Bill Maher Left An Obamacare Hater Speechless With One Question

How so?....explain that stupid remark.....Republicans had NOTHING to say about the bill, no input at all, and not even one Republican voted for it.....

So tell us.....what did Republicans have to do with 60 year-old people having coverage for maternity ???

Up yours.

You can't speak to me with civility, you don't get answers to your questions.
Compromise would mean the Dems gave a little bit in exchange for Republican votes when drafting the bill.

What exactly did the Dems concede to?

What did the Republicans add to the bill?

And how many Republican votes did this process of compromise result in?

The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein has noted that the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks. To mention just a few:

Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do

Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower healthcare costs

End junk lawsuits

Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines

Just four of the HUNDREDS of compromises made by Democrats to satisfy Republicans.

I don't expect any of the partisan Rightie hacks here to accept what's written right in front of them, but they have to understand the proof they are lying is just a google search away.
The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein has noted that the final Democratic proposals have contained multiple GOP planks. To mention just a few:

Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do

Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower healthcare costs

End junk lawsuits

Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines

Just four of the HUNDREDS of compromises made by Democrats to satisfy Republicans.

I don't expect any of the partisan Rightie hacks here to accept what's written right in front of them, but they have to understand the proof they are lying is just a google search away.

Putting lipstick on this pig ain't gonna make a difference, zippy......nice try though.
When was anybody carrying group insurance allowed to use a line-item veto for everything they didn't want?

Answer: never.

And yet, wouldn't reasonable reform have provided for some take on such? Reform was never taken into account with this monstrosity, it was all about 'government knowing what's best.' Once again, it failed.
And yet, wouldn't reasonable reform have provided for some take on such? Reform was never taken into account with this monstrosity, it was all about 'government knowing what's best.' Once again, it failed.

And if Republicans had attempted some meaningful compromise instead of simply stamping their feet demanding they get what they want, then maybe we'd have gotten the "reasonable reform" you mention.

Unfortunately, it was more important to partisan Righties to shut down any attempt at reform by Obama.
And if Republicans had attempted some meaningful compromise instead of simply stamping their feet demanding they get what they want, then maybe we'd have gotten the "reasonable reform" you mention.

Unfortunately, it was more important to partisan Righties to shut down any attempt at reform by Obama.

That's bullshit from the get go and you won't often see me post the word. Republicans were rooted in opposing issues such as mandated participation, abortions and birth control in all policies, as well as all policies mandated to include as many requirements as passed.

In actuality, these were the very issues that are now killing the implementation, once we get by the 'technical glitches' in a month or years.

Bottom line, it should have been bi-partisan from the get go, with the assumption that the minority party likely was making good points. I grant you that likely even today we might not have had a bill, much less a law, but real reform must be just that. This isn't that.

From an article of the time, when the political decision was made to let the 'honeymoon' force the bill:
:cof1: No other comments necessary.

"Matt Welch, Tea Party “darling”, libertarian pundit, and editor-in-chief of Reason Magazine, was left squirming, laughing nervously, and reaching for his coffee cup when Bill Maher interrupted one of his lie-filled anti-Obamacare diatribes with a piercing question.

While attempting to make the point that Obamacare is a “one-size-fits-all” way that won’t solve the problem of providing access to affordable healthcare to the 14 million previously uninsured Americans, Maher stepped in and asked a question that obliterated his rehearsed lie and left him nervously admitting “that’s a good question.”

How is Matt Welch an Obama Hater? Is this another of your strawman claims similar to the moronic leftist talking points that of one does not agree with Obamas agenda, one must be racist?
Partisan Righties claim Republicans made NO CONTRIBUTIONS to the ACA.

I proved them wrong.

Nothing in the petty bullshit list would be there if the majority party didn't want it...and none of those items have anything to
do with the cluster fuck that IS Obamacare....
All of those so called contributions were called for back when Hillary was pushing for her version of healthcare...
and not even one Rep. voted for this pig....they weren't contributions, they were issues the R's choose not to fight and agreed to.
Because Republicans were told how to vote by Party Leadership and like the good jackbooted thugs they are, they did just that.

What you really mean is that the Democrats were told how to vote by Obama and like good jackass thugs, with total power and control of the gov. did just that....

before anyone could even read and try to understand the 2000+ pages of legislation.

"you gotta pass it to know whats in it"...??? Thats reality.
Because Republicans were told how to vote by Party Leadership and like the good jackbooted thugs they are, they did just that.

Was that like Democrats who were told how to vote by party leadership and like the good jackbooted thugs they are, passed ACA along straight party lines?

I used to think that you were merely stupid, but you take stupid to epic proportions. I'm thinking you're mildly retarded with the shit stain of stupid.

Nothing in the petty bullshit list would be there if the majority party didn't want it...and none of those items have anything to
do with the cluster fuck that IS Obamacare....
All of those so called contributions were called for back when Hillary was pushing for her version of healthcare...
and not even one Rep. voted for this pig....they weren't contributions, they were issues the R's choose not to fight and agreed to.

Nice try moving those goalposts.

Y-O-U claimed Democrats made NO COMPROMISES with Republicans and I proved you wrong by listing SEVERAL of the REPUBLICAN compromises that Democrats accepted and added to the Bill.
Y-O-U claimed Democrats made NO COMPROMISES with Republicans and I proved you wrong by listing SEVERAL of the REPUBLICAN compromises that Democrats accepted and added to the Bill.

Y-O-U did no such thing. You reposted talking points from a lefty.

Did a Republican have any input to the bill in Committee?

Did a Republican sponsor the bill?

Did any Republican amendments make it to Obamas desk?

Only a single Republican in the House voted in favor.

No Republican Senator voted for the bill.

Negotiations to reconcile the House and Senate bills stalled in Congress after Scott Brown (R-MA) won late Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) vacant Senate seat in Jan. 2010, causing Senate Democrats to lose their Republican filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats.

On Feb. 22, 2010 Obama unveiled his own proposal bridging the Senate and House health care bills, placing pressure on the House.

House Democrats advanced the their amendments to HR 3590 as a new budget reconciliation bill, which is a form of legislation that requires only a simple majority and not a supermajority of 60 votes in the Senate to be approved.

On Mar. 21, 2010 the House approved the Senate's bill (HR 3590) in a 219-212 vote and passed the House's amendments to HR 3590 as the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HR 4872) in a 220-211 vote.

The Reconciliation Act made financing and revenue changes to HR 3590, while modifying higher education assistance financing.

No Republican in the House voted for either HR 3590 or the reconciliation bill.

Faced with the prospect of defeat of health care reform, the Democrats eventually settled on a strategy whereby the House of Representatives would pass the Senate version of the bill, thereby making it law, and then immediately pass a bill amending (“fixing”) the legislation that it would send to the Senate.

Abortion once again threatened to derail the legislation, since Stupak and a group of pro-life Democrats objected to the Senate language on abortion, but Obama intervened by pledging to issue an executive order clarifying that federal money could not be used to provide abortions.

Stupak and 218 other Democrats gave final approval to the Senate version of the bill on March 21 in an atmosphere that was often heated both inside and outside the House chamber; all Republicans, including Cao, opposed the Senate bill.

The package of “fixes” then passed the House 220–211 and was subsequently approved by the Senate and again by the House, because provisions related to student loans were stripped as a rules violation. The PPACA was signed into law by Obama on March 23, along with the fixes bill on March 30.

Obama issued Executive Order 13535 on Mar. 24, 2010, to ensure that federal funds would not be used for abortion services, consistent with the Hyde Amendment, as he had promised anti-abortion Democrats.
