Bill Maher Left An Obamacare Hater Speechless With One Question

Well, no. You're either a moron, or you agree with those posts. Which is it?

This coming from a moron who thinks that less pages make this pile of legislative excrement more palatable and justified.

You really are a brain dead hyper partisan moron aren't you?
This coming from a moron who thinks that less pages make this pile of legislative excrement more palatable and justified.

You really are a brain dead hyper partisan moron aren't you?
Well, no. No I don't. But those who are willing to wait to see how ACA plays out, never reference the number of pages in the law.

Those who whine about it, often cite the 2000 page lie, as if that means something.

Now start from the beginning of the thread, and see who seems to be obsessed with the number of pages in the law.
There is nothing "market based" where there are MANDATES, TAXES and FINES involved. One has to be an incredibly ignorant dimwit to make such a claim.

"Market based" does not require the COERCION of the law. They are VOLUNTARY.
There is very little in this country that is truly market based. The govt. often foots the bill for R&D, and in the case of power generation...actually foots the bill for construction of power plants.

Couple that with tax incentives for businesses, and the real winner....Socialized losses....and your call for some fantasy 'market' is laughable.

We now demand that insurance companies accept those with preexisting conditions. In exchange, we guarantee them that everyone will be required to purchase insurance, so that everyone doesn't simply wait to get sick, and then sign up.

The theory of market based rates, refers only to the fact that the entire industry was invited to bid for a spot on the exchanges. It should lower rates, as more competition is created.

What we're going to see, is a number of insurers waiting a year or so, in order to let the high risk demographic purchase insurance. Then, they'll offer rates that will attract the younger, healthier demographic.
The govt. often foots the bill for R&D,

No, they don't.

The companies pay for R&D, which is a tax deduction. So a piece of it is deducted from their tax bill.

But again, the discussion is dragged far afield from the "one size fits all" complaint.
Now start from the beginning of the thread, and see who seems to be obsessed with the number of pages in the law.

You're the one who made an issue of it.

If it has 11,000 pages of regulations, it's worse than the 2,000 page Act itself. Dontcha think?
Well, no. No I don't. But those who are willing to wait to see how ACA plays out, never reference the number of pages in the law.

Those who whine about it, often cite the 2000 page lie, as if that means something.

Now start from the beginning of the thread, and see who seems to be obsessed with the number of pages in the law.

You mean starting with Mr. Daft on post #2?
Well, no. No I don't. But those who are willing to wait to see how ACA plays out, never reference the number of pages in the law.

Those who whine about it, often cite the 2000 page lie, as if that means something.

Now start from the beginning of the thread, and see who seems to be obsessed with the number of pages in the law.

Apparently you appear to be just as obsessed dimwit. The reason others are making a point about how many pages this abomination contains is that it is illustrative of the mess this law is and passed by morons in the Democratic Party who proclaimed that we would all find out what is contained in this massive legislation once it is passed.

Now most rational and intelligent human beings would be shocked by the stupidity contained in such arguments; but not you brain dead Obamamaniacs who desperately defend the incredible incompetence of this empty suit.

Bottom line; it doesn’t matter if it is 900 pages or 2,000 pages, the legislation is a mess, it is a joke and it is choking the life out of this economy. Only complete idiots can continue to support it.
There is very little in this country that is truly market based. The govt. often foots the bill for R&D,

Bullshit; you apparently are clueless about how the real world works.

…..and in the case of power generation...actually foots the bill for construction of power plants.

Bullshit; the only time Government foots the bill, aka the taxpayers, is if the utility is run by the City or the State. Otherwise, the cost of construction is born by the individuals who buy the service from the utility company.

This is another incredibly uninformed claim from a low information voter trying to defend Obamanomics.

Couple that with tax incentives for businesses, and the real winner....Socialized losses....and your call for some fantasy 'market' is laughable.

Once again, a clueless response from someone who doesn’t know how the free market works. Your claims ignore the fact that companies do not exist unless they provide a service or product the public demands and wants.

Tax incentives are merely used to encourage businesses to develop in certain areas to increase tax payer bases through employment. Something that apparently is above yours and Obama‘s comprehension levels. This doesn’t make them socialist dimwit.

We now demand that insurance companies accept those with preexisting conditions. In exchange, we guarantee them that everyone will be required to purchase insurance, so that everyone doesn't simply wait to get sick, and then sign up.

Who is this “we” you speak of? It can’t be the consumers; they never made such a demand. You must mean the Government which is FORCING Insurance companies to provide services at a BELOW market cost with the PROMISE of more customers in the future through FORCE of law and penalties.

This has NOTHING to do with markets. Only idiots can make such a claim.

The theory of market based rates, refers only to the fact that the entire industry was invited to bid for a spot on the exchanges.

Insurance companies were not invited to bid; they either bid or lost their market. This is through Government force and has NOTHING to do with markets.

It should lower rates, as more competition is created.

As a result of this law, there will be LESS competition as only the largest of firms can comply with the complexity of these regulations under this law. This will mean fewer providers and the fact that the costs of running these plans will increase, the costs to those paying into these plans and tax increases needed to subsidize the poor will go up.

What we're going to see, is a number of insurers waiting a year or so, in order to let the high risk demographic purchase insurance. Then, they'll offer rates that will attract the younger, healthier demographic.

This is pure nonsense. What is and will be happening is that there will be fewer players in the field and gradual increase in costs for EVERYONE.

You cannot add 30 million uninsured to the insurance rolls with no cost. Who do you think is going to pay for all the coverage that the Government is subsidizing?

Again, you and many others like you have a real dimwitted view of the world; but the Democratic Party needs dimwits like you in order to elect inexperienced, inept Socialists like Obama and Pelosi. Thinking people could never elect such morons.