
Bill is such a cool guy. I've always liked him. Have probably been posting with him in various places for between 10-20 years. He's good people.

Then ... you should know.
1. Bill lives south of Sacramento.
2. Bill lives east of Vallejo.
3. Yes, Bill lives south of Sacramento and east of Vallejo.
Definitely a Rule Violation. 24 hours at a minimum.

no. we don't usually ban for people going around threadbans unless they continually ignore mod requests and do it deliberately. teflon uses tapatalk which doesn't inform one that they are banned and doesn't prevent one from posting, so there is no way of knowing. Even multiple mods have on many occasions accidently posted in a thread they were threadbanned from. if it happens now and then it's not a big deal. just move on with your life.
no. we don't usually ban for people going around threadbans unless they continually ignore mod requests and do it deliberately. teflon uses tapatalk which doesn't inform one that they are banned and doesn't prevent one from posting, so there is no way of knowing. Even multiple mods have on many occasions accidently posted in a thread they were threadbanned from. if it happens now and then it's not a big deal. just move on with your life.

And yet you censor my comments when he forgets my name from his censorship list.
no. we don't usually ban for people going around threadbans unless they continually ignore mod requests and do it deliberately. teflon uses tapatalk which doesn't inform one that they are banned and doesn't prevent one from posting, so there is no way of knowing. Even multiple mods have on many occasions accidently posted in a thread they were threadbanned from. if it happens now and then it's not a big deal. just move on with your life.

I'll have to check with Blue Team Mod, Phantasmal. This could be another 'Cover-Up' by Red Team. (?)
He is probably enjoying life. Taking advantage of the nature around him. Would like to hear he is ok though!
He is probably enjoying life. Taking advantage of the nature around him. Would like to hear he is ok though!

Yep, smart man choosing not to be on here 24/7. Dude has taken breaks from the board before. Nothing wrong with that.
He is probably enjoying life. Taking advantage of the nature around him. Would like to hear he is ok though!

Yep, same here. He is I think, the only reasonable lefty on this board. Hes probably tired of being embarrassed by his fellow travelers, and I don't blame him one bit. These people have lost their fucking minds