Boomers are deeply mentally ill

I just don’t understand why millennials have such antipathy towards Boomers. It’s not like we’re the one who raised them and fucked them up. Gen X’rs did that.

no dumbass. boomers mostly raised millennials . genx raised very young millennials and zoomers.
You people are mentally ill, you're not in the right head. You shouldn't be making decisions and it's a tragedy that you're not gone yet. Something poisoned you're minds, you've completely lost it and are not complete human beings. I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure. I just can't wait for you guys to die as all, you can't believe how cringe it is to read your posts and have to pretend that I'm responding to an actual human being that supposedly is capable of making rational decisions. You're mentally ill. You're not well. Please don't vote this November. Stop participating in political discussions. Put your wealth in a trust and lend it to your kids or next in the line of secession who is not a fellow boomer. Quit your job so that a competent millennial can take your place. You are not capable of leading this nation. You are not well. You feel sick, I know it, you feel unwell. This is not because the world is unwell, stop trying to blame it on the world. The problem is you. You are flawed. You were a mistake. Your entire life was a mistake. Your existence is a mistake.

Stop. Give up. Cease the struggle. Go peacefully into that good night.

Boomers are just now getting a sense of how deeply we will be hated by our decedents in spite of our feelings that we are the bestest humans to ever walk the Earth.

We have well earned the hate.

Bigotry. Not all Boomers think they are the best people to ever walk the Earth. My descendants like me. A lot of kids on my street like me (and there are LOT of kids on my street!).
Greatest Generation will never be dethroned.

Which 'Greatest Generation' is that? Boomers? Civics? GenX? The generation that fought WW2 and went to the Moon? The generation that fought the so-called Civil War and abolished slavery? The generation that fought the Revolutionary War and founded our great nation?
Nintendo 64.

A lot of people like that console, but now it's history. Nintendo games like Breath of the Wild won't run on it. The Switch too, will become history someday, just as the Nintendo 64 and the Wii and the WiiU did. Just as the DS did, and just as the 3DS is now doing.

Nintendo, though, is not an U.S. company (though it has a U.S. branch, which did not develop these consoles). I am referring to generational cohorts in the United States. you think that a Nintendo gaming console is a bigger moment in history than abolishing slavery or traveling to the Moon?
A lot of people like that console, but now it's history. Nintendo games like Breath of the Wild won't run on it. The Switch too, will become history someday, just as the Nintendo 64 and the Wii and the WiiU did. Just as the DS did, and just as the 3DS is now doing.

Nintendo, though, is not an U.S. company (though it has a U.S. branch, which did not develop these consoles). I am referring to generational cohorts in the United States. you think that a Nintendo gaming console is a bigger moment in history than abolishing slavery or traveling to the Moon?

Given the failures that were the GameCube and Wii, it was nice to see the Switch come out. N64 will always be my favourite, though.

While console generations are incomparable to abolition and the lunar landing, I think the Greatest Generation that defeated Nazism and stood-up to Marxism, achieved civil rights, and survived the Depression is quite noteworthy.
I think it's lead personally but I'm not sure.
it's flouride in the drinking water!!

claims being made that children are overexposed to fluoride and that “there have now been 33 studies from China, Iran, India and Mexico that have reported an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ.”
“Studies by Jennifer Luke (2001) show that fluoride accumulates in the human pineal gland to very high levels,”
it's a commie PLOT I tell you!