Boomers are deeply mentally ill

Oh no. Don’t foist those little miscreants off on us Boomers. It was you Gen X and Jones’s who did most of the damage you latch key SOB!

Just consider if you don’t remember Kennedy before his Welcome to Texas party you’re not a Boomer but a generation Jones

its all a crock......Millennials had no parents.......they were poured out of Satan's test tubes......
Fucking google it you retarded Boomer. Can your generation ever work for a single fucking thing? Is the meaning of a single word too much for your minuscule intelligence to research?

I worked my whole life for everything I have, punk. I'm retired.
Why should I have to look up your "ebonics," or whatever?
Just spit it out. You're smarter than us boomers, right?
Can you tell that twat that nobody buys into his schtick anymore, it's old and worn out!! Why doesn't he join Antifa?

dude, have you ever seen a ginger in a dewrag and mask?......

this is the closest I could find on google.....though WM wouldn't have looked this manly.....
I worked my whole life for everything I have, punk. I'm retired.
Why should I have to look up your "ebonics," or whatever?
Just spit it out. You're smarter than us boomers, right?

You didn't work for shit. You got out of high school, dumber than a stump, and declared you didn't need to learn a single thing ever again. You stopped growing at 18 and it shows. Consider hanging yourself from a free way overpass you useless Boomer scum.
Fucking google it you retarded Boomer. Can your generation ever work for a single fucking thing? Is the meaning of a single word too much for your minuscule intelligence to research?

You sound exactly like every grumpy, old, boomer I know. Exactly. Just pointing that out.
Quote Originally Posted by /MSG/ View Post
Fucking google it you retarded Boomer. Can your generation ever work for a single fucking thing? Is the meaning of a single word too much for your minuscule intelligence to research?

as guy who ran his own business for forty years to hear this from a guy who spent years in his father's basement because working a job that didn't match his expectations was beneath him, I find your comment is actually pretty know, in sort of a twisted, you are out of your fucking mind sort of way.......
as guy who ran his own business for forty years to hear this from a guy who spent years in his father's basement because working a job that didn't match his expectations was beneath him, I find your comment is actually pretty know, in sort of a twisted, you are out of your fucking mind sort of way.......

Has the lead poisoning gotten to the calcified spaghetti in your head again? The fuck are you talking about?
You didn't work for shit. You got out of high school, dumber than a stump, and declared you didn't need to learn a single thing ever again. You stopped growing at 18 and it shows. Consider hanging yourself from a free way overpass you useless Boomer scum.

Yep, Billy Barfly is back and meaner than ever.
You people are mentally ill, you're not in the right head. You shouldn't be making decisions and it's a tragedy that you're not gone yet. Something poisoned you're minds, you've completely lost it and are not complete human beings. I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure. I just can't wait for you guys to die as all, you can't believe how cringe it is to read your posts and have to pretend that I'm responding to an actual human being that supposedly is capable of making rational decisions. You're mentally ill. You're not well. Please don't vote this November. Stop participating in political discussions. Put your wealth in a trust and lend it to your kids or next in the line of secession who is not a fellow boomer. Quit your job so that a competent millennial can take your place. You are not capable of leading this nation. You are not well. You feel sick, I know it, you feel unwell. This is not because the world is unwell, stop trying to blame it on the world. The problem is you. You are flawed. You were a mistake. Your entire life was a mistake. Your existence is a mistake.

Stop. Give up. Cease the struggle. Go peacefully into that good night.

“I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of Democratic candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism.

I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook’s, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me.

We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times.

Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.

Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”

Never saw American prosperity. Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Now, I’m not attributing Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s words to outright dishonesty. I do think she whole-heartedly believes the words she said to be true. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided. My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let’s just say I didn’t have the popular opinion, but I digress.

Let me lay down some universal truths really quick. The United States of America has lifted more people out of abject poverty, spread more freedom and democracy, and has created more innovation in technology and medicine than any other nation in human history. Not only that but our citizenry continually breaks world records with charitable donations, the rags to riches story is not only possible in America but not uncommon, we have the strongest purchasing power on earth, and we encompass 25% of the world’s GDP.

The list goes on. However, these universal truths don’t matter. We are told that income inequality is an existential crisis (even though this is not an indicator of prosperity, some of the poorest countries in the world have low-income inequality), we are told that we are oppressed by capitalism (even though it’s brought about more freedom and wealth to the most people than any other system in world history), we are told that the only way we will acquire the benefits of true prosperity is through socialism and centralization of federal power (even though history has proven time and again this only brings tyranny and suffering).

Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity?

We have people who are dying to get into our country. People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they’ve never seen prosperity, and as a result, elect politicians dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism. Why?

The answer is this, my generation has ONLY seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn’t live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, or see the rise and fall of socialism and communism. We don’t know what it’s like not to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don’t have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it’s spreading like a plague.

With the current political climate giving rise to the misguided idea of a socialist utopia, will we see the light? Or will we have to lose it all to realize that what we have now is true prosperity? Destroying the free market will undo what millions of people have died to achieve.

My generation is becoming the largest voting bloc in the country. We have an opportunity to continue to propel us forward with the gifts capitalism and democracy has given us. The other option is that we can fall into the trap of entitlement and relapse into restrictive socialist destitution. The choice doesn’t seem too hard, does it?”

Alyssa Ahlgren

Thoughts from a hipster coffee shop… - Alpha News

Just sit down, say thank you, and then shut the fuck up.