So even the 5% is a guesstimate?
The majority of black murders were perpetrated by males between 15-60... okay that sounds likely. Then that makes them responsible for what percentage of total murders? 27% would fit that criteria. You just left the 50% hanging there and contrasted it against the 5%. While it is true they are responsible for a disproportionate number of murders it is significantly less than 50% of all murders.
They are also disproportionately represented in the numbers of murder victims.
I don't agree that the problem is primarily due to the fact we are not educating young black males. About what? It's not because of songs from Jay-Z either. That's fing stupid and assumes that young black males are completely irrational and without much free will.
The problem is related to the fact that gangs in many of these neighborhoods are the best way to protect yourself from violence and crime. We can fix that by getting them to rely on police, but we need to address the problems of racism within various police departments and other problems that have prevented the black community from trusting the police. IMO, we also need to get rid of laws that criminalize victimless acts which are inherently more likely to be enforced in arbitrary and prejudicial fashion and provide a lucrative way to finance criminal activity.
The black community rightly views the DA, police and government, in general, as enemies because those actors have a loooooong history of using blacks as scapegoats. The racists on this board are still doing it. When that stops and impoverished blacks can feel safe in relying on the police and government to protect their interests, the gang culture and the violence associated with it will likely fade away.