Birth of Jesus - Christmas

Didn't A Prophet tell Cypress, YHWH is waiting for Cypress to take a single step in Faith? How hard is that?
Risk ,reward situation!

Hey, I know it is extremely common for believers of many stripes to not only worship but actually VALUE a God who plays that kind of game. Go in peace and enjoy your faith if it brings you comfort.

I should just shut up when I encounter a version of God that makes literally no sense to me. Sorry I butted in.
4th option: God impregnated Mary. Makes the most sense.
Then you would have to explain why Mary in Mark's gospel - which predates Luke and Mathew - doesn't seem to know Jesus is son of God. Mary and Jesus' siblings hear about his ministry and faith healings and seem to think Jesus has gone mad

If the angel Gabriel came to tell Mary the holy spirit would cause her to give birth to the Son of God, why does Mary seem to not understand who Jesus is in Mark's gospel?
Remember the bounds of the OP. The OP is predicated on the concept that if one is accepts that the Nativity narrative is, at it's heart, a real historical event but one doesn't believe in the supernatural aspect, the goal is to then created a version of the story that would, a prior, appear to be the Nativity narrative but without the supernatural stuff.

As such the supernatural things aren't really in consideration here for the purposes of this discussion.
#2 is supernatural
Then you would have to explain why Mary in Mark's gospel - which predates Luke and Mathew - doesn't seem to know Jesus is son of God.
An explanation would be that she wasn’t sure who the father was.

Mary and Jesus' siblings hear about his ministry and faith healings and seem to think Jesus has gone mad
To declare that he was King of the Jews would give that idea serious consideration.
Especially knowing if that got back to Caesar he’d be executed.

If the angel Gabriel came to tell Mary the holy spirit would cause her to give birth to the Son of God, why does Mary seem to not understand who Jesus is in Mark's gospel?
Because no angel told Mary anything.