Bill Maher Left An Obamacare Hater Speechless With One Question

Well for starters is the one item the brain dead base keeps bitching about. The universal mandate. Democrats originally wanted a single payer system. They compromised with the GOP on the universal mandate.

Grassley-ObamaCare-regulations.jpg now there are 11,000?
I don't know. In the video Bill Maher says 2000 pages. Is he wrong?

Does it matter?

Why such a long tangent away from the original subject?
No...Maher didn't say it was 2000 pages. He told the bagger that all he ever does is complain about 2000 pages. It seems the page number took on a life of its own in this thread.

And still, nobody knows why that claim is moronic?
No...Maher didn't say it was 2000 pages. He told the bagger that all he ever does is complain about 2000 pages. It seems the page number took on a life of its own in this thread.

And still, nobody knows why that claim is moronic?

Nor does anybody really care. This tangent is a distraction from the original point of the discussion; that Obamacare is indeed "one size fits all."
If you had a single shred of honesty you'd admit the repubs don't give a shit about reforming health care in this country, and never did. So of course they didn't vote for it.

If you had a single shred of honesty you wouldn't be the prolific liar you are. Republicans have a lot of better ideas for healthcare reform. Just because you are too stupid and partisan to comprehend them doesn't make them non-existent.

But alas, you are an incredibly stupid rabid hyper partisan dimwit; how can one expect you to comprehend the obvious.
How many times are you going to lie about the law being 2000 pages?

I know it will be a waste of time asking a dimwit this question, but here goes; why do you think a really bad poorly written law of 906 pages passed by idiot Democrats who didnt know what was in the bill is better than a really bad poorly written law of 2,000 pages passed by idiot Democrats who didn't know what was in the bill?

It's still a massive pile of stinking crap that only dimwitted brain dead partisan asshats can gleefully wallow in.
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Yup...that's the political risk for both parties. Democrats own it. Even though most of the ideas are market based ideas which originated with previous Republican administration. The PP&ACA was passed through congress without a single Republican vote.

and that's the risk...if the ACA works and becomes popular...and it is already starting to do so, then Democrats will own that. If it flops, then they will still own it.

The GOP opposition is almost solely politically based on that they expect it to succeed and Dems will own it and not them.

There is nothing "market based" where there are MANDATES, TAXES and FINES involved. One has to be an incredibly ignorant dimwit to make such a claim.

"Market based" does not require the COERCION of the law. They are VOLUNTARY.
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That's what was truly amazing about the ACA...the Dems gave the GOP just about every compromise they asked for...and then they still voted against. Does that tell you what the GOP's opposition to healh care reform is really about?

This is a moronic claim; Republicans were completely shut out of the legislation and didn't vote for it. Why do you feel compelled to continually lie about this? Because you are THAT repugnantly stupid?