

I never thought much about it until they came after Clinton for it, and I thought it was ridiculous. My husband didn't begrudge his friends that had deferments, but I guess some people do.
My husband says in hindsight, he wishes he wouldn't have gone either and wished he had the money or grades for school.

I never thought much about it until they came after Clinton for it, and I thought it was ridiculous. My husband didn't begrudge his friends that had deferments, but I guess some people do.

There is so much hypocrisy. Virtually everyone who went after Clinton ended up defending Bush & Cheney (looking your way, Mary Matalin).

Ultimately, there is something weird about a President who sends soldiers into harm's way needlessly (i.e. most of the time), and who also did everything they could to avoid combat.
from the same episode, since you like bill maher so much:

Bush dodge 'Nam as did a lot of the privileged. He is no different fom Clinton and Cheney.

A case can be made that Bush dodged ' can't prove anything but you can lie or spin what little you've heard from his enemies....

as for Clinton, he has no case to make...he IS a draft dodger...joined ROTC in a act of desperation and then refused to report for that and the quote that he "abhorred the military" is accurate...

Cheney got student deferments, absolutely and a hardship exemption....

Each case is different .... its only pinheads that continue to paint everyone with a broad brush ....
One of the weirdest things about this site to me is how the righties here react to bravo. Never a peep about his extreme hackery - once in awhile they'll even defend him (like here).

They really have that lockstep thing down.
The facts are that you are criticizing Democrats - and you won't catch me trying to defend Clinton as some great warrior - but apologize for Republicans. The facts have been illustrated as clearly as possible on this thread.

Anyone who makes excuses for Cheney in particular is some sort of supreme, higher-level hack. There is no excuse for Cheney's history of deferments in Vietnam. It is textbook chickenhawk stuff.

Thousands of students got defirments from the draft....they either qualified for them or they didn't ....whether YOU agree with the defirment rules or not
is immaterial to just can't handle the truth unless its used to ridicule someone....
I made no excuses for anybody......I stated the facts of their service or lack of service....if I made a mistake, correct me.....or just stfu
I don't do the same for Democrats. What ever are you talking about, dear? Do you even read somone's posts before shooting from the hip like that?

But you do....regularly just can't defend Clinton in most cases....only because, like it or not, .... facts are facts
Bush didnt serve, all lies.

Now Thingy....why don't you call out Rana.....this is an outright lie....even you must admit that.....
Don't add or subtract to the post.....just address EXACTLY what she posted.....

Rana is a liar....plain and simple.
I think bravo is part of Bush's family or something. He makes arguments for Bush that even Bush doesn't make.

He adores the man, for whatever reason.

Like WHAT.....exactly WHAT the fuck are you accusing me up you little've got a problem, lets air it out.....

Did I make a mistake about Bush and the TNG.....was he not a Lt.....did he fly jet fighters....wasn't he a pilot ?

Thats about the total of the claims I made about Bush...
One of the weirdest things about this site to me is how the righties here react to bravo. Never a peep about his extreme hackery - once in awhile they'll even defend him (like here).

They really have that lockstep thing down.

pot/ never say boo about anyone the left :pke:

you really have no self awareness

anytime someone defends bush you immediately go into troll mode and dishonestly claim they love him. you're boring and so is your schtick.
says the dumbass fucktard who calls men with guns when his home is broken in to and his family is attacked.

Can you translate that to English?

A case can be made that Bush dodged ' can't prove anything but you can lie or spin what little you've heard from his enemies....

as for Clinton, he has no case to make...he IS a draft dodger...joined ROTC in a act of desperation and then refused to report for that and the quote that he "abhorred the military" is accurate...

Cheney got student deferments, absolutely and a hardship exemption....

Each case is different .... its only pinheads that continue to paint everyone with a broad brush ....

Yes, they are different, and I fault noone for honestly getting out of going to Vietnam. I do fault Bush who used his daddy's connections to buy his way out of the war and I do commend Clinton for his refreshing candor and honesty regarding the situation. This is from the letter he sent to his ROTC commander:

After I signed the ROTC letter of intent I began to wonder whether the compromise I had made with myself was not more objectionable than the draft would have been, because I had no interest in the ROTC program in itself and all I seemed to have done was to protect myself from physical harm. Also, I began to think I had deceived you, not by lies - there were none - but by failing to tell you all the things I'm writing now. I doubt that I had the mental coherence to articulate them then. At that time, after we had made our agreement and you had sent my 1 - D deferment to my draft board, the anguish and loss of self-regard and self-confidence really set in. I hardly slept for weeks and kept going by eating compulsively and reading until exhaustion brought sleep. Finally on September 12th, I stayed up all night writing a letter to the chairman of my draft board, saying basically what is in the preceding paragraph, thanking him for trying to help me in a case where he really couldn't, and stating that I couldn't do the ROTC after all and would he please draft me as soon as possible.

I never mailed the letter, but I did carry it on me every day until I got on the plane to return to England. I didn't mail the letter because I didn't see, in the end, how my going in the Army and maybe going to Vietnam would achieve anything except a feeling that I had punished myself and gotten what I deserved. So I came back to England to try to make something of this second year of my Rhodes scholarship.

I could see Dubya's letter (if he could write a legible sentence)

"I don't have to go to Vietnam because my Daddy's rich and influential and he paid my way out of it!"
But you do....regularly just can't defend Clinton in most cases....only because, like it or not, .... facts are facts

My fave thing about this answer is that there is no attempt to deny that you defend Bush no matter what - the only justfication you seem to be able to offer is that "everyone does it" for whoever they support.

Clinton was a great Prez, and the '90's were America's last great decade, but I still have issues w/ his Presidency & some of his policies, particularly on foreign policy. I have never shied away from criticizing him. I've started threads asking people like Pelosi & Reid to step down, and have criticized Obama much more on this site than I've praised him.

That's why I took some issues w/ STY. I'm nothing like you. All you do here is carry water.
PH 1
According to the vets’ account, Kerry, Navy Lt. William Schachte, and an enlisted man were on a whaler.
“Seeing movement from an unknown source, the sailors opened fire on the movement,” the letter says. “There was no hostile fire. When Kerry’s rifle jammed, he picked up an M-79 grenade launcher and fired a grenade at a nearby object. This sprayed the boat with shrapnel from Kerry’s own grenade, a tiny piece of which embedded in Kerry’s arm.”
Upon examining Kerry’s injury, Dr. Lewis Letson says he asked Kerry why he was there.
Kerry reportedly told him he had been wounded by hostile fire. Letson removed the tiny fragment with tweezers and placed a Band-Aid over the scratch.

PH 2
Kerry claims the injury came from shrapnel from an underwater mine, Larry Thurlow, an officer on shore with Kerry that day, insists the wound was the result of Kerry’s decision to throw a concussion grenade into a rice pile. The “shrapnel,” he says, was actually rice pellets.
As further evidence, the vets say, Kerry himself reflected in his own journal that his buttocks’ wound came, not from a mine but, rather, from a grenade tossed into a rice cache.

PH3 & Bronze Star
As to the daring rescue discussed in the documentary video shown to the nation at the Democratic convention, the vets say the rescue was well under way under the leadership of others when Kerry returned to the scene where Special Forces soldier Jim Rassman was plucked out of the water. Eyewitnesses have signed affidavits explaining when Kerry returned, there was no more hostile fire. He just merely leaned over the boat and assisted Rassman out of the water.

“Kerry’s account of this action, which was used to secure the Bronze Star and a third Purple Heart, is an extraordinary example of fraud”


With Sen. John Kerry's confirmation hearing as secretary of state scheduled for January 24, media reports will likely invoke the coordinated 2004 campaign to "Swift Boat" Kerry. While the smears from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) have long-since fallen apart under scrutiny, Jerome Corsi, one of the masterminds behind the campaign, is revisiting his old attacks.
A look at Corsi's "reporting" during the 2008 campaign and Obama's presidency confirms what quickly became clear during his efforts to hamstring Kerry's presidential run: he has utterly no credibility and his alleged reporting should not be taken seriously by media outlets.

Prior to the 2004 election, with the backing of major Republican donors, Vietnam veteran John O'Neill co-founded SBVT in an attempt to derail Kerry's presidential bid by casting doubt on his military service. The group launched a series of dishonest ads in August of that year, accompanied by Unfit for Command, a book co-authored by O'Neill and Corsi. In its review of Unfit for Command in October 2004, The New York Times explained that while the book was filled with "discredited," "faulty" and "totally unconvincing" claims, if Kerry's presidential bid were to fail, the tome would "go down as a chief reason."

When the book was released, co-author Corsi was practically unknown in political circles. He was a regular poster at conservative message board Free Republic and worked at a financial marketing group. After Media Matters highlighted a series of offensive comments he had made at Free Republic -- including calling Muslims "ragheads" and "boy buggers" and labeling Hillary Clinton a "fat hog" -- Unfit for Command co-author John O'Neill repeatedly tried to distance himself from Corsi to tamp down the controversy. While O'Neill tried to claim Corsi merely helped edit Unfit for Command, Corsi was listed as co-author on the book jacket and promotional materials for the book touted his involvement in co-writing it.
Nah...that would be Clinton the admitted draft dodger that 'abhored' the military, and chickenshit Obama along with just about his entire inner circle.

Lt. Bush was a jet fighter pilot in the ANG and Capt. Rumsfeld was fighter pilot in the US Navy and Cheney was busy having heart attacks...

bush, ROTFL. Sneaking into the National Guard and spending his time snorting blow and getting DUIs like a good citizen.
A case can be made that Bush dodged ' can't prove anything but you can lie or spin what little you've heard from his enemies....

as for Clinton, he has no case to make...he IS a draft dodger...joined ROTC in a act of desperation and then refused to report for that and the quote that he "abhorred the military" is accurate...

Cheney got student deferments, absolutely and a hardship exemption....

Each case is different .... its only pinheads that continue to paint everyone with a broad brush ....

Sorry to burst your bubble but Clinton got student deferments just like cheney. Not as many, though.
Nah...that would be Clinton the admitted draft dodger that 'abhored' the military, and chickenshit Obama along with just about his entire inner circle.

Lt. Bush was a jet fighter pilot in the ANG and Capt. Rumsfeld was fighter pilot in the US Navy and Cheney was busy having heart attacks...
Bush was absent for most of his Air Nat. Guard requirements. Rummy was a flight trainer, as part of his required (peacetime) service for ROTC requirements.

Did either Clinton or Obama start unnecessary wars?

Can you say the same for the two chickenhawks you know so little about?