Boehner blinks!

Just reflecting on how much you all love the original constitution. Until you don't.
Except for slavery, Martin Luther King thought highly of the constitution.

Do you think the constitution is worthless because of the one bad thing in it?
I don't think you even understand what that quote means.


you don't really know what I know or what I think about that quote.

I do know that the president cannot spend a dime that has not been appropriated by congress, and any laws that require spending start in the house, are then passed by the senate, and signed by the president. I know that our national debt is not created by the president, or the house, or the senate independently. They all three hold hands and create it together. Defaulting on our national debt is unconstitutional, but republicans don't care.
you don't really know what I know or what I think about that quote.

I do know that the president cannot spend a dime that has not been appropriated by congress, and any laws that require spending start in the house, are then passed by the senate, and signed by the president. I know that our national debt is not created by the president, or the house, or the senate independently. They all three hold hands and create it together. Defaulting on our national debt is unconstitutional, but republicans don't care.

I thought that if the debt ceiling wasn't raised, the pres was the one to prioritize the spending of the money coming in to the gov't.

The only way we could default on our national debt is if the pres didn't prioritize, and pay the debt. There would still be plenty of money to pay it.
Except for slavery, Martin Luther King thought highly of the constitution.

Do you think the constitution is worthless because of the one bad thing in it?

I never said that.

What do you think about repubs ignoring their constitutional duty to fund the govt and pay its debts?
you don't really know what I know or what I think about that quote.

I do know that the president cannot spend a dime that has not been appropriated by congress, and any laws that require spending start in the house, are then passed by the senate, and signed by the president. I know that our national debt is not created by the president, or the house, or the senate independently. They all three hold hands and create it together. Defaulting on our national debt is unconstitutional, but republicans don't care.

Technically correct, but so dishonest and wrong....

The implication that poor Obama can't spend a dime unless R's ok it....yet its Obama that is DEMANDING that the debt limit be raised another trillion dollars....DEMANDING with
NO NEGOTIATION on his part....that is the threat that makes the defaulting on the national debt a scare tactic he can use....but then, in reality, the governments income
is more that enough to cover any danger of default...that scare is just a unrealistic threat. Actually, a lie.
Its akin to this weeks 'default' by not paying the benefits to the KIA's families....the R House passes a bill to solve the problem, the Senate refuses to consider it, and
pinheads still blame the R's......
Seems the R's will be blamed if they pass a bill or don't pass a just don't really matter.
Technically correct, but so dishonest and wrong....

The implication that poor Obama can't spend a dime unless R's ok it....yet its Obama that is DEMANDING that the debt limit be raised another trillion dollars....DEMANDING with
NO NEGOTIATION on his part....that is the threat that makes the defaulting on the national debt a scare tactic he can use....but then, in reality, the governments income
is more that enough to cover any danger of default...that scare is just a unrealistic threat. Actually, a lie.
Its akin to this weeks 'default' by not paying the benefits to the KIA's families....the R House passes a bill to solve the problem, the Senate refuses to consider it, and
pinheads still blame the R's......
Seems the R's will be blamed if they pass a bill or don't pass a just don't really matter.

Yes that po negra is just helpless
I never said that.

What do you think about repubs ignoring their constitutional duty to fund the govt and pay its debts?
Their constitutional duty is to listen to the people.

Our constitution was set up this way for this very reason. (something like Obamacare)

Plus, how many people do you think are calling their reps saying keep Obamacare. If there wasn't so many people calling,,, demanding them to get rid of it, this wouldn't be going on.

It's true, a huge number of americans don't want it(Period)
Right now, a lot of people are calling and writing their reps saying they want the govt opened with a clean CR. Why aren't the reps listening to them?
Because people like me are telling them to hold out for at least a delay in the mandate.

Now please tell me why people aren't calling their representatives in favor of Obamacare?
You could start by explaining how you feel the Republicans are not holding with Senator Wade's quote, or not in holding with the Constitution.

the day I even think about tap dancing to a tune you chose is the day I put a bullet in my brain.

You, on the other hand, could start by going and fucking yourself. How would that be?

The answer to your question is self evident, btw.
Boehner only needs a sufficient facesaver now. On the positive side, he has his large base of mainstream Republicans with him and they know it's in their best interest to help him get shod of the bagger element's influence. Cruz and company took on far too much far too soon.

It's over for the baggers and the sooner the R's make that happen then the better will be their chances of getting out of this mess with their shirts still on.
Let me ask a question: Will 're-examining' (Republican's word) Obamacare or even cancelling it SOLVE our debt problems? Our budget problems?

No. It is just Republicans doing as pointed out...attempting an end run around a law they dont like and holding America hostage while doing it.
how do you know they're not?
Well,,,, it's what I hear from reps all over the country, and this is such a bad law that I can't imagine a lot of people calling up saying they want it.

The real noticeable fact is the republicans are fighting to do something about it. When the truth is, most of them want it just as much as the dems. They surely don't want to make any waves to stop it. Risking their jobs.

Short answer, I call congressmen, and women all over the country. Why don't you try it.