Boomers are deeply mentally ill

You people are mentally ill, you're not in the right head. You shouldn't be making decisions and it's a tragedy that you're not gone yet. Something poisoned you're minds, you've completely lost it and are not complete human beings. I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure. I just can't wait for you guys to die as all, you can't believe how cringe it is to read your posts and have to pretend that I'm responding to an actual human being that supposedly is capable of making rational decisions. You're mentally ill. You're not well. Please don't vote this November. Stop participating in political discussions. Put your wealth in a trust and lend it to your kids or next in the line of secession who is not a fellow boomer. Quit your job so that a competent millennial can take your place. You are not capable of leading this nation. You are not well. You feel sick, I know it, you feel unwell. This is not because the world is unwell, stop trying to blame it on the world. The problem is you. You are flawed. You were a mistake. Your entire life was a mistake. Your existence is a mistake.

Stop. Give up. Cease the struggle. Go peacefully into that good night.

Cover up your ugly ass boy!

You people are mentally ill, you're not in the right head. You shouldn't be making decisions and it's a tragedy that you're not gone yet. Something poisoned you're minds, you've completely lost it and are not complete human beings. I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure. I just can't wait for you guys to die as all, you can't believe how cringe it is to read your posts and have to pretend that I'm responding to an actual human being that supposedly is capable of making rational decisions. You're mentally ill. You're not well. Please don't vote this November. Stop participating in political discussions. Put your wealth in a trust and lend it to your kids or next in the line of secession who is not a fellow boomer. Quit your job so that a competent millennial can take your place. You are not capable of leading this nation. You are not well. You feel sick, I know it, you feel unwell. This is not because the world is unwell, stop trying to blame it on the world. The problem is you. You are flawed. You were a mistake. Your entire life was a mistake. Your existence is a mistake.

Stop. Give up. Cease the struggle. Go peacefully into that good night.

Skidmark you Ritalin saturated defective. Get the fuck of my lawn...and take you pillowcase/girlfriend with you.
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You people are mentally ill, you're not in the right head. You shouldn't be making decisions and it's a tragedy that you're not gone yet. Something poisoned you're minds, you've completely lost it and are not complete human beings. I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure. I just can't wait for you guys to die as all, you can't believe how cringe it is to read your posts and have to pretend that I'm responding to an actual human being that supposedly is capable of making rational decisions. You're mentally ill. You're not well. Please don't vote this November. Stop participating in political discussions. Put your wealth in a trust and lend it to your kids or next in the line of secession who is not a fellow boomer. Quit your job so that a competent millennial can take your place. You are not capable of leading this nation. You are not well. You feel sick, I know it, you feel unwell. This is not because the world is unwell, stop trying to blame it on the world. The problem is you. You are flawed. You were a mistake. Your entire life was a mistake. Your existence is a mistake.

Stop. Give up. Cease the struggle. Go peacefully into that good night.

You people are mentally ill, you're not in the right head. You shouldn't be making decisions and it's a tragedy that you're not gone yet. Something poisoned you're minds, you've completely lost it and are not complete human beings. I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure. I just can't wait for you guys to die as all, you can't believe how cringe it is to read your posts and have to pretend that I'm responding to an actual human being that supposedly is capable of making rational decisions. You're mentally ill. You're not well. Please don't vote this November. Stop participating in political discussions. Put your wealth in a trust and lend it to your kids or next in the line of secession who is not a fellow boomer. Quit your job so that a competent millennial can take your place. You are not capable of leading this nation. You are not well. You feel sick, I know it, you feel unwell. This is not because the world is unwell, stop trying to blame it on the world. The problem is you. You are flawed. You were a mistake. Your entire life was a mistake. Your existence is a mistake.

Stop. Give up. Cease the struggle. Go peacefully into that good night.


We have made contact.

One step for man, One giant leap for ....
I just don’t understand why millennials have such antipathy towards Boomers. It’s not like we’re the one who raised them and fucked them up. Gen X’rs did that.

Better check your math on that one. Millennials came right after Gen X. Us Gen Xers are responsible for the little sh*thead Gen Z kids.
Better check your math on that one. Millennials came right after Gen X. Us Gen Xers are responsible for the little sh*thead Gen Z kids.

Oh no. Don’t foist those little miscreants off on us Boomers. It was you Gen X and Jones’s who did most of the damage you latch key SOB!

Just consider if you don’t remember Kennedy before his Welcome to Texas party you’re not a Boomer but a generation Jones
You're also 100% of the Fudds, I'm not too concerned.

fudds? What the hell are fudds??
You ever go to a gun range? Lots of boomers there. Old Viet Nam vets, hunters and target shooters who just liked the shooting sports since they were young. And most of the officers and caretakers of many gun ranges are Boomers. Are they not?
Says the guy who dry humps his waifu pillow because he can't get a girlfriend. Go Away...what is the word I'm looking's a word you little shitbirds use...oh yeah...

Go away incel.

He said that be finally had some sex. Shame she wasn't alive but sex is sex, right??
Oh no. Don’t foist those little miscreants off on us Boomers. It was you Gen X and Jones’s who did most of the damage you latch key SOB!

Just consider if you don’t remember Kennedy before his Welcome to Texas party you’re not a Boomer but a generation Jones

I’m in the middle of Gen X and for me to have the youngest possible Millennial it would have had to occurred when I was in college.

In fact my daughter isn’t even Gen Z she’s that young.
fudds? What the hell are fudds??
You ever go to a gun range? Lots of boomers there. Old Viet Nam vets, hunters and target shooters who just liked the shooting sports since they were young. And most of the officers and caretakers of many gun ranges are Boomers. Are they not?

Fucking google it you retarded Boomer. Can your generation ever work for a single fucking thing? Is the meaning of a single word too much for your minuscule intelligence to research?
Conversely if you were born in 55 your kids would be Gen X

I've seen Gen X described as 1965 - 1980. I'm sure that can be debated but if we use those numbers if you were born in 1955 you would have had to have a child by age 25 for them to be Gen X. Back then it wasn't uncommon for people to have kids younger but clearly many people had kids after the age 25 and thus would not have Gen X kids.