Black On White Crime Is Enormous, Happens Every Day, But It'sTaboo to Discuss.

This is a quoted post, from Howard, that seems to be an example of how the liberals feel about the topic matter:

Post #16
Quote Originally Posted by Howey View Post

We never know when it's white on white murder or even more, white on black because the race isn't ever made known.

Meanwhile, y'all let me know when the numbers equal the 40-60 million blacks killed by whites during our slavery days.

Retribution FTW!

Then Poet decided to go and find an OP that he thinks is a fact:

Since he can't refute the matter at hand, he just decides to resort to insults:
You really are the lowest life form imaginable.

Poet then decides to continue to rely on an OP:

Taichi then decides to just talk BS, instead of attempting to refute the matter:
Notice that this jackass cannot produce ONE iota of facts from either the Department of Justice or the FBI to back up his rants. Typical of a David Duke wanna-be.

Poet decides to follow Taichi's example:
The truth is not racist. What you're proposing as the truth, isn't. Duh. Who compiled the statistics? It certainly wasn't any black people that we know of.

Poet now decides to just stick with spewing BS, instead of any legitimate information to refute the discussion:
Sorry, but those figures are bogus. They were compiled by white people with an further demonize black people.

Instead of providing something of substance, he just demands that someone else do it.
Why is it that when intellectually impotent bigots like you are challenged to provide valid, documented FACTS to back up your bluster, all you do is just blow more smoke?

When either you or that other jackass can provide FACTS from the FBI or Justice Dept. to back up your bilge, let me know. Until then, I'll just laugh at your fussing and fuming.

Another example of Poet being unable to refute anything.
Lies. Stats compiled by white people to demonize black people.

The sad part about this, is someone once mentioned that Poet used to be able to actually carry on a conversation; but it seems that his race baiting attitude has made him impotent.

The begs the question of why those who refuse to accept what was offered, aren't able to provided legitimate information that would refute it?
This is a quoted post, from Howard, that seems to be an example of how the liberals feel about the topic matter:

Post #16
Quote Originally Posted by Howey View Post

We never know when it's white on white murder or even more, white on black because the race isn't ever made known.

Meanwhile, y'all let me know when the numbers equal the 40-60 million blacks killed by whites during our slavery days.

Retribution FTW!

Then Poet decided to go and find an OP that he thinks is a fact:

Since he can't refute the matter at hand, he just decides to resort to insults:

Poet then decides to continue to rely on an OP:

Taichi then decides to just talk BS, instead of attempting to refute the matter:

Poet decides to follow Taichi's example:

Poet now decides to just stick with spewing BS, instead of any legitimate information to refute the discussion:

Instead of providing something of substance, he just demands that someone else do it.

Another example of Poet being unable to refute anything.

The sad part about this, is someone once mentioned that Poet used to be able to actually carry on a conversation; but it seems that his race baiting attitude has made him impotent.

The begs the question of why those who refuse to accept what was offered, aren't able to provided legitimate information that would refute it?

Liberals deny that there is any kind of black on white crime problem let alone a serious one which there is, then will justify black on white crime which according to them doesn't exist in the same breath as being black rage against white oppression. So which is it? In a civilized society, criminal behavior is treated equally before justice which is blind but liberals have removed the blind fold from justice and have made whites necessary targets by black thugs.

Blacks are an oppressed victim group of whites and will remain as such. This is a very, very important justification for the progressive mindset and governmental assistance to the ever persecuted blacks while whites remain targeted in their own neighborhoods and in society as oppressors by race and they have no room to complain about it regardless of how many of their own loved ones are the victims.
Bullshit, wimp. You will not post anything because you know it will only prove my point. Conservatives have been a part of this if they have not led the charge. Police militarization is a product of the drug war and the war on terror.

You're right about police militarization is a product of the drug war and the war on terror. Democrat and republican politicians are guilty of trading liberty and giving us the police state we're in.
That is your response? Weak. Many of the actions that lead to police militarization were taken or passed by Republican administrations. Conservatives have clearly supported it.

Dem administrations are just as guilty. You won't see them lift a finger to reverse it.
Post your proof or go away!

I have. Can't you read? Numerous pieces of legislation and government acts were listed in the article.

Here is some more for you, chickenshit.

The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 brought new funding, equipment, and a more active drug-policing role for paramilitary police units across the country. Reagan’s new offensive in the War on Drugs involved a more confrontational, militaristic approach to combating the drug supply, a policy enthusiastically embraced by Congress.25 During the next 10 years, with prodding from the White House, Congress paved the way to widespread military-style policing by carving yawning drug war exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act, the Civil War–era law prohibiting the use of the military for civilian policing. These new exceptions allowed nearly unlimited sharing of drug interdiction intelligence, training, tactics, technology, and weaponry between the Pentagon and federal, state, and local police departments.

The first of these exemptions was the Military Cooperation with Law Enforcement Act, passed in 1981.26 This wide-reaching legislation encouraged the military to give local, state, and federal police access to military bases, research, and equipment for drug interdiction. It also authorized the military to train civilian police officers to use the newly available equipment, and not only encouraged the military to share drug-war–related information with civilian police but authorized the military to take an active role in preventing drugs from entering the country.

In 1986, President Reagan issued a National Security Decision Directive, which declared drugs a threat to U.S. “national security.” The directive allowed for yet more cooperation between local, state, and federal law enforcement and the military.
In 1989, President Bush created a series of regional task forces within the Department of Defense, charged with facilitating cooperation between the military and
domestic police forces.
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Your are stubborn beggar and no mistake, the figure in Wiki come from the DOJ. Are you saying that they are wrong? The whites figure, by the way, includes Hispanics. Blacks comprise 13% of the US population hence men are 6.5% of that total.

It's frustrating, isn't it, when no one really believes your position or your rantings and ravings, trying to imply that blacks commit the most crimes? It's a fairy tale....made up by disgruntled white people to paint blacks in a negative light. No one believes it but racist white people. Duh.